
Killer Shots致命一瞬间

 cntic 2011-10-25
· Killer Shots致命一瞬间
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Killer Shots致命一瞬间
by Marcus Maurice
Andy Casagrande will do anything to get the perfect shot.

It happens all the time on TV. Paparazzi follow a celebrity and before long, the famous person gets upset with all the cameras and starts screaming, yelling, or biting the photographers' heads off. Andy Casagrande is not a paparazzo, but he has almost had his head literally bitten off more than once. Casagrande is a cameraman for National Geographic Channel (NGC), but he's not your average wildlife photographer. He has swum with sharks, run with lions, and even leapt out of a helicopter to film polar bears. To get the images that everyone else only dreams of, Casagrande will do just about anything.
This month, NGC focuses on Casagrande in Killer Shots. In one episode in South Africa, he goes underwater with remote-controlled camera submarines and polecams to get shots of his favorite predator, the great white shark. However, Casagrande doesn't feel that shooting from inside the shark cage is good enough, so he leaves its safety and gets up close and personal with the great whites to capture what he really wants. In a different episode, Casagrande is assigned to the Serengeti, where he shoots lions and cheetahs on the hunt. With night-vision technology and super slow-motion cameras, he shows viewers the tactics behind the big cats' kills. In the frozen Arctic, Casagrande braves the elements to find and film the legendary polar bear, the world's largest land carnivore. Even with temperatures dropping to 50 degrees below zero, he knows that he has to use all his willpower to get the perfect shot. Don't miss the thrilling adventures of one of the best cinematographers on NGC's Killer Shots.

  1. shot n. 照片;镜头;枪(炮)声
    shoot vt. 拍摄(照片、电影等);射击
    三态为∶shoot, shot, shot。
    例: Robert got up early to shoot the magnificent sunrise at Ali Mountain.
  2. all the time总是,老是
    例: We don't like John because he brags about his wealth all the time.
  3. before long不久之後;没多久
    例: We saw a rainbow in the sky. Before long, however, it vanished.
  4. get upset with sb/sth对某人 某事生气
    例: Kelly got upset with Frank when he spilled coffee all over her desk.
  5. bite one's head off对某人发火
    例: My mother bit my head off when she found out that I cheated on the exam.
  6. literally adv. 确实;照字义地
    例: There are now literally thousands of companies using our software.
  7. bite off.../bite...off咬断 咬掉……
    bite off more than one can chew不自量力
    例: The crocodile bit off the arm of the person that was trying to feed it.
    例: Are you sure you're not biting off more than you can chew by taking on three part-time jobs?
    (你不觉得自己兼 3 份工作是不自量力吗?)
  8. leap vi. 跳跃
    三态为∶leap, leaped/leapt, leaped/leapt。
    例: Look before you leap.
    (看清楚再跳。 喻∶三思而後行。──谚语)
    例: The dolphins leapt out of the water after the trainer blew his whistle.
  9. predator n. 掠食者
    prey n. 猎物
    例: Chameleons change color as a means of hiding from predators.
  10. get up close and personal with...近距离接触……,和……作近距离接触
    例: At the marine park, we were allowed to get up close and personal with the sea lions.
  11. capture vt. 捕捉(画面等);捕获
    例: They captured the singer shoplifting with their security cameras.
  12. assign vt. 指派;分配
    be assigned to N/V被指派 分配(到 做)……
    assign sb sth指派某人某事
    例: David was assigned to study and report on the product's effectiveness.
    例: The boss assigned Sam the task of washing his car.
  13. frozen a. 极冷的;结冰的,冷冻的(为 freeze 的过去分词作形容词用)
    例: The sausages are frozen, so they need to be defrosted before cooking.
  14. brave the elements在恶劣的天气下外出
    * 此处的 the elements 指『恶劣的天气』。
    brave vt. 勇敢地面对
    例: Despite the typhoon, Amy braved the elements and rode her scooter to work.
  15. drop to + 数字 + degree(s) + below zero(气温)降到零下……(若干)度
    zero degrees零度(zero 是无限大的数字,故之後的 degrees 采复数形)
    例: The temperature dropped to 10 degrees below zero when the cold front arrived.
    (冷锋来袭时,气温降到零下 10 度。)

  1. paparazzi n. 狗仔队(复数形)
    paparazzo n. 狗仔队(单数形)
  2. photographer n. 摄影师
  3. cameraman n.(电视、电影等的;摄影记者
  4. wildlife n. 野生生物(不可数)
  5. helicopter n. 直升机
  6. polar bear n. 北极熊
  7. episode n.(节目、影集的)一集
  8. remote-controlled a. 遥控的
    a remote control遥控器
  9. submarine n. 潜艇
  10. polecam n. 鱼竿式摄影机
  11. cheetah n. 猎豹
  12. night-vision a. 夜视的
  13. slow-motion a. 慢镜头的;慢动作的
    a slow-motion camera高速摄影机
  14. tactic n. 策略;手法
  15. Arctic n. 北极(地区)
  16. legendary a. 著名的;传奇的
  17. carnivore n. 肉食性动物
  18. temperature n. 气温
  19. willpower n. 意志力
  20. thrilling a. 刺激的,令人兴奋的
  21. cinematographer n. 电影摄影师
这些事总是在电视中上演。狗仔队跟随 1 位名人,没多久,这位名人对摄影机发飙,并开始尖叫、

本月国家地理频道《致命一瞬间》聚焦在卡萨葛兰德身上。其中 1 集节目中,他潜下南非海域,操控著遥控摄影潜艇和鱼竿式摄影机,拍摄他最喜爱的掠食者──大白鲨。然而,他认为从观鲨笼中摄影的方式还不够好,於是他离开安全设施,近距离接触大白鲨,捕捉他真正想要的画面。在另一集节目中,卡萨葛兰德被派到塞伦盖蒂(编按∶位於非洲的坦尚尼亚),拍摄猎食中的狮子和猎豹。他使用夜视科技和超高速摄影机,将它们猎杀背後的策略呈现给观众。在天寒地冻的北极,卡萨葛兰德要在恶劣的天候外出寻找并拍摄著名的北极熊,它是全世界陆地上体型最大的肉食性动物。就算气温降到零下 50 度,他明白自己要用尽意志力才能拍到完美的影像。千万别错过国家地理频道《致命一瞬间》节目,观赏 1 位技术高超的摄影师刺激的冒险之旅。

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