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The first spring rain, the first spring gift.
2014----让平淡的日子简单点诗意点 life can be simple but never without a lyric poem.清晨,阳光给露珠送来晨妆,世界便多了些斑斓;日子可以很简单,但一定得有点色彩,来点诗意。于是决定迎接2014年的motto---简单而诗意吧。Life can be simple, but never be without a dream.Life can be simple but not without a poem.
漫步雨中。What a fanciful ma’am散步雨中。Nothing to hide, nothing to escape 不需躲藏,不需要逃离。Not to be ashamed, nor to be blamed 没有羞涩,没有指责 Life is what it should be 生命即如斯。Ticking and ticking is the flying time分秒滴答飞逝。Forget what is to forget 忘却该忘却的吧。Keep what is for you to keep 留...
don''t just stay at home and take the lemon juice alone.Please don’t laugh at my naivety.love does suffice me.love is the flower around;love is the breeze on the finger tips.Don’t laugh at my swelling passion.love will suffice, love does suffice.Don’t laugh at my old old faith.But not alone with the gulp of...
Summer is over.Summer is over and here welcomes the falling leaves.Yet my memory is still filled with the darkened green;Summer is over and here welcomes the autumn wind.Yet my heart is still filled with the summer breeze;Summer is over and here left behind is a secret,A secret belonged to the summer sigh;
初夏时光 early summer days.喜欢初夏的感觉,喜欢初夏的时光。Here comes the summer, the early summer days.Everything looks/ is getting brighter.In the early summer days, the most delighted must be those little birdies.Just look at them.How I love this feeling, this brilliant moments, in the early summer days.
Take a picture for the spring.Spring is here, in the drizzle, on the trees, among the greens and all the blooming.Spring is here, in the breeze, on the creeks, up above the blue sky and the morning sunshine.Hey, spring is here.Hey, come on in all my friends and let’s take a picture of spring and let’s take a picture...
三月里的阳光开始明媚了,the sunshine in March is getting brighter and brighter.with the steps clatter and clatter;
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