
关于 W/Watchdog( 1931): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SY...

 吴家小院 2011-12-07

关于 W/Watchdog( 1931): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: null 处理

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 means that the system_server process deadlocked or failed to make
> progress for one minute.  When that happened, the watchdog also sent a
> SIGQUIT (signal 3) to the system process to cause it to write a stack
> dump of all Dalvik threads to the ANR trace file,
> /data/anr/traces.txt.  If you pull that file [or get a bugreport; it's
> included in those] and look at what the system_server process was
> doing at the time that the watchdog fired, you can generally figure
> out why it locked up.
> The key thread in question is the system process's main looper thread.
>  This is typically called something like "ServerThread" or another
> name including that string.

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