
九年级Unit 1自编习题

 南山松林 2011-10-08

九年级英语上册Unit 1自编习题

  九年级Unit 1自编习题
1.The p(        ) of this word is very difficult.Can you help me?
2.Reading a(       ) is a very important way to learn English well.
3.I think of this problem d(        )from him.
4.You give me part of your homework. Your homework is not c(         ).
5. His good behavior i(       )me greatly.
6.You will not learn English well u(      )you work as hard as possible at it .
7.The f(        )between me and Jim has lasted for four years.
8.The s(      )should fight for his motherland.
1.I was (         )at the (           )news.(frustrate)
2.I am better at (     )(speak) English than (        )(write)English.
3.We must repair the bridge as soon as possible, which is a very (        )(challenge) task.
4. His working hard at English gave his teacher a deep (         ).(impress)
5.He has great trouble (      )(find) his lost watch.
6.He tried his best (      )(finish)the homework which his teacher asked him to do.
7.(       )(memorize)the words of pop songs helps a little.
8.(        )(watch) English movies isn’t a bad way because he can watch the actors (      )(say) the words.
9.He talked about something in English ,but ened up (      )(speak) in English.
10. I decided (     )(take) lots of grammer notes in every class.
11. I started to write my own original sentences (      )(use)the grammar I was learning.
12.I got an A this term.My teacher (       )(impress) greatly.
13.Worrying (      )our problems can affect how we do at school.
14.When we are angry, we are usually the ones (      )(affect).
1.The population of China adds (      )(      ) 1.4 billion.
2.If you add five (      )five, you will get ten.
3.I took his bag (      )mistake,so I must give it (       ) (      )him.
4.I mistook her (       )her twin sister,because they looked the same.
5.Can you find the solution (       )the problem?
6.Are you afraid (      )snakes? No,but I am not afraid (      )(catch) it by hand.
7.Please don’t laugh (     )those who are (      )trouble.
8.What’s the trouble (      )you? 7.You can look (      )the new words in the dictionary.
8.The doctor looked (      )him,and then told him that there was nothing wrong with him.
9.Looking (       )the window, he found several boys playing basketball on the playground.
10.His grandmother is good at making (     )interesting stories.
11.He knew he was wrong,and he did as much as possible to make (     )(      )his mistake.
12.Britain is made (     )(      )four kindoms,including England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland.
13.Her father regarded her (      )a pear(珍珠) in his hands.
14.Today I am (      )duty, so I have to stay and do the cleaning.
15.Eating egetables has a good influence (     )his health.
16.His mother was very angry (     )him (      )his terrible report card.
17As time went (     ),he got to know he was not as good as he thought.
18. I don’t agree (     )what you said.     19.Our friendship broke (      ) in the end.
20.The war between these two neighboring countries broke (       ),which lasted for ten years.
21.My bike broke (     )on my way to school and I had to walk to school.
22.Last night, a stranger broke (     ),which surprised me very much.
23.I study English (     ) listening to tapes.
24.He got excited (      )the good news that he had passed the end-of- year exam.
25.I often make mistakes (     )grammar and spelling.
26.I don’t have a partner to practice English (      ).
27.It wasn’t easy (     )me to understand the teacher.
28.Most people speak English (     )a second language.
29.English is used (      )the world (      )computers.
30.This room is used (     )our classroom (     )teaching English.
31.We can solve the problem (       )learning to forget.
32.He solved the problem (      )regarding problems (       )challenges.
33.Many students complains (      )me (       )their too much homework.
34.He is very strict (       )his son (       )his study.
35.I don’t know how to change these ‘problems’ (      )‘challenges’.
36.By comparing yourself (      ) other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible.
37.We should think (      )a problem (     ) a positive way.
1.犯错                      2.以后、随后                  3.害怕去做
4.嘲笑                      5.保守秘密                    6.记笔记
7.这个学期                  8.编对话                      9.查阅
10.(时间)消逝             11.尽力做                     12.突然中断
13.备考                     14.向老师求助                 15.做一份词汇列表
16.制作抽认卡               17.出声读                     18.我认为它是有帮助的。
19.参加英语俱乐部           20.和某人进行对话             21.对….变得兴奋
22.做关于…的调查           23.得到大量的训练             24.记一本英语笔记
25.使发音正确               26.首先                       27. 一开始
28.在课堂上发言             29.造完整的句子               30.学会遗忘
31.对某人生气               32.随着时间的消逝             33.和某人有分歧
34.持续很长时间             35.中断友谊                   
1.If you don’t know how to spell new words,look them (     )in a dictionary.
A over      B up        C for        Dout
2.The best way to improve your English is to (     )an English club.
A join      B take part in   C join in       Dattend
3.This kind of paper (        )very soft.A feels   B feel    C felt    D is felt
4.(      )do we deal with our problems? A What    B How      C Which    Dwhen
5.Do you have (        )to tell me ? 
A anything else  B else anything   C something else  Delse something
1.Our dream has been realized.=Our dream has (        ) (        ).
2.He is good at English.=He is a good English (         ).
3.How do you deal with the problem?=(      )do you (      )with the problem?
4.This is an easy question.=You can answer this question (       ).
5.I make friends with my classmates.=I develop (      ) (      )(       )my classmates.
6.I don’t know how I can pronounce the new words.=I don’t know how (     ) (     )the new words.
1、我认为理解那说话声是太难了。(使用形式主语 too…to)
3.我发现学习英语真的好容易。(find it +adj. +to do sth)
4.我们向三中的同学们询问有关学习英语的最好的方法。(to do 做后置定语)
5.他补充说,和朋友们进行对话一点帮助也没有。(add;have conversations with; not at all)
6.我不知道如何使用电脑。(疑问词+ to do)
7.你为什么不加入一个英语语言俱乐部来练习说英语。(why not;practice;join)
8.做大量的听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘诀之一。(one of;doing)
9.在老师的帮助下尽我们最大的努力解决我们教育中的每一个挑战是我们的责任。(with the help of;try one’s best;it’s our duty)
针对英语学习中的听说读写(listening,speaking,reading and writing)四大技能,各写出两条学习方法或学习建议。

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