

 南山松林 2011-10-17





_____young adults, it is our duty ______try out best to _____   _______ each challenge in our education______ the help of our teachers.

2.        咱们别担心问题吧,相反,咱们去迎接挑战吧。

________  ________ worry about our problems. Let’s _____the challenges_________.

3.        只有处理好了我们的问题,我们才容易高兴起来。

________we ______  ________our problems , we____ easily be unhappy.

4.        幸运的是,他妈妈很耐心,从未放弃尽力去帮助他。

        , his mother was very ________, and didn’t ______ ______ ______ to help him.

5.        尽管父亲不在和我们在一起,但他一直看着我并为我做的每一件好事而感到自豪。

_____ _______ my father was_____ _______with us, he was watching me and would always ______  ______ in everything good I do.

6.        自从父亲去世,我一直害怕独处,并尽力让妈妈更多地关注我。

________my father died, I _____ ______afraid of ________ alone, and have tried to make my mother _______ _______ ________to me.

7.        他妈妈交不起孩子的学费。

His mother couldn’t _______to ______ _____her ________education.

8.        我们应该专心学业而不是电脑游戏。

We should________ _______ ______ our studies _______ computer games.

9.        只有到那时我才会有实现梦想的机会。

Only then ______ ______have _____opportunity of _______my dream.

10.    如果你的兄弟未经允许借走了你的衣服,你会怎么办?

______ _____ your brother borrowed your clothes________ ________?

11.    社交情景一点儿也不会干扰你。

Social situations don’t ______ you ____ ______ _________.

12.    你也宁可呆在家里看一本好书而不去参加晚会。

You _______ also _____ stay at home and read a book ______ ______to a party.

13.    我虽然不能想出任何好的建议给她,但你总会想到解决他人问题的好方法。

I cannot ______ _______any good advice to give her, but you always____ _____ _____ good _____ _____ people’s problems.

14.    如果我是你的话,我会在家里就近的书架上放一本急救手册。

If I         you, I         have a             book on a          shelf in your home.

15.    为数学考试而复习是至关重要的,因为它在期末考试中占30%

It’s _______ that I study for the math test because it______ ______30% ______ the final exam.

16.    我每天看到同样的东西,对他们我并不很感兴趣。

I see the same things every day and they don’t _______me as         .

17.    不管你在干什么,都别错过这次展览。

________you do, don’t _____this exhibition.

18.    我更喜欢宁静、传统的音乐,因此这场音乐会正好适合我。

I _______quiet, ________music so the concert ______me just         .

19.    我认为大多数人赞成水果和蔬菜对健康有益。

I think most people are ______ _______that fruit and vegetables are good         _______          .

20. 老实讲,我只吃好吃的食物。

                      I only eat food that         good.

21. 吃得平衡的人应该比那些只吃饼干和汉堡的人更健康。

People        eat a          diet should be          than          who only eat biscuits and hamburgers.

22. 我希望你们能为我提供贵公司能提供的各种度假的一些信息。

I hope you can ______me____ some          about the kinds of vacations that your firm can_____.

23. 根据这项调查,最受欢迎的工作选择是电脑编程。

______ _____ the survey, the most popular        is computer        .

24. 梦想是非常重要的,坚持梦想,总有一天他们就会实现。

___   is very important ____dream, so ____ ____to your dreams, one day they may just_____ _____.

25. 她将这份爱充分利用到在本地小学的课外关护中心的工作中。

She_____ this love to              by _____in the after-school care center at her local elementary school.

26. 帮助别人不仅使我感觉良好,而且也得到花时间做我愿意的事情的机会。

____ _____ do I feel good about _____other people, but I get to ____time _____what I love to do.

27. 他想出的策略产生了奇效。

The strategies that he ____    ____   with _____    ______   fine.

28. 吉姆像他父亲,他俩既聪明又有点儿文静。

Jim ____ ______his father. They are ____clever ____a bit quiet.


You have helped make        possible              Lucky ,        has        my life with pleasure.

30. 非常感激你的捐赠,这些钱会妥善用于帮助像我这样的残疾人。

Your donation is                 and the money       well              help      

people like me.


This         and active sport               by many,        fun and exercise.

32. 自那以后,篮球运动的普及率在世界范围内普遍上升,美国NBA外国球员的数量也有所增加。 

_____ then, the popularity of basketball has        worldwide, and _____ _____ _____foreign players in America’s NBA               .

33. 上学我从不迟到,但昨天有点儿悬。

I      never ____ late _____school, but yesterday I came very____.

34. 他的话是如此令人信服,成百上千的人都相信了这个故事,引起了全国范围的恐慌。

He was ____convincing ______hundreds of people believed the story, and panic _____ ____across the whole country

35. 到权威机构揭示这个故事是个骗局前,成千上万的人已经逃离家园。

____ the time the authorities ______ that the story was a____, thousands of people      ____   ___    from their homes.

36. 正确使用语言是重要的,但有时仅此一点还不够,当表达请求时,我们需要学会如何作到有礼貌。

       important to use correct language, but sometimes this       is not enough ---- we need to learn            be polite when we make        .

37. 你所使用的表达方式可能取决于你讲话的对象或者你对他们的认知程度。

The expressions you use might                 whom you are speaking       or       

well you know them.

38. 但是,为了不冒犯别人,了解讲话的礼节就和学习语法或词汇一样重要。

However, in order                  people, learning        language etiquette is just as important              grammar or vocabulary.

39. 他们特地让我感觉像在家里一样。

They go             their       to make me       at home.

40. 正如你能想象的那样,情况与国内大相竟庭。

As you can         , things are really                the way they are               .

41. 当你用英语写电子邮件时,你应该写快点。

You                        write quickly when you write e-mail        English.

42. 因此你必须小心广告,有时一则广告可能误导你买你根本不需要的东西。

So you have to be careful       ads.                 an ad can         you to buy

something you don’t need in the         .

43. 送钱给我使我不痛快。

           money         me            .

44. 在英国,我们有句谚语:正是想法才有价值。

In England, we have a        : It’s the          that          .

45. 也许艺术地收礼要比艺术地送礼困难的多。

Maybe the art of          is even                       than the art of          .

46. 迄今这个项目已经引入了成千上万的海外中国学生为寻根而来到中国。

                this program has brought thousands of          Chinese students to

China to be in          of their families’ roots.

47. 在此期间,我盼望查明更多的有关我的根的情况。

I’m                    to                   more about my roots during my       



I am _______ _________ a new zoo in our town.

49. 一生中,我参观过许多动物园,我还从未见过一个我喜欢的或者适合动物居住的动


I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen        I liked or one        

was          for animals to                 .

50. 他们为濒临灭绝的动物提供居所并帮助教育公众去关心这些动物。

They _______ homes for many _________ animals and help to educate the________ about

______ for them.

51. 我呼吁所有你们的读者都去参观咱们精彩的动物园。

I _______ all of your _______ _______ visit our ____________ zoo.

52. 这些材料曾经被叫做垃圾,而如今被称作“回收的”物资。

The stuff ______ ________ be called trash, but now it’s called “_________” material.


1.  如今成都几乎再也见不到低矮的房屋了。

Few low houses can be seen in Chengdu now.

2.  更好地利用能源是解决环境问题最重要的方式之一。

Putting energy to good use is one of the most important solutions to environment problems.

3 他就是再累也要看足球赛。

He is never too tired to watch the football match.

4. 老师们会不厌其烦地回答学生们的问题直至他们听懂。

Teachers can go out of their way to answer students’ questions until they understand.


Li Lei always regards the school rules as nothing, his attitude must lead to being disliked by

the others.

6. 除非你们停止散发非法广告,不然我们就会立即报警。

Unless you stop giving out the illegal advertisements, we will call the police right now.



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