

 我爱张开翅膀飞的感觉 2012-03-06

1.agree on  to have or share the same opinion ,   feeling, or purpose

1.We agreed on a price for the car.

2. I agree with you about his latest book– it is  awful.

3. what he says doesn’t agree with what he does.

4. I am afraid the food /weather doesn’t agree with me.

5. We agree to leave at once.

6. I couldn’t agree more.

2.make a difference    to have an effect on sb. or sth.

         How long have you spent  in a place can make a big difference in your understanding of it.

         Whether you go or stay won’t make a difference to our plan.

3.Wrap     to cover sth completely with paper or other


 she wrapped the package carefully and took it to the post office.

Wrap… in ……包裹

The sick boy was wrapped in the rug.

Wrap  n. 包裹物,包装材料

Wrapper  n. 包装材料

4)It is essential…   completely necessary

  1. It is essential (natural, important, strange) that +….(should) do sth.

  It is only natural that red should make people tense.


e.g. It is essential that you arrive on time.

     It is essential you should remember which colors are used in different circumstances.

essentially  adv.

5.Circumstances n. pl.  环境,状况

1. In/ under no circumstances       never, whatever happens 决不,无论如何都不

e.g. Under no circumstances must you leave the house.

Under no circumstances should passengers leave the underground platform and get on the tracks.

2. Under the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然这样

 I want to leave but when my uncle died, so under the circumstances I decided to stay.

offend     to make sb upset because of sth one says or does that is rude or embarrassing.

I will not feel offended if you do not agree with me.

He was offended that we left all the work to him.

6.Offender n.冒犯者,犯规者

Offence n.冒犯,得罪

Offensive adj. 无礼的,冒犯的


 to make someone feel shy , awkward, or ashamed, especially in a social situation

Not being able to answer the question correctly, the boy felt very embarrassed.

Most women will fell embarrassed when asked about their age.

embarrassment n.

8.Prosperity  the state of being successful, especially financially 繁荣

The country’s current prosperity is due to the policy of reform and opening up.

国家现在的繁荣昌盛是改革开放的结果。We all hope to have a life of peace and prosperity.

Prosperous adj. 繁荣的

9.shed    to lose sth. Naturally , such as an animal losing hair or a tree losing leaves: to let fall or drop

         Some snakes shed their skin each year.

         Most trees shed their leaves in autumn.

         Regardless of her sadness, she shed not a single tear when her father died.

10.Mourning  sadness that is shown or felt because someone has died.

Everyone was in mourning for the people who died in the plan crash.


Mourn v.         哀悼,对……感到悲痛

Mournful adj. 悲伤的



formalbehaviour or attitude that show high moral standards. 高尚的道德,德行

Kindness, honesty and courage are his virtues.

Virtue is far fairer than beauty.


Virtuous adj.有道德的,善良的

12.purity a state or quality of being morally good

         Though his actions had a bad effect, no one doubted the purity of his motives.

         We Chinese regard lotus as a symbol of purity.

         Pure adj.

         Purely adv.

13.Stick to  to continue doing or using something. 坚持做某事

Whatever difficulties he faced, he stuck to his beliefs.

We must stick to the facts whatever we do.



 to take things out of a suitcase, bag, etc.

She unpacked her suitcase as soon as she arrived home.

Pack  v.……打包,把……装箱


15.mistake… for…to think wrongly that A is B

         The two brothers looked so alike that I often mistook one for the other.

         I hope you won’t mistake my kindness for hostility.


Avoid using black for gifts in the USA!

avoid + sth. / doing sth.


         Since it is the colour of winter, the time when plants shed their leaves and die.

since = as

       I'm forever on a diet, since I put on

   weight easily.

       Since we are young, we shouldnt be

  too afraid of making mistakes.

       Since weve no money, we cant buy it

       It is considered to be a colour of death and mourning in some countries.

consider + sb. / sth./  (to be / as)…

       We don't consider our customers to be

    mere consumers; we consider them to be    

    our friends.

        I had always considered myself a strong,

    competent woman.

        I consider activities such as jogging and

    weightlifting as unnatural.

consider + n. /  doing / wh-clause

       They are considering our suggestion.

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