

 昵称535749 2011-10-14

一篇关于伦敦一处墓地出土的骨头与牙齿的研究的论文不仅得出了黑死病确切的病源是鼠疫耶尔森菌——正是这种菌导致了腺鼠疫——的结论,而且揭示出这种中世纪时代的菌种是现代所有鼠疫菌种唯一的祖先。上述研究是由来自加拿大麦克马斯特(McMaster)大学的Kirsten Bos以及来自于德国Tubingen大学的Verena Schuenemann共同领导的团队完成的。本周的“自然”杂志发表了这篇论文。

The theory the Black Death was a type of bubonic plague, long taken for granted, was challenged ten years ago by Christopher Duncan and Susan Scott of the University of Liverpool. Dr Duncan and Dr Scott saw discrepancies between the way that the Black Death spread through 14th-century Europe and the behaviour of more recent episodes of plague. Their hypothesis was that the 14th-century epidemic was caused by a virus which spread directly from person to person, rather than by Y. pestis, which is a bacterium spread by rats’ fleas. They made this argument in a book called “Biology of Plagues: Evidence from Historical Populations”, which was published in 2001.

长久以来,人们都理所当然地把黑死病看作是一种腺鼠疫。但是在十多年之前,利物浦大学的两位学者 Christopher Duncan 和 Susan Scott提出了不同见解,他们发现席卷14世纪欧洲的黑死病与年代更近一些的鼠疫在传播方式上有不同之处。他们的推测在14世纪的欧洲是由人间传播的病毒导致疫病流行,而并非是由鼠类身上的跳蚤传播的鼠疫耶尔森菌引起。他们将这个观点结集成一本书,书名为《鼠疫生物学:历史人口中的证据》,于2001年出版。

Dr Duncan’s and Dr Scott’s scepticism was based on the fact that the Black Death, which killed about a third of Europe’s population, spread throughout the continent far faster than modern plague spreads. That suggests a different method of transmission, and possibly a different pathogen entirely. Based on the medieval descriptions of the dark spots on the skin that gave the Black Death its name, they suggested the epidemic was actually a viral haemorrhagic fever, similar to modern Ebola.


Dr Bos and Dr Schuenemann definitively knock this idea on the head. They have sequenced DNA extracted from the dental pulp of bodies buried in East Smithfield, part of the City of London. The genome is that of Y. pestis. Historical evidence dates the grave to the end of 1348 or the beginning of 1349—the height of the Black Death—and suggests the site was specifically for the burial of its victims.


But that is not all. The paper also suggests that every existing strain of Y. pestis can be traced to the Black Death, and not to the Plague of Justinian, a series of epidemics which hit Europe in the sixth, seventh and eighth centuries, as had been previously thought. The authors of the paper believe that these outbreaks were either caused by a completely different variety of Y. pestis, not now present in humans, or were of a different disease altogether, and therefore cannot be linked to modern cases of bubonic plague.


The Black Death, then, seems to have been a new disease in the 14th century, to which no historical resistance would have existed. That goes some way to explaining the speed of its dispersal and the severity of its symptoms—just as smallpox hit Amerindian populations particularly severely when that virus was first introduced into the Americas by European explorers. Later outbreaks of plague would have occurred in a population which had grown more used to the pathogen, and had both primed immune systems and evolved resistance caused by those with genetic protection against the disease having survived it.


Other differences between the strain of Y. pestis found in Smithfield and more modern cases, which have been used to question the theory that bubonic plague was responsible for the Black Death, are also addressed by the paper. They could be explained by factors such as the genetics of the host population, social conditions and climate, and also by the fact that over the centuries the microbe itself has evolved, and thus changed in virulence.


As well as confirming the status of Y. pestis as the cause of the Black Death, this paper brings to light new information about a disease which still results in deaths today. It also helps to explain some of the differences between modern plague and its medieval forerunner.


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