
我的加拿大之旅原文整理(2006-09-27 14:45:43)

 心馨微笑 2012-01-04



今天开始教法的相关内容,在最开始的时候,讲的是Information gap exercise,教师运用多伦多的相关内容做了一次Toronto Quiz.,内容涉及到Canadians are famous for “eh?” tag question. There are 5700 restaurants in Toronto. Over 50different languages and dialects are spoken in Toronto. The weather and construction are two things Torontonians notorious complain about. The word Toronto is a First Nations word meaning “Meeting place”. Young street is the longest street in the world. 60% of Toronto’s population are immigrants. Toronto is also known as “Hollywood North”. More than 50%Toronto residents speak a language other than English at home. TTC stands for Toronto Transit Commission. TTC- Take The Car( joke). There are four seasons in Toronto, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. For a joke , there are two, winter and construction.

然后,我们做了另外一个有关restaurant的测试。老师是将一些形容词变成填空的形式,每位同学都有一部分完整的答案。教师先解释了一些生词,然后要求每位同学自己拿着自己的sheet 向别人问所应填写的内容,当然是用英语进行问答了。


最后进行了ice-breakers。其中进行了 the ball toss name game, the picnic name memory game, line up/ groups, what’s in your bag?/ wallet.这几个小游戏实际上就是warming up 用的打破僵局的用法,其实就是让学生活跃气氛,充分运用英语的前期准备,我觉得这种方法还真是应该补充到我的日常教学中.说句实话,教了这么多年,有时真的感觉不知怎么教了.常用的方法和现在学的比起来,真的觉得有点误了学生了.虚心做一切,我相信我会提高得很快的.

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