
WeTopia Is More than Just a Game WeTopia  让您玩乐做公益

 cntic 2012-04-10
WeTopia Is More than Just a GameWeTopia让您玩乐做公益
Now, a new online game has added another reason to play-charity

Online games like Farmville have kept people up late at night and even gotten some of them addicted. They are interesting and fun and give us a break from our daily lives. Now, a new game by Sojo Studios has added another reason to play-charity. The game is called WeTopia and is available on Facebook. The goal of WeTopia is to earn points, or joy as they call it, which are used to make good things happen in the real world.

Mixing charities and online games together may seem odd, but it is actually a stroke of genius. Many people already play online games regularly, and Sojo Studios is taking advantage of that. Available in 20 countries, WeTopia is free. Players create a virtual village and earn joy for certain acts, such as building schools or creating gardens. The joy then gets donated to a charity of the player's choice. The actual money comes from advertisers and people who buy Facebook credits to spend in the game. The goal is to make donating fun and to encourage people to do it repeatedly. With celebrity fans like Ellen DeGeneres taking part, WeTopia's fame is guaranteed to grow.


1. Which of the following is true about WeTopia?
(A) Players can exchange their points for real money.
(B) Players don't have to pay for the game.
(C) Players earn points by destroying villages in the game.
(D) Only famous people can join WeTopia.

2. What is NOT a purpose of WeTopia?
(A) Letting people have fun and relax.
(B) Raising funds for charity.
(C) Encouraging people to do good deeds.
(D) Making a profit.


将公益和网路游戏结合在一起的做法似乎有点奇怪,但这其实是神来一笔。许多人早就会定时玩网路游戏,而Sojo工作室正是利用这一点。WeTopia这款免费游戏在二十个国家都玩得到。玩家负责创造一个虚拟小镇,然後透过一些像是盖学校或建造花园的动作来赚取joy。接著这些joy会被捐到玩家所选的慈善机构或计画。真正捐出去的钱是从广告商以及花钱购买Facebook游戏点数的人那里得来。游戏的目的就是要让捐款变得有趣,并且鼓励民众反覆捐钱。有了像是艾伦·狄珍妮丝这类名人粉丝的参与,WeTopia的知名度保证会大大提升(编按∶Ellen DeGeneres 为美国知名的脱口秀主持人)。

1. 关於WeTopia的叙述,下列何者为真?
(A) 玩家可以将他们的积分换成真正的钱。
(B) 玩家不需花钱就可以玩游戏。
(C) 玩家可以藉由摧毁游戏里的小镇来赚取积分。
(D) 只有名人才可以加入WeTopia这款游戏。

2. 下列何者不是WeTopia的用意?
(A) 让人们可以得到乐趣、好好放松。
(B) 为慈善机构或计画进行募款。
(C) 鼓励人们为善。
(D) 赚取利润。

答案∶1. (A)2. (C)。

  1. addicteda. 沉迷的(常与介词 to 并用)
    Sam's mother was worried that he would get addicted to drugs.
  2. a stroke of genius聪明之举,绝妙的主意
    The gimmick you came up with to promote our product was a stroke of genius.
  3. regularlyadv. 定期地
    Sandra gets her teeth cleaned and checked regularly.
  4. take advantage of...利用……
    You should take advantage of my swimming pool while you are staying with me.
  5. encourage + 人 + to + 原形动词鼓励 激励某人(做)……
    Jerry encouraged his students to be true to themselves.
  6. be guaranteed to + 原形动词肯定会(做)……
    This scandal is guaranteed to hit the headlines soon.
  7. exchange A for B用 A 换 B
    In order for you to exchange the faulty phone for a new one, I need to see your receipt.
  8. make a profit获利
    Most new businesses don't make a profit within the first six months of operation.

  1. studion. 工作室
  2. virtuala. 虚拟的
  3. advertisern. 刊登广告者,广告客户
  4. creditn.(游戏的)点数

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