
【英语习语】jump the gun

 wwww888 2012-09-12

【英语习语】                       jump the gun


         jump the gun 这个习语源于赛跑比赛和游泳比赛,参赛者都应在发令枪响以后才能起跑


the gun,意思是抢跑或抢跳。例如:He was so nervous that he jumped the gun twice.(他太紧






       1)We all agreed that each of us should give our birthday present to Mum on the morning of her

             birthday but List jumped the gun and gave hers on the night before.     



       2)Donny was playing the part of a detective in the play, but he jumped the gun on the first night.

             He started saying his lines too soon.     

            唐尼在剧里扮演侦探的角色, 第一天晚上演出,他就抢先说他了的台词。

       3)He was so sure that he would get the job that he quit his old job.  Unfortunately, he really

             jumped the gun. He just found out yesterday he didn't get the job after all.    



      4)The exam was supposed to start at 10 a.m. but our teacher jumped the gun and handed out

             the paper 5 minutes before 10.     


      5)We certainly jumped the gun when we packed our winter clothes away the first warm day in

             March. Two days later it turned cold, and we had to get the clothes out again.   



      6) When learning howto parachute, it's absolutely essential not to jump the gunand open the

             parachute too soon after jumping out of the plane.   

             在学习跳降落伞时,绝对不能在跳离飞机时就匆忙地 (迫不及待地) 打开降落伞。

      7)The report is to be published next Thursday, and none of us can jump the gun by revealing

            any of its contents.    


      8)We do not want to jump the gun by making a statement about what caused the explosion

            before the investigation is completed.    




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