

 云天953 2012-01-30
青春痘的防治 2007-07-07 12:18:28
青春痘,又名暗疮,ACNE,是许多青年人失去琪容的一大恶魔。 若无适当保护治疗措施,可引起面部色素沉着,皮肤斑驳,伤及自信,迁延终生。 ACNE的发生主要因内分泌失调,皮脂分泌旺盛,与凋亡的皮肤细胞相互交织而阻塞毛孔,影响皮脂腺分泌物的排出,进一步引发棒狀杆菌的大量繁殖而造成局部痤疮。

A. 保持面部皮肤清洁,使用清润洗面奶和面霜,避免或消除毛孔堵塞。
B. 保证睡眠,避免熬夜。
C. 忌酒咖啡,忌辛辣,奶制品,牛羊肉,芒果,荔枝,留莲,菠萝,龙眼,高糖高盐食品,煎炸等燥热食物。
D. 宜多摄入高纤维食品,高锌食物,如牡蛎,海鲜,鸡鸭,坚果,豆类,芦笋,以及其它新鲜水果蔬菜;多饮用纯净水以清润排毒。
E. 睡前两小时避免进食。

One of the first steps is washing face thoroughly two to three times a day. Cleasing can get rid of excess skin oil and dead skin cells that together can clog skin pores and foster the bacteria outgrowth which leads to skin lesions. Wash with an antibacterial soap and, using a mild bar soap or an acne scrub, thoroughly wash face for about thirty seconds. Make sure that your bar soap is fragrance and color free as these can clog your pores and irritate your skin, causing inflammation and increased redness of your face. Better yet, a mild facial cleasing lotion can be used to wash throughly in a gentle manner as washing gently helps avoid irritation that can make it worse.

One of the most common active treatments is the use of benzoyl peroxide, which can be found in face wash, bar soap, topical cream or gel. 2.5% Benzoyl peroxide is typically used once or twice daily, but initially most people should only apply it once a day or every other day to avoid redness and excessive drying. NEUTROGENA brand products are recommended. Generally, results will be evident after a few weeks. Benzoyl peroxide is used to eradicate the bacteria that grow in the skin pores and cause the skin inflammation.

Another popular acne treatment is salicylic acid. You can usually find this in medicated facial pads and also in Neutrogena face washes. Salicylic acid prevents your hair follicles from shedding excess skin and clogging your pores, thereby fighting the cause of most acne.

Combining salicylic acid facial wash with benzoyl peroxide treatment at the same time may cause irritation and excessive dryness to your face. However, for better therapeutic effect, you may do a salicylic acid facial wash treatment in the morning while a benzoyl peroxide treatment can be applied later in the day or evening.

After using 2.5% benzoyl peroxide or products containing salicylic acid, your skin will most likely be dry and a little flaky. Applying a good facial moisturizer that does not clog skin pores will help keep your skin in balance and restore a non-flaky, normal looking skin.

清肺胃瘀热: 消除肺经血热上蒸头面, 脾胃湿热蕴结肌肤而产生的粉刺及脓疱.
凉血解毒: 清除血液中的毒素, 控制痤疮杆菌及其在皮肤上引起的炎症反应.
活血养阴: 调整内分泌, 减少皮脂分泌, 通畅毛孔, 濡养已受损皮肤.
青春痘的防治 2007-07-07 12:18:28
青春痘,又名暗疮,ACNE,是许多青年人失去琪容的一大恶魔。 若无适当保护治疗措施,可引起面部色素沉着,皮肤斑驳,伤及自信,迁延终生。 ACNE的发生主要因内分泌失调,皮脂分泌旺盛,与凋亡的皮肤细胞相互交织而阻塞毛孔,影响皮脂腺分泌物的排出,进一步引发棒狀杆菌的大量繁殖而造成局部痤疮。

A. 保持面部皮肤清洁,使用清润洗面奶和面霜,避免或消除毛孔堵塞。
B. 保证睡眠,避免熬夜。
C. 忌酒咖啡,忌辛辣,奶制品,牛羊肉,芒果,荔枝,留莲,菠萝,龙眼,高糖高盐食品,煎炸等燥热食物。
D. 宜多摄入高纤维食品,高锌食物,如牡蛎,海鲜,鸡鸭,坚果,豆类,芦笋,以及其它新鲜水果蔬菜;多饮用纯净水以清润排毒。
E. 睡前两小时避免进食。

One of the first steps is washing face thoroughly two to three times a day. Cleasing can get rid of excess skin oil and dead skin cells that together can clog skin pores and foster the bacteria outgrowth which leads to skin lesions. Wash with an antibacterial soap and, using a mild bar soap or an acne scrub, thoroughly wash face for about thirty seconds. Make sure that your bar soap is fragrance and color free as these can clog your pores and irritate your skin, causing inflammation and increased redness of your face. Better yet, a mild facial cleasing lotion can be used to wash throughly in a gentle manner as washing gently helps avoid irritation that can make it worse.

One of the most common active treatments is the use of benzoyl peroxide, which can be found in face wash, bar soap, topical cream or gel. 2.5% Benzoyl peroxide is typically used once or twice daily, but initially most people should only apply it once a day or every other day to avoid redness and excessive drying. NEUTROGENA brand products are recommended. Generally, results will be evident after a few weeks. Benzoyl peroxide is used to eradicate the bacteria that grow in the skin pores and cause the skin inflammation.

Another popular acne treatment is salicylic acid. You can usually find this in medicated facial pads and also in Neutrogena face washes. Salicylic acid prevents your hair follicles from shedding excess skin and clogging your pores, thereby fighting the cause of most acne.

Combining salicylic acid facial wash with benzoyl peroxide treatment at the same time may cause irritation and excessive dryness to your face. However, for better therapeutic effect, you may do a salicylic acid facial wash treatment in the morning while a benzoyl peroxide treatment can be applied later in the day or evening.

After using 2.5% benzoyl peroxide or products containing salicylic acid, your skin will most likely be dry and a little flaky. Applying a good facial moisturizer that does not clog skin pores will help keep your skin in balance and restore a non-flaky, normal looking skin.

清肺胃瘀热: 消除肺经血热上蒸头面, 脾胃湿热蕴结肌肤而产生的粉刺及脓疱.
凉血解毒: 清除血液中的毒素, 控制痤疮杆菌及其在皮肤上引起的炎症反应.
活血养阴: 调整内分泌, 减少皮脂分泌, 通畅毛孔, 濡养已受损皮肤.

青春痘,又名暗疮,ACNE,是许多青年人失去琪容的一大恶魔。 若无适当保护治疗措施,可引起面部色素沉着,皮肤斑驳,伤及自信,迁延终生。 ACNE的发生主要因内分泌失调,皮脂分泌旺盛,与凋亡的皮肤细胞相互交织而阻塞毛孔,影响皮脂腺分泌物的排出,进一步引发棒狀杆菌的大量繁殖而造成局部痤疮。

A. 保持面部皮肤清洁,使用清润洗面奶和面霜,避免或消除毛孔堵塞。
B. 保证睡眠,避免熬夜。
C. 忌酒咖啡,忌辛辣,奶制品,牛羊肉,芒果,荔枝,留莲,菠萝,龙眼,高糖高盐食品,煎炸等燥热食物。
D. 宜多摄入高纤维食品,高锌食物,如牡蛎,海鲜,鸡鸭,坚果,豆类,芦笋,以及其它新鲜水果蔬菜;多饮用纯净水以清润排毒。
E. 睡前两小时避免进食。

One of the first steps is washing face thoroughly two to three times a day. Cleasing can get rid of excess skin oil and dead skin cells that together can clog skin pores and foster the bacteria outgrowth which leads to skin lesions. Wash with an antibacterial soap and, using a mild bar soap or an acne scrub, thoroughly wash face for about thirty seconds. Make sure that your bar soap is fragrance and color free as these can clog your pores and irritate your skin, causing inflammation and increased redness of your face. Better yet, a mild facial cleasing lotion can be used to wash throughly in a gentle manner as washing gently helps avoid irritation that can make it worse.

One of the most common active treatments is the use of benzoyl peroxide, which can be found in face wash, bar soap, topical cream or gel. 2.5% Benzoyl peroxide is typically used once or twice daily, but initially most people should only apply it once a day or every other day to avoid redness and excessive drying. NEUTROGENA brand products are recommended. Generally, results will be evident after a few weeks. Benzoyl peroxide is used to eradicate the bacteria that grow in the skin pores and cause the skin inflammation.

Another popular acne treatment is salicylic acid. You can usually find this in medicated facial pads and also in Neutrogena face washes. Salicylic acid prevents your hair follicles from shedding excess skin and clogging your pores, thereby fighting the cause of most acne.

Combining salicylic acid facial wash with benzoyl peroxide treatment at the same time may cause irritation and excessive dryness to your face. However, for better therapeutic effect, you may do a salicylic acid facial wash treatment in the morning while a benzoyl peroxide treatment can be applied later in the day or evening.

After using 2.5% benzoyl peroxide or products containing salicylic acid, your skin will most likely be dry and a little flaky. Applying a good facial moisturizer that does not clog skin pores will help keep your skin in balance and restore a non-flaky, normal looking skin.

清肺胃瘀热: 消除肺经血热上蒸头面, 脾胃湿热蕴结肌肤而产生的粉刺及脓疱.
凉血解毒: 清除血液中的毒素, 控制痤疮杆菌及其在皮肤上引起的炎症反应.
活血养阴: 调整内分泌, 减少皮脂分泌, 通畅毛孔, 濡养已受损皮肤.

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