

 小米的藏书 2012-05-16
Aries 白羊座
Socializing with others in an easy-going and relaxed atmosphere will bring you the most enjoyment out of this day. Talking about work and being able to laugh at yourself and the events of the week will help heal any stress that has accumulated.

Taurus 金牛座
Helping others is key to ultimately helping yourself. Do good deeds. Take time out to assist others without asking for anything in return. The good karma you build for yourself through this process will be extremely valuable in the weeks to come.

Gemini 双子座
Your spirited nature is highlighted even though you are moving through a rather rough period overall. Being able to maintain a sense of humor about everything, including your work situation, is especially important thought this difficult time.

Cancer 巨蟹座
You have acquired some sound confidence in yourself, Cancer. Now it is time for you to show everyone else by actually putting it to use in your life. It's as though you have symbolically just completed an in-depth acting class. Well, now is the time to go on stage. Smile, remember your lines, and don't forget to bow when everyone applauds. You'll knock ‘em dead!

Leo 狮子座
Today's planetary energy should compel you to commit certain acts of self-affirmation that are needed to define your territory and protect your rights. You'll be encouraged to explore your desires and personal tastes and express your opinion openly and clearly. Everyone has an identity to claim! Don't be bashful about claiming yours now.

Virgo 处女座
Be selective with whom you share your secrets. Others will want the information you have but this doesn't mean you need to give it to them. This is important whether you find yourself at work or not. Gossip of any kind will lead to trouble.

Libra 天秤座
Engage in high-intensity exercise this morning. Use this as a personal cleanse to get out any anger or tension that is left over from the workweek. Doing so will help clear the air so that you can fully enjoy your time off this weekend.

Scorpio 天蝎座
Today you're unstoppable! You're a very hard worker by nature, and with the current planetary alignment you'll be able to accomplish even more than usual. You have an abundance of energy, more than enough to handle everything that comes your way. Just be sure to use your usual good judgment. Rash decisions, especially those concerning your personal life, could lead to regret later.

Sagittarius 射手座
Your mind is clear and sharp, but every once in a while, you get lost in a dream world and can't seem to find your way back to reality. Don't pressure yourself to step down to reality at this time. Instead, you should take this time to dream.

Capricorn 摩羯座
People are talking about things that you simply have no interest in. Don't try to jump in the conversation just to try to prove that you do indeed have an interest. Your time and energy is better spent elsewhere. Do whatever YOU want to do.

Aquarius  水瓶座
You are feeling good and are happy to spread this feeling to others. Your spirit is high and you are getting along with everyone. Whether you are at work or not, now is the time to make important contacts with the people around you.

Pisces 双鱼座
You will continue to be surprised as the events of the day unfold. You can't expect anything to turn out as you have planned. Put all work and all thoughts about work aside and truly let yourself go with the flow. Be spontaneous.

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