
Britain and China’s social system and the ins...

 昵称9723309 2012-04-24
The stories of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Cao Xueqing’s Dream of the Red Chamber both took place in the time of the Feudalist society. The heroines and their attitude to marriage are deeply affected by the institution of marriage at that time.
  2.1 British social system and the institution of marriage in the 18th century
  The story of Pride and Prejudice took place in the time of the Regency in Britain. At that time, Britain was at the period of Feudalist society, but it is also at the period of transition from the earlier stage of Capitalism to Capitalist Industrialization. In the countryside, the aristocratic family still held great power and right that country squires were likely to fawn upon them. However, as the development of Capitalism and the expand of the rank of rich people, the distinction between social strata was becoming smaller and smaller, while money was getting more and more important in people’s mind about social value. It is exactly because of the secure pledge in finance that the country squire society could be existing strongly and solidly. Women’s education in the eighteenth century was restricted to the daughters of a few families of the upper classes. In most cases, it was thought to be a waste of time to educate girls. Rich and noble families (like that of Lady Catherine de Bourgh) engaged governesses for educating their daughters or sent them away to boarding school, but most women were self-educated at home. [1]48
  At that time, money played an important role in determining a woman’s daily life, marriage and destiny. Economically dependent, women were robbed of property and inheritance rights and possessed no independent source of income. Society offered few opportunities to women to choose for their lives and to decide the destiny. Just as the opening sentence of the novel says “it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”, [2]3 which tell the readers men were always in the dominant status in a marriage and the heritance of property. Thus men enjoy the right to choose their wives according to their will.
  2.2 Chinese social system and the institution of marriage in the 18th century
  Dream of the Red Chamber was written in the eighteenth century during the reigns of Emperors Kang Hsi, Yung Cheng, and Chien Lung, during the so-called Kangschien Golden Age. During this period, China was governed by Manchu aristocrats, using the social turbulence for their own selfish ends and for consolidating their political positions. Many monopoly groups emerged during this period, exploiting the peasants politically and economically. The author’s description of the four major families of Chia, Shih, Wang, and Hsueh in the novel is deeply rooted in the social reality of the time;
  This corrupt feudal society and the growth of capitalism form the historical background of Cao Xueqin's era, and it is also the background against which all the characters in Grand View Garden will play their roles. The main characters of the novel, Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, are typical of young people everywhere; they desperately want to be free to marry whomever they wish. [3]75 However, traditional Chinese is a typical patriarchal society. The marriage of their children follows the orders of the arrangements of parents. Book of Odes said, when you want to get married, you must have the permission of parents and the introduction of matchmaker. Therefore, parents play an important role in their children’s marriage. Typically, women have no choice to decide their marriage, for feudal ethical code publicize that women must absolutely obey their parents.鼎力本科毕业论文整理
  2.3Similarities and differences
  There are two basic similarities in Britain and China of that era. Firstly, economic status is the basis of marriage. In china, being well-matched in social and economic status has always been an important criterion for mate. People pay more attention to status and property than personality and love. In Britain, it is also the same. As Jane Austen said, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” Therefore, I think the wealth has become the basis for a happy marriage life of that period. Secondly, the status of men and women is unequal. Traditional Chinese is a typical patriarchal society, in which father and husband have absolute authority and power. The strength of women is negligible, and they have to depend on men. The fate of women is controlled by male. As the same as in China, British women's status is petty and low. For young girls do not have much wealth. Marriage is the only way that they can get respect and stability. For the women living in the andocentric society, they are unable to feed themselves if they have no property. Therefore, they have no choice but to depend on a good marriage.
  Besides the similarities, there are two main differences between them. First of all, they have different degree of freedom of choice. In china, it is impossible to have freedom marriage, which is not tolerated by feudal ethical code. Women must obey their parents before marriage. Parents will make the final decision of their children’s marriage. In many cases, women don’t even know their husbands’ appearance and character until they get married, which cause many tragedies. However, it is much freer for women to choose their marriage in Britain. They don’t need matchmaker to introduce each other before they get married. Free love is advocated in that era. Secondly, they have different criteria for mate. In china, “chastity” is the main standard of a woman’s moral character. And it is also the main criteria or even the only criteria that man choose the wife. However, people think happy love is built on mutual love and respect, and some women dare to look for love in Britain. They have some freedom and right to decide their marriage.

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