
Kitchenware articles Tableware chapter--Bowl

 LOFT生活 2012-03-06
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    The Sheng eating utensils, above the mouth large, round
    A circular concave heart Sheng food utensils, usually close to hemispherical in form, generally more than deep dish, as big as teacups and weight.
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[Calendar history]
       Bowl as people's daily necessary eating utensils, bowl the origin can be traced back to the Neolithic bowl of muddy clay, the shape of today's much difference, namely the mouth at the end, sized wide and the bowl narrow, under the bowl feet, height is generally half of the rim diameter, round, rarely square.
       Changing only the material, the level of technology and the means of decoration.
       The general purpose of holding food bowl because of its size than the pot, Yu small hand side Sheng.
       On the wide and narrow at the shape, placed on level ground is unstable, archaeologists speculate that the ancient use of the bowl, may be initially placed within the pit dug on the ground.
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    Ceramics, wood, jade, glass, glass, metal, etc.
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An archaeological discoveries and historical records, the earliest bowl primitive celadon products, the basic shape of the mouth of the deep belly flat, used in the business week in Spring and Autumn Period.
The future with the evolution of the times, the gradual improvement of the porcelain craft, as well as to improve people's aesthetic and practical requirements, the shape of the bowl, decoration, quality is more and more sophisticated, the use of division of labor is more and more specific and diverse, such as the rice bowl. soup bowls, bowls, bowls, and so on.
3 different times of the bowl, the shape, glaze water, decoration is a significant difference.
[Before the Tang]
    Its type, straight mouth, not in the end flat, glazing, and almost no ornamentation.
[Tang Dynasty]
       -Type are more straight port, write port, Kwai mouth rim suddenly his lips, mostly flat, jade wall bottom and ring bar, glazing, close to the bottom end of the refined products are applied over the glaze, a simple program the flowery.
[Song behalf of the]
       Its type-style hats, straw hats, big rim small ring foot, ring-foot diameter of almost one-third of the rim.
       The mostly monochrome glaze, such as shadow green, black, butter, white, decorated with engraved, program, India and other practices, children at play, animals, plants, text image is drawn on the inside and outside wall or inside of the bowl end of the heart.
       The bowl-shaped compared with the Song Dynasty, outstanding performance for the tall, thick, ring-foot multi-esotropia write, section eight-shaped.
       The use of printing, carved decoration. Ming Dynasty bowl multi-Heart-Shaped, baidunzi style and the rim outward folding, ring foot is more narrow thin, mostly painted flower decoration. Decorative techniques for painting flowers in the bowl from the Tang Dynasty Changsha kiln start, the Song Dynasty Cizhou transition, excited by the blue and white Yuan to the Ming Dynasty really flourished.
[Next generation]
       Most matrix thin diet of white blue and white bowl.
       Bowl Qing Dynasty in terms of what areas are better than the former, more diverse shapes, glazes, decoration, craft production is more sophisticated and delicate, plain color, colorful, pastels decorated palace Royal bowl even more amazing.
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[Build type]
       Exposure, deep belly, flat or ring-foot, a variety of forms.
       Celadon Bowl with Lotus Petal in the Six Dynasties, Tang Dynasty Yue Begonia bowl, Xing Kiln glaze flower Bowl, emerged after the bow bowls, hats, bowls, lying foot bowls, London-style bowls, tureen and so on.
1, Palace bowl]
    Outside the write rim, abdomen width, depth of Feng Yuan, correct shape, mostly for the Royal Palace Appliances. Ching Ming firing the most famous, "Masanori bowl," said.
2, Yu feast]
    Cup a style. The body is oval, pale belly, flat. Abdomen on both sides of the home half-moon ears also pie foot or pupil. Ming and Qing popular.
    Bowl who tend to question disciple believers name begging for the content, the alms time, blue and white porcelain.
[Note bowls]
    Temperature sprinkling appliances, supporting the use of sub-note. General bowl wall straight and deep, and some whole body was lotus-shaped, put the right amount of hot water when the bowl. Note the child to be filled with wine placed in a bowl.
    North and south Porcelain Kilns in the Song Dynasty were firing, mostly to the south.
4, [light]
    A style of bowl, tea Appliances. Of exposure Xieshen, deep belly, ring foot, the body slightly smaller.
    Song of black, white, butter, green, white and green white glaze tea cup for your black glaze. Rabbit hair light, of hawksbill light R "tea" of top grade.
5, tea ship]
    Put the tea cup and utensils. Because of the shape of the boat, to help name. Ming and Qing Jingdezhen kilns firing imitation of Kuan glaze, table flowers, pastel tea ship.
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Sterilized by boiling method]
       Sterilized by boiling method is suitable for household disinfection of tableware such as bowls, chopsticks, plates, dishes, pots, spoons, etc., in rural households use the most simple, reliable.
Specific practices:
       Washed bowls, pots and other utensils upright in the pan, adding water immersion disinfection tableware, and then continue to boil for 5-15 minutes can be achieved by disinfection purposes. Subsequently, tossed away the waste water, sterilized utensils in clean, spare in the cupboard.
[Chemical disinfection]
       Chemical disinfection tableware disinfection, it is better to boil disinfection method is convenient, so much for can not be sterilized by boiling tableware.
       Bleaching powder, sulfur-volt, peracetic acid, potassium permanganate and other chemical disinfectants can be used in rural households, here introduces the bleaching powder and sulfur volts.
1, bleach disinfection
       Bleach sterilization simple and, to good effect. 5% bleach supernatant soak cutlery for 30 minutes to achieve disinfection effect. The drift of fine films with a tune into a paste, add 1000 ml of water, dubbed the 200 mg per liter of available chlorine disinfectant soak wash the cutlery five minutes to achieve the same disinfection purposes.
       Under normal circumstances, once a configuration disinfectant can be used repeatedly 4 hours. Bleach is a chlorine disinfectant, disinfection tableware often leave the chlorine taste, some irritation, so a small amount of water available to wash it before in the use of such utensils, This will allow the chlorine taste is significantly reduced.
2, methyl-volt disinfection
       Sulfonamide V is an efficient, quick disinfectant. Sulfur V sterilization, not only can effectively kill pathogens tableware pollution, and there is obvious damage and killing effect of hepatitis B virus, so the sulfur volts can be used to suffering from viral hepatitis, dysentery and other infectious tableware disinfection.
       When in actual use, will be dubbed in 200-300 ml per liter of sulfur V disinfectant 2 to 5 minutes to reach the disinfecting effect of the tableware. Sulfonamide V iodine starch role of produce violet-blue mark, so the cutlery before disinfection should rinse; after disinfection tableware often left the bubble, can be used to clean, clean water rinse and then save.
       The tableware used in the family should be regularly disinfected, infectious, they use utensils should be special, separate cleaning, disinfection and cleaning. Utensils should be sterilized has a dry, clean, no oil, no food residue; chopsticks, knife, fork and spoon should be sub-head and tail gracefully, fixed kitchen sealed storage to prevent recontamination.

【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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