
That Time of the Year彩蛋.野兔.复活节

 cntic 2012-04-24
That Time of the Year彩蛋.野兔.复活节
by Owain Mckimm
Along with Christmas, Easter is one of the most important times of the year for Christians.

Most people associate Easter with Christianity in the West. The festival centers around the Christian belief that Jesus Christ was crucified on Good Friday and then rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. The exact date of Easter varies from year to year, although it almost _(1)_ falls between March 22 and April 25.
On Easter, parents often give their children baskets of delicious candy or arrange egg hunts. These hunts involve children searching outdoor areas _(2)_ the make-believe Easter Bunny has hidden eggs. In Greece, eggs are dyed red to symbolize the blood of Christ. In some Eastern European countries, they are painted with intricate and beautiful designs. Easter follows Lent, a 40-day period of _(3)_ eating, prayer, and contemplation. During this time, some Christian groups abstain from eating any animal _(4)_ altogether. For many, Easter is a time for feasting and celebrating because Lent is over.
Many of the things associated with Easter are, _(5)_, linked to pagan traditions that preceded the coming of Christianity. The origins of Easter can actually be found far away in the wintry lands of Northern Europe. The ancient Saxon tribes of Europe celebrated the coming of spring by _(6)_ their fertility goddess, ?ostre. The rabbit or hare was her symbol because these creatures were known to be _(7)_ fertile. Exchanging eggs was a common ancient tradition that represented the beginning of a new life in the springtime.

1. (A) usually(B) similarly(C) seldom(D) always
2. (A) why(B) where(C) how(D) when
3. (A) disciplined(B) paralyzed(C) conserved(D) loosened
4. (A) productivity(B) production(C) produces(D) products
5. (A) in case(B) in order(C) in fact(D) in turn
6. (A) offending(B) worshiping(C) abandoning(D) convincing
7. (A) scarcely(B) instantly(C) particularly(D) deliberately

  1. The exact date of Easter varies from year to year, although it almost always falls between March 22 and April 25.理由:
    a. 因空格前有副词 almost,故其後所修饰的形容词或副词须有完全性和绝对性之概念,如∶all, no, every, any, always, perfectly 等,而不可接表不完全概念的形容词或副词,如∶most, many, often, usually, broadly, partly 等。
    We almost often have dinner at home. ( )
    → We almost always have dinner at home. (○)
    Ted works overtime almost every day.
    b. 根据上述用法,可知 (D) always 应为正选。此外,副词连接词 although, though, because 等引导的副词子句置於主要子句之後时,其前通常不置逗点,但有时会用逗点,为停顿之意,为强调用法。

  2. These hunts involve children searching outdoor areas where the make-believe Easter Bunny has hidden eggs. 理由:
    a. 空格前有表『地方』的先行词 outdoor areas(户外),空格後为完整的句子,可知空格应置入可修饰地方的关系副词 where 来引导形容词子句,修饰 outdoors areas,故选 (B)。
    Jill bought a washing machine at the shop where she usually gets her electronics.
    吉儿在她常采购电器的那家店买了 1 台洗衣机。
    b. why 作关系副词时,其所引导的形容词子句只可用来修饰其前表『原因』的先行词,置入後不符合用法,故 (A) 不可选。
    c. how 作关系副词时,其所引导的形容词子句只用以修饰 the way,但 how 和 the way 只能择一使用,因此 (C) 用法不合而不可选。
    d. when 作关系副词时,其所引导的形容词子句只可用来修饰其前表『时间』的先行词,故 (D) 用法不合而不可选。

  3. Easter follows Lent, a 40-day period of disciplined eating, prayer, and contemplation.理由:
    a. (A) disciplined a. 遵守纪律的
    The team's disciplined approach helped them finish the assignment before the deadline.
    (B) paralyzed a. 瘫痪的
    Linda was paralyzed as a result of an awful car accident.
    琳达历经 1 场可怕的车祸後全身瘫痪。
    (C) conserved a. 节省的;保存的
    Conserved energy is stored in this device.
    (D) loosened a. 松开的,解开的
    loosen vt. 松开
    Kevin loosened his tie as soon as he left the office.
    b. 根据语意,可知应选 (A)。

  4. During this time, some Christian groups abstain from eating any animal products altogether. 理由:
    a. (A) productivity n. 生产力
    (B) production n. 生产;产量
    (C) produce
    n. 农产品(集合名词,不可数)
    (D) product n. 产品,产物
    The country's main product is timber.
    b. 根据语意及用法,可知 (D) 应为正选。

  5. Many of the things associated with Easter are, in fact, linked to pagan traditions that preceded the coming of Christianity. 理由:
    a. (A) in case以防万一
    Since the weather forecast is not always reliable, you'd better take an umbrella with you just in case.
    (B) in order按顺序
    Tom usually puts his CDs in alphabetical order.
    汤姆通常按英文字母的顺序摆放他的 CD。
    (C) in fact事实上
    Henry loves France. In fact, he's planning on moving to Paris soon.
    (D) in turn依次,轮流
    After lining up, each of the children got to ride the pony in turn.
    b. 根据语意,可知应选 (C)。

  6. The ancient Saxon tribes of Europe celebrated the coming of spring by worshiping their fertility goddess, ?ostre. 理由:
    a. (A) offend vt. 冒犯,触怒
    I'm sorry if I've offended you.
    (B) worship vt. 敬奉;崇拜
    Mary worships the movie star so much that she has covered every inch of her room with his photos.
    (C) abandon vt. 丢弃;遗弃
    If the river floods, we'll have to abandon our house.
    (D) convince vt. 使信服;说服
    convince sb of sth使某人相信某事
    Bill tried to convince the boss of his ability to deal with the problem.
    b. 根据语意,可知应选 (B)。

  7. The rabbit or hare was her symbol because these creatures were known to be particularly fertile. 理由:
    a. (A) scarcely adv. 几乎不
    = hardly adv.
    Terry is scarcely ever late for school.
    (B) instantly adv. 立即,马上
    = immediately adv.
    I instantly cried out in pain when I stepped on a piece of glass.
    我踩到 1 片玻璃,当场痛得哭出来。
    (C) particularly adv. 尤其,特别
    Do you know why Ed is in a particularly good mood tonight?
    (D) deliberately adv. 故意地
    = on purpose
    Toby deliberately left his wallet at home, hoping his friends would pay for his dinner.
    b. 根据语意,可知应选 (C)。

  1. associate A with B将 A 与 B 联想在一起
    = connect A with B
    be associated with...与……有关联
    = be linked to/with...
    Most people associate red roses with love.
    Many crimes committed by teenagers are associated with violence on television.
  2. crucify vt. 把……钉在十字架上处死
    The slaves were crucified for trying to escape.
  3. vary from year to year每年都有所不同
    vary from...to...从……到……而有所不同
    Styles of clothing vary from year to year.
    Temperatures have varied from hot to freezing over the past week.
    过去 1 星期来气温变化忽冷忽热。
  4. search vt. 搜寻;搜查
    search + 地方 + for...在某地搜寻 搜查……
    The detectives searched the whole house for clues.
  5. make-believe a. 虚幻的;假装的
    make believe + that 子句假装……
    George made believe that he was sick so that he wouldn't have to go to school.
  6. symbolize vt. 象徵
    = be symbolic of...
    symbolic a. 象徵性的
    The red rose in this poem symbolizes the man's heart.
  7. abstain from...戒除……;断绝……
    abstain vi. 戒除;断绝
    John decided to abstain from drinking and smoking for two months.
    约翰决定 2 个月不抽菸不喝酒。
  8. precede vt.(顺序)在……之前
    This type of cloud always precedes a heavy downpour.
  9. exchange vt. 交换
    exchange sth with sb和某人交换某物
    I love to exchange music with my friends.
  10. represent vt. 代表
    This song represents the pain everyone faces after a breakup.

  1. Easter n. 复活节(基督教耶稣复活的纪念日,春分月圆後的第 1 个星期日)
  2. Christianity n. 基督教
    Christian a. 基督教的 & n. 基督教徒
  3. bunny n. 小兔子
  4. dye vt. 把……染上颜色
  5. intricate a. 复杂精细的
  6. contemplation n. 默想,沉思,冥想
  7. feast vi. 尽情享用食物 & n. 盛宴
  8. pagan a. 异教的
  9. wintry a. 冬天般寒冷的;冬天的
  10. fertility n.(人)生育力;(动物)繁殖力;(土地)肥沃
  11. hare n. 野兔
  12. fertile a.(动物)繁殖力强的;(土地)肥沃的

  1. center around...围绕著……;以……为主轴
    = be centered around...
  2. rise from the dead复活

这个节日围绕的基督教信仰,就是耶稣在『耶稣受难日』(编按∶复活节的前 1 个星期五)这天,被钉在十字架上处死,然後在『主复活日』(编按∶每年春分月圆之後第 1 个星期日)这天复活。复活节的确切日期每年都不相同,但它几乎总是落在 3 月 22 日到 4 月 25 日之间。
复活节当天,父母通常会给家中的小孩一篮美味的糖果,或是安排寻蛋活动。活动包括小朋友在户外寻找假装是复活节兔所藏起来的蛋。在希腊,蛋被染成红色,象徵基督宝血。一些东欧国家会用繁复精美的设计来彩绘复活节彩蛋。复活节之前是为期 40 天的大斋期,有严格的饮食、祈祷和默想必须遵守。这段期间,一些基督教团体完全禁止食用任何动物产品。对许多人来说,复活节是尽情享受食物和庆祝的时刻,因为大斋期已经结束。
事实上,许多复活节的相关事物都跟异教传统有关,这些传统早在人们信奉基督教前就已存在。复活节的起源实际上可见於天寒地冻且遥远的北欧。古代欧洲的撒克逊部落藉由敬奉掌管繁殖的女神 ?ostre 来庆祝春天降临。兔子或野兔是 的象徵,因为大家都知道它们的繁殖能力特别强。交换蛋的行为也是常见的古老传统,代表春天新生命的开始。
答案∶1. (D)2. (B)3. (A)4. (D)5. (C)6. (B)7. (C)

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