

 赵玲文化图书馆 2012-04-29


来源:医学全在线 更新:2008-9-29 医学英语论坛

Patient may be treated with a sitting position or lying position. After the stimulation area is selected, which is based on the pathological state of the patient, disinfect the local place routinely.   

:: 进针 Insertion of the Needle ::  

 Select a 1.5cun or 2cun long filiform needle No.28-30, swiftly insert the needle subcutaneously, in 30 angle to the scalp, when the needle reaches the subgaleal layer and the practitioner feels the insertion resistance becomes weak, further insert the needle by twirling method, which parallels with the scalp until it goes to the periosteum, the depth of insertion varies with the areas, generally 0.5-1.5cun, After the needle being inserted to the required depth, conduct manipulation.

:: 运针 Manipulation ::  

 In scalp acupuncture, the needle is manipulated only by twirling method, no lifting or thrusting of the needle. The depth of insertion keeps constant, and the needle is twirled in a frequency of 130-200 times per minute, it is first manipulated for 2 to 3 minutes and the needle is retained for 5 to 10 minutes, then the needle is withdrawn. For hemiplegia, during the manipulation and retention of the needle, the patient is encouraged to exercise the affected limbs so as to raise the therapeutic effect. (In severe case, passive movement of the limbs of the patient is conducted).

:: 电针刺激 Electro-Stimulation ::  

 Electro-Stimulation can be connected to the needles in the main areas to replace the hand manipulation. It is in a mode of high frequency and weak stimulation. 

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