
cleaning the room

 dove8english 2011-10-08
Dear diary
I moved to a new apartment last week. It was a mass! So I clearned it first. I swept and mopped the floors, then vaccumed the carpets. I was so tired that I went straight to bed. I worked hard during the week and didn't really have any time. I continued cleaning two days ago. I washed the dishes, did the laundry and ironed my clothes. Yesterday I went shopping(my friend helped me) and bought all the necessary little things for the house and also food. I had a housewarming party last night and my friends gave me a cat as a present. It was really sweet of them. This morning I had a breakfast comfortably in the clean kitchen for the first time and left happily for work.
Dear Diary
I moved to a new apartment last week. It was a mess! So I cleaned it first. I swept and mopped the floors, then vacuumed the carpets. I was so tired that I went straight to bed. I worked hard during the week and did't really have much time. I continued cleaning two days age. I washed the dishes, did the laundry and ironed my clothes. Yesterday I went shopping and bought all the necessary little things for the house and also food. I had a housewarming party last night and my friends gave me a cat as a present. It was really sweet of them. This morning I had a breakfast comfortably in the clean kitchen for the first time and left happliy for work.
Dear Diary
I moved to a new apartment last week. It was really a mess. So I cleaned it first. I swept and mopped the floors, then vacuumed the carpets. I was so tired that I went straight to bed. I worked hard during the week and didn't have much time. I continued cleaning two days ago. I washed the dishes, did the laundry and ironed my clothes. Yesterday I went shopping and bought all the necessary little things for the house and also food. I had a housewarming party last night and my friends gave me a cat as a present. It was really sweet of them. This morning I had breakfast comfortably in the clean kitchen for the first time and left happily for work.
Dear Dairy
I went to a new apartment last week. It was really a mess. So I cleaned it first. I swept and mopped the floors, then vacuumed the carpets. I was so tired that I went straight to bed. I worked hard during the week and didn't have much time. I continued cleaning two days ago. I washed the dishes, did the laundry and ironed my clothes. Yesterday I went shopping and bought all the necessary little things for the house and also food. I had a housewarming party last night and my friends gave me a cat as a present. It was really sweet of them. This morning I had breakfast comfortably in the clean kitchen for the first time and left happily for work.

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