

 無闲庐 2012-04-06


2012-02-08 19:00 来源:丁香园 作者:binpda

历时近8个月的准备和撰写,经过1个半月的审稿,我的英文综述终于“Acc. after major revidiosn”了。算是今年的一件大事,首先第一件事情想起的就是要感谢小木虫的兄弟姐妹俩,因为文章一半参考文献都是在小木虫上求助的。所以,在 这过程中所获得的收获要跟大家分享一下,希望对大家有所帮助。


1. 不管写什么文章,尽量收集全该领域的文献是非常有必要的。我先是通过SCI-finder,Google,Elsevier, Springer, Wiley等手段将所有的文献收集列表,然后通过各种渠道找到原文。

2. 除了在论坛求助外,找原作者索求原文也是很有效的。我很多参考文献都是通过向原作者发索求信得到的,其中还可以认识一些人,在第三条讲。

Dear Prof. ××

Hello. I am a graduate student of ×× University. I find that you and your research group have done a lot of researches on the topic of "××". This field sound very interesting and your papers would make a really positive contribution to my work. However, many of your works are unavailable for me. Therefore, would you please consider sending me some of the full text of your articles? I would very appreciate for your kindness. Thank you very much.


3. 文章写完后,最好能找一个Native English Speaker来检查一下语法了。于是我通过之前求文献认识的一个专家(同领域的),给他发来邮件看能不能帮忙修改一下文章。

Dear Prof. ××

Hello. It is known that you have done a lot of researches on ××. Our laboratory have gone in for ×× for more than 10 years and have got some significant results. We prepare a paper on ××and hope to get your help of comment on the paper. And the glory is ours if you don't mind being the co-author of this work. We realy appreciate it, thank you very much.


Dear ××,

Yes, I will work on your manuscript. But, I am very busy now and I will not be able to work on it for about 2-3 weeks. Is that acceptable to you? Also, I need to know where you are planning to send this article? That is very important because it will make a big difference in how I approach looking at your manuscript. I have noticed that there are a number of errors in the references. I will check all of the references to be sure that they are correct.

I have only read your abstract, so I don’t know how much work your manuscript needs. But I will try to improve the English where it is needed. When I start working on the manuscript, if there are sentences where I do not understand your meaning I will email you to help me get the meaning that you wanted.

Again, please let me know where you are planning on sending this article.

If you agree for me to look at this manuscript in 2-3 weeks, please let me know.

Best wishes,



4. 在写英文文章时,外国人的姓名表述一定要准确,他们非常讨厌别人把他们的名字写错了(包括姓和名颠倒),我有一个老师发来一篇文章,结果有老外投诉把他的姓名搞错了,后来不得不道歉。

5. 在引用到别人的图表时,一定要经过许可,很多人不知道通过哪种方式。一般杂志社是没有权利授权你使用的,只有出版社有权利,可以通过以下网站进行申请。http://www./

6. 许多杂志社的综述一般都是约稿的,不过你如果觉得在某个领域还没有类似的综述,你可以向编辑部写信说明你想写一篇关于这方面的综述,一般如果确实没有的,编辑都会答应先投过来看一看。

我们的文章在投到杂志社后没过几天就被编辑据稿了,理由是英语表达太差。现在很多杂志社一看是中国人的文章,都会找这个理由让我们先去他们编辑部推荐的修 改英语表述的网站先修改(像理文等),都是为了赚钱。我觉得如果可以直接找个同领域的专家帮你先审一下的话,效果肯定比专业网站强,而且他可以给你很多建 议。

我们的文章目前还在major revision中,改动实在太大,专家的意见也很多,但是因为老外很热情,他说虽然改的东西很多,但是毕竟已经有接受的希望,心态很好。我在整个过程中 收获很多,觉得国外学者做事情的态度很认真,也很严谨,同时很热情,希望大家可以在同领域找到一些合作的专家,这样对于提高你论文的水平是非常有帮助的。



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