

 silence1126 2012-05-21

What’s your DreamCareer?

You spend 1/3 of your life at work, why not make your dream career happen? It doesn’t matter you are in 9-to-5 work or you handle your own business. The point is, how much you like your job, and do your work passion and talent can be matched to what you are doing every single day?


Let's start!

1. If you had an evening off, what would you rather do?
a. Go to a party.
b. Stay home and surf the Internet.
c. Work on a hobby such as scrapbooking or model building.
d. Go to a movie.

a. 去一个派对
b. 呆在家里,上上网
c. 剪贴簿,做模型等等类似的爱好
d. 去看一场电影

2.Which section of the newspaper do you turn to first?
a.Advice column or letters to the editor

b. 新闻

3.What would you prefer to do at a party?
  a. Greet people at the door.
  b. Join in a discussion of current events.
  c. Make hors d’oevres
  d. Entertain

  a. 在门口向来宾打招呼
  b. 参与一场有关事实新闻的讨论
  c. 尝试调制一种开胃食品
  d. 娱乐活动

4.Which book would you rather receive as a gift?
aChicken Soup for the Soul
b. A Brief History of Time
c. How Things Work
d.An art book for you coffee table
a. 《心灵鸡汤》
b. 《时间简史》

5.What would you rather do in your spare time?
a. Catch up with friends over coffee.
b. Organize your closets.
c. Garden or do home renovations.
d. Write poetry.

 c. 园艺或者美化房间
 d. 写写诗

6.It’s your turn to choose the movie. What’s your first choice?
a. A romantic comedy such as Sleepless in Seattle.
b. A thought-provoking drama such as a A Beautiful Mind.
c. An action-adventure movie such as Star Wars.
d. An independent film such as What the Bleep Do We know?

a. 浪漫片:《西雅图不眠夜》
b. 有着发人深省的剧情:《美丽心灵》
c. 动作冒险类:《星球大战》
d. 独立电影:《我们到底知多少?》

7.You’re at a social event. Who would you rather join?
a. A large group that is laughing a lot.
b. A small group having a lively discussion.
c. Several people playing a game such as pool or darts.
d. An individual who looks like an interesting person.

  a. 笑得前俯后仰的一大群人
  b. 讨论得热火朝天的一小撮人
  c. 正在打台球或者扔飞镖的几个人
  d. 一个看起来很独特的人

8.Which of the following would your friends say best describes you?
a. A people person
b. Intelligent
c. Handy
d. Creative

a. 善于交际
b. 智慧的
c. 灵巧的
d. 富有创意的

9.You have the chance to be on a reality show. You choose:
a. A show where your interpersonal skills can help you win, such as  Apprentice, or the Bachelor.
b. None. You think reality shows are a mindless waste of time.
c. A show that gives you the chance to work hands-on to improve something, such as trading Spaces.
d. A show where you can win on the basis of your talent, such as American Idol, Last Comic Standing, or Project Runway.

a. 比如《幸存者》、《学徒》、《单身汉》这类需要你的人际交往技巧去获胜的节目。
b. 以上一个都不去,因为你觉得真人秀就是一场浪费时间的无趣秀。
c. 一场秀可以增强你的动手能力,比如说《交换空间》
d. 一场可以因为你的天赋获胜的演出,比如说《美国偶像》、《喜剧之王》、《天桥骄子》。

Now your answers can give you some clues to your ideal career. While Virtually all careers involve working with people, information, and things, and many allow some creativity in doing the job, most careers focus on one particular aspect and most of us have a distinct preference.


If you answered mostly A’s

Your ideal career probably involves working with people. These Careers may involve: mentoring, negotiating, instructing, consulting, supervising, persuading, speaking, serving, or assisting. Possible career choice include: teacher, human resources, flight attendant, life coach, daycare worker, personal assistant.


If you answered mostly B’s

Your ideal career probably involves working with information. These careers may including tasks such as synthesizing, coordinating, analyzing, compiling, computing, coping, or comparing. Possible career choices include: Library assistant, editor, Web developer, professional organizer, accountant, private investigator.

If you answered mostly C’s

Your ideal career probably involves working with things. Tasks you might do in these careers include setting up, precision working, controlling, driving, operating, tending,Feeding, or handling. Possible Career choice include :chef, repair person, carpenter, collectible dealer, dog trainer, mechanic.

If you answered mostly D’s

Your ideal career is probably creative. Possible Career choices include: Writer, photographer, singer, interior decorator, graphic artist, fashion designer.

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