
自信的誤區 (The myth of self confidence)

 奋斗室 2012-03-26

自信,是個人對自己所做各種準備的感性評估。 廣義地說,自信本身就是一種積極性,自信就是在自我評價上的積極態度。自信是發自內心的自我肯定與相信。








“自信”是一個保健因素(hygiene factor),沒有它,成功的機會將減低。但有了它並不表示成功的機會加大了。我們還要看外在環境(external environment)及內在能力(internal competency)。正如知己知彼,只能百戰不殆,並不能保證百戰百勝




那麽什麽才是做事時最重要的呢? 那就是“决心”和“恒心”!而“信念”却是“决心”和“恒心”的“能量”。


The myth of self-confidence is so subtle and deceptive that you may at first have trouble believing what I just wrote. I mean, all those people who are really successful, they are all really confident. And what about those situations where confidence and charm makes up a huge portion of the outcome like delivering a speech, making a sale or asking someone on a date. You can’t honestly be saying confidence isn’t important, can you?


The problem isn’t that confidence is bad, it is that people assume it is the cause of success. This isn’t true. Confidence is correlated with success, that is true, but it isn’t the cause of success. What is really the cause of success in any situation, no matter how dependent it may seem to be on confidence is really three attributes: aptitude, beliefs and emotional control.


Having confidence can give you a temporary boost of control, but whenever you encounter a situation where you fail because you misjudged the ease of the encounter, your confidence crashes and you have to start rebuilding it again. By instead focusing on these three other aspects you can maintain a cool, calm and collected exterior, internally handling failure with ease and greatly increasing your ability.






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