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飞跃天际:跑酷任我行。飞跃天际:跑酷任我行Why Walk When You Can Run and Roll?飞跃天际∶跑酷任我行。get together聚在一起 We haven''t seen each other in years. Let''s find some time to get together. 我们已经好几年没见面了。执行 perform surgery on sb对某人动手术 = perform an operation on sb The ...
If You Build It, They Will Play老少咸宜的叠叠乐 If You Build It, They Will Play老少咸宜的叠叠乐 by Evan GioiaFor 30 years, Jenga has entertained families and friends around the world.三十年来,叠叠乐把欢乐带给世界各地的家庭和朋友。理由: a. 空格前有表地方的名词 Africa(非洲),空格後有一关系子句 Scott was born and ...
Rock Out with 2CELLOS 就是要摇滚 ── 提琴双杰。又有谁知道大提琴也可以这麽摇滚呢?* appliance n. 家用器具 classical a. 古典的,传统的 My sister has a preference for classical music. 我姐姐偏好听古典音乐。musician n. 音乐家 Mozart is known as one of the greatest musicians in the world. 莫札特是为人所知世界上最伟大的...
The House Always Wins 谁是赢家?Casinos tend to give away free drinks, free rooms, free tickets to fancy shows, and just about anything else imaginable so that customers will...『赌场』(casino)这个名词来自於义大利文中的 casa 这个字,意思指的是房子。赌场往往会发送免费的饮料、免费的房间、精彩节目的免费入场券,还有其...
The Beret 时尚艺术贝雷帽The Beret时尚·艺术·贝雷帽。还有什麽其他的时尚配件能像贝雷帽这样持续存在那麽久?希腊人於西元前五世纪首次开始戴贝雷帽式的帽子。然而,对我们其他人来说,贝雷帽就是一顶能表达我们具创意面向的帽子。字尾 -hood 的用法 本文 "...receive a beret as a gift upon enterting adulthood." ...
The Art of Henna 神奇的手绘刺青 The Art of Henna神奇的手绘刺青 by Olivia Wycech.神奇的手绘刺青 下次你想刺青的时候,可以先考虑试试看手绘刺青。这种手绘刺青是一项包含了在某些特殊场合将手绘刺青运用在手脚上的传统,像是庆典或是印度式的婚礼,因为它是爱情和好运的象徵。还好,如果你不喜欢皮肤上设计的图案,你可以在手绘刺青褪...
Art Stations on the Naples Metro 独『艺』无二 Art Stations on the Naples Metro独『艺』无二 by William Ryan.),前一句的 The innovative project''s Toledo Station(该创新计划中的托莱多站)即是後一句的 This one-of-a-kind station(这个独一无二的地铁站),前後语意连贯,故形成关联。虽然在城市地铁站展示美术实在不...
由於获利很高,难怪渔夫愿意冒生命危险捕捉这种昂贵的鲔鱼。鲔鱼肉(不可数) (本文第二段第二句 North Atlantic tuna has been the foundation for the world''s seafood. 上列句中 tuna 指『鲔鱼肉』,是不可数名词,故之後使用第三人称单数完成式动词 has been(一直是)。) navigate vt.(水上)航行 payout n. 大笔付款 shortag...
」细说美国独立史。」细说美国独立史上次的文章连载中,提到了美国独立的起源来自於一本名为《常识》的小册子。He is expected to win the class election by a landslide.我记得老师说过landslide是山崩的意思呀?让我们继续看看landslide的英文解释∶landslide (n.) a large victory won by gaining the approval of the majority虽然山崩...
Ultimate Survival Alaska 2 极地生存战士 Ultimate Survival Alaska 2极地生存战士 by Marcus MauriceThe ultimate prize is survival.最终的奖品就是活下来。硬汉(本文指那些极地战士) frostbite n. 冻伤 terrain n. 地域;(资料来源∶维基百科)极地生存战士 最终的奖品就是活下来。在本月国家地理频道的《极地生存战士》节目里,有一...
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