
The Pearl of the Adriatic 亚得亚海的明珠──克罗埃西亚

 cntic 2012-03-01
The Pearl of the Adriatic亚得里亚海的明珠──克罗埃西亚
by Marcus Maurice

Many people are now visiting Croatia, a country rich in history and natural beauty.

After its brutal War of Independence ended in 1995 with a decisive victory over Yugoslavia, Croatia began the task of rebuilding a nation that was torn apart. While this process is still ongoing, tourism has soared due to the country's expansive coastline with many islands, inlets, and well-preserved Renaissance towns. As a matter of fact, Croatia has been near the top of many travel bloggers' must-visit lists for the past few years. It seems as though the more people go to Croatia, the more their friends want to do the same after hearing about what a wonderful time they had.
Crystal-clear waters and numerous waterfalls can be found at the 16 lakes of the Plitvice Lakes National Park. This is the largest park in Croatia and has many breathtaking views to take in. One of the most distinctive features of these lakes is that they are always evolving because they are all interconnected. This means that in some places, new waterfalls can spring up, while in others, they dry up. Each time a tourist visits Plitvice, the scenery is different. The beauty of Croatia is also prevalent in Dubrovnik, a city British poet Lord Byron dubbed "the pearl of the Adriatic." The shapes and scents, along with the friendly locals, make visiting this walled city truly unforgettable.
Croatia is also known for the Moreska sword dance, being the country where Dalmatians originated, and neckwear that soldiers wore before the fashionable crowd in France took notice and popularized cravats around the world. There is no better time than right now to visit Croatia.

1. Which of the following statements is true about Croatia?
(A) The government offers bloggers free trips if they post nice things about the country.
(B) The country has torn down many historic towns in the process of modernization.
(C) The tourism bureau is funded by the government.
(D) The country began to thrive after a bloody war.
2. According to the article, what is special about Plitvice Lakes National Park?
(A) Its 16 lakes are all separate.
(B) The local people are very friendly.
(C) The landscape is ever-changing.
(D) It has the biggest waterfall in central Europe.
3. What is Croatia NOT known for?
(A) Long coastlines and lots of islands.
(B) Its geographical importance in Europe.
(C) A dance that uses weapons to tell a story.
(D) A certain kind of tie that military men wore.
4. Where could this article be found?
(A) In a magazine on a flight.
(B) In an army recruitment brochure.
(C) On a website that lists the world's best hiking.
(D) In a book on dog breeding.

  1. Adriatic a. 亚得里亚海的
  2. brutal a. 残忍的;野蛮的
  3. independence n. 独立
  4. ongoing a. 进行的
  5. soar vi. 急升;高飞
  6. coastline n. 海岸线
  7. inlet a. 水湾
  8. Renaissance a. 文艺复兴(时期)的 & n. 文艺复兴
  9. distinctive a. 特殊的
  10. interconnect vt. 使互相连接
  11. dub vt. 把……称作
  12. sword n. 剑,刀
  13. Dalmatian n. 大麦町狗
  14. neckwear n.(总称)领饰
  15. fashionable a. 流行的,时髦的
  16. cravat n.(男人戴的)领巾;领结
  17. historic a. 有历史性 意义的
  18. modernization n. 现代化
  19. separate a. 分开的
  20. landscape n. 风景,景色
  21. ever-changing a. 不断改变的
  22. geographical a. 地理的
  23. brochure n. 小册子
  1. dry up枯竭,乾涸
  2. along with...连同……(一起)

  1. decisive a. 决定性的;果断的
    a decisive victory决定性的胜利
    例: The team earned a decisive victory when they won 20 to nothing.
    (这支队伍以 20 比 0 的比数取得决定性的胜利。)
  2. tear apart.../tear...apart摧毁 分裂……
    例: Wars and hatred tore the small country apart.
  3. process n. 过程
    in the process of...在……的过程中
    例: Adam and Linda are in the process of getting a divorce.
  4. expansive a. 广阔的,辽阔的
    例: The expansive wetlands are home to many rare animals.
  5. well-preserved a. 保存良好的
    例: The recently found dinosaur bones were very well-preserved.
  6. as though...彷佛 好像……
    = as if...
    例: Emily acts as though she were the most beautiful girl in the class.
    例: Steven looked as though nothing had happened.
  7. The + 比较级形容词 副词..., the + 比较级形容
    词 副词...愈……,就愈……
    例: The older Albert gets, the more he resembles his father.
  8. crystal-clear a. 清澈无比的;非常清楚的
    例: The teacher's explanation was crystal-clear to me.
  9. breathtaking a. 令人叹为观止的
    例: The breathtaking view of the valley is beyond description.
  10. take in...欣赏……
    例: The couple sat on the beach to take in the glorious sunset.
  11. evolve vi. 发展;进化
    例: The small company evolved into a worldwide enterprise in four years.
    (那家小公司以 4 年时间发展成 1 家全球企业。)
  12. spring up突然出现 发生
    = pop up
    例: Recently, many coffee shops have sprung up around my campus.
  13. prevalent a. 普遍的;流行的
    be prevalent in/among...在……普遍 流行
    例: Even today, racial discrimination is prevalent in many countries.
  14. originate vi. 起源
    originate in + 地方源自於某地
    例: Coffee originated in Africa, not Latin America.
  15. take notice (of...)注意(……)
    例: The manager took notice of the worker's poor attendance record.
  16. popularize vt. 使普及,使流行
    例: The creative advertisement will help popularize our product.
  17. tear down.../tear...down拆毁……
    例: The workers tore down the old building and constructed a parking garage.
  18. thrive vi. 蓬勃发展;茁壮成长
    例: This kind of plant thrives in subtropical climates.
  19. recruitment n. 招募
    recruit vt. 徵募(新兵);招收
    例: The coach recruited several star athletes for his college team.

克罗埃西亚在 1995 年以一场决定性的胜利战胜南斯拉夫,结束血腥的独立战争,之後开始重建饱受战争摧残的国家任务。虽然重建过程仍持续进行,但该国广阔的海岸线、众多岛屿和水湾,以及保存良好的文艺复兴时期的城镇,早已让当地观光业蓬勃发展。事实上,近年来克罗埃西亚几乎成为许多旅游部落客必定造访名单上的首选。彷佛越多人去过这个国家,就有越多他们的朋友在聆听完那段旅游的美好时光後也想到此一游。
在普利特维斯国家公园的 16 座湖泊里,能发现清澈无比的湖水和为数众多的瀑布。这是克罗埃西亚最大的公园,在此能欣赏许多令人叹为观止的景色。这些湖泊最特殊的特色之一就是∶它们因为彼此相互连接而一直发展出不同的地貌。这意味著有些地方会突然冒出新瀑布,但其他地方的瀑布却会枯竭。游客每回造访普利特维斯国家公园,它的景致总有不同。克罗埃西亚的美丽风光在杜布罗夫尼克亦随处可见,英国诗人拜伦称这个城市为『亚得里亚海的明珠』。这座城市的样貌、气息以及友善的当地人,著实让人难以忘怀游历这座城墙耸立的城市。

1. 关於克罗埃西亚,下列叙述何者为真?
(A) 只要部落客发表有关克罗埃西亚美好事物的文章,该国政府就提供他们免费旅游。
(B) 该国在现代化的过程中,摧毁许多具有历史意义的城镇。
(C) 其观光局受到政府资助。
(D) 该国在一场血腥战争後开始蓬勃发展。
题解: 根据文章第 1 段,克罗埃西亚在 1995 年结束血腥的独立战争,之後开始重建国家,虽然重建过程仍持续进行,但该国广阔的海岸线、众多岛屿和水湾,以及保存良好的文艺复兴时期的城镇,早已让当地观光业蓬勃发展,可知 (D) 应为正选。

2. 根据本文,普利特维斯国家公园有何特别之处?
(A) 它的 16 座湖泊全是独立分开的。
(B) 当地人十分友善。
(C) 它的风景不断地在改变。
(D) 它拥有中欧规模最大的瀑布。
题解: 根据文章第 2 段,普利特维斯国家公园里的湖泊最大特色之一就是∶它们因为彼此相互连接而一直发展出不同的地貌,可知应选 (C)。

3. 下列何者并非克罗埃西亚为人所知的特色?
(A) 绵延的海岸线和众多岛屿。
(B) 它在欧洲地理位置上的重要性。
(C) 使用武器当作舞蹈的道具来讲述故事。
(D) 军人所配戴的某种领带。
题解: 根据文章第 1 段,克罗埃西亚有广阔的海岸线和众多岛屿,第 3 段中则提到,克罗埃西亚为人所知的还包括剑舞、大麦町狗的产地和军人所配戴的领饰,仅 (B) 未提及,故选之。

4. 在下列何处可能看到本文?
(A) 班机的杂上。
(B) 军方募兵的手册上。
(C) 表列全球最佳健行地点的网站上。
(D) 介绍饲养犬苹的书本上。
题解: 全文旨在介绍克罗埃西亚的观光特色,因此最有可能出现在飞机提供的杂上,故选 (A)。
答案∶1. (D)2. (C)3. (B)4. (A)

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