
初夏时光 early summer days

 hn-violet 2012-04-14

初夏时节,一切都渐渐明亮起来。阳光温柔而清澈,天空愈发的蓝,云朵舒展 。枝头上的新叶一天天地越发的绿了,茂了。花儿们竞相开艳,妩媚地绽放。初夏,最欢喜该是那群小小鸟吧。瞧他们,一早就唧唧喳喳地欢跃在枝头,蹦来跳去,尽情无比。等待了长长一个雨季的我也终于出门了,忍不住张开嘴巴贪婪地吸纳还夹杂着一点点湿气的空气,放眼世界,努力放大瞳孔,似乎巴不得把所有的美好、所有的美丽都纳入我眼的画框。


Here comes the summer, the early summer days. Everything looks brighter. The sunshine soft and pure; the sky much blue and azure, with vastly stretching clouds; The leave budding on the trees, so brightly green and thriving; blossoms widely open out for the fear of haste. In the early summer days, the most delighted must be those little birdies. Just look at them. How high they must be, hopping here and there on the twigs, twittering all the while. And here I am, too, an loner who has been waiting for a whole rainy season. I can’t wait to open my mouth to swallow in a riverful of air, still kind of moist. Looking to the distance as far as possible, I just want to take in all the nice and beauty into my eye frame, so greedily.

Early summer days are a jubilee time.

How I love this feeling, this brilliant moments, in the early summer days. Like a happy birdie , I start dancing a waltz with my soul.

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