
Palin: Obama 'pandering' on immigration

 darry 2012-06-17
Sarah Palin is shown. | AP Photo

'Our president still doesn’t understand the three branches of government,' Palin said. | AP Photo

LAS VEGAS — Sarah Palin on Friday condemned President Barack Obama’s new immigration policy as both unconstitutional and cravenly political.

“He’s absolutely pandering to a specific demographic that no doubt polls have shown … he would be helped in this demographic if he just makes this move,” the former Alaska governor told POLITICO late Friday as she left the Venetian hotel after a speech to the RightOnline conference. “And I say that because all of President Obama’s actions are based on polls that are provided him that would lead him to believe he can garner support for his reelection bid.”
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She decried the executive order declared Friday as “amnesty” that violates Congress’s constitutional right to pass laws.

“Our president still doesn’t understand the three branches of government,” she said. “He thinks he can usurp the Congressional branch of our government and dictate and mandate a policy like this.”

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee said it will make the borders more porous.

She took umbrage about an explanation she read in the press that said the law would only affect “law-abiding illegal immigrants.”

“That is a contradiction right there,” she said in the interview. “I think we need to characterize it and describe it more accurately. It’s called illegal for a reason.”

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