
Fitting section Filter project--Filter 3

 LOFT生活 2012-09-13
Shooting scenery photos, the green filter is very useful, because it can deepen the hue of the sky, dilute the hue of the surrounding vegetation - enhance the contrast between them.
Shooting autumn scenery, you can use a red filter or orange leaves in the photo on the lights, and also allows the blue sky becomes scene.
In architectural photography, the photographer often using the red filter, add as a red filter and be able to separate the color tone of dark blue days, more significant projecting photographing buildings.
4 [deepening sky]
We may have had this experience: not as realistic scenery so distinctive and prominent black-and-white film shot under the sky, white clouds?
The reason is that the processing of the film and the human eye color is not the same.
Black and white photographs by the different shades of black and white composition range from pure white, light gray, dark gray, black and gray, has been changed to black.
Blue sky - Baiyun scene is shot as described above, we should use the tone becomes darker filter allow blue sky.
Photo blue sky was a little darker gray tones, white clouds contrasting now come.
Pay attention to white clouds in the black and white photographs do not reproduce white color, it is best to a light gray hue. Add another filter, basically do not change the hue of the white clouds, white clouds remains gray tone. We need to do is to deepen the hue of the blue sky, which highlight the purpose of Baiyun big reach.
Do not use filters when shooting blue sky - clouds scene, do not use the filter will produce what kind of effect it?
Black-and-white film, the deep blue of the sky is shades of light gray, light gray and white clouds. Result: no contrast. Blue sky and white clouds financial group, was whitish gray tone.
Yellow filter
If the yellow filter is used in the shooting, you will find blue sky showing a darker gray tone. However, we should consider how to choose the most suitable yellow filter?
It depends on that we hope to deepen the hue of the blue sky and to what extent. The darker the filter, Blue Sky will be showing in the photo, the darker the gray tone. Darker gray tones of blue sky in deep yellow filter photographs.
Green filter
    In order to get the gray tones of the sky deeper than yellow filter, we can choose to use a green filter.
    The most commonly used green filters for professional photographers in the 11th pale green filter. The blue sky is reproduced as a darker gray tone, more clearly highlighted the Baiyun.
Red filter
    Use the red filter can shoot almost black sky. The most commonly used red filter numeral 25.
Why not use the best possible deep color filters
Might wonder: "Our aim is to deepen the gray tones of blue sky, then why not use the red filter the deepest sky gray tone." The answer is obvious, and that is to deepen the hue of the sky just for all purposes a, rather than the sole purpose. The more general situation is that there are often a plurality of objects, such as trees, flowers, People, livestock and buildings, etc. in the scene. If you are using a red hue, we may accordingly change the tones of other objects, which appear unsatisfactory results.
When we appreciate a black-and-white photographs, accustomed to a certain "standard" tone.
For example: the blue sky is usually gray tone, under normal circumstances should not be black; lawn usually in gray tones, under normal circumstances should not be white or black, and so on.
Therefore, we choose the best filter color is not too deep, in order to highlight the goals we want. If the deepening blue sky tones to highlight the white clouds just an object, then you should choose a light yellow filter. From another point of view, if the sky is the subject of the photo, and our main goal is to highlight contrasts Baiyun, then choose the darker filter is more appropriate.
How to choose a filter, in order to achieve the best results?
    If we have a wide variety of filters, then do not be stingy little film money, and very short time, a few minutes should do more test sub, try a different filter.
    Next met a charming view of the blue sky and white clouds, mounted on a black-and-white film, recorded under the filter.
    The next thing to do is to print out photos to compare the results of a test shot. No better way than this will enable us to become familiar with the performance of various filter.
5. Use the filter penetration mist
We have already discussed in the previous demister filter shooting color film how penetrating mist. Black-and-white photography and how to do it?
We also have a sufficient grasp, because of the use of color filters can remove the fog light, and the light projected onto the film through the filter so that the subject is reflected back.
Mist is actually composed by some of the fine particles capable of scattering light sky. Sky light color?
Blue. In other words, the mist Blu-ray scattering. In order to penetrate the mist to see the scene, it is necessary to remove the blue light. So how can we do this?
Use the filter can remove the blue light.
Blue filter only allows blue light to pass through. Use the blue filter to reach this objective.
Yellow filter or red filter does not allow the blue light to pass through, and therefore more appropriate to use these two in the filter.
Line with the green filter it? Need to remind everyone that the green light blue light and yellow light mixture of. Other words, although the green filter will not let all of the blue light to pass through, but still part of the blue light through.
So in the end should be the choice of a filter it?
If it is in the fog, the green filter or yellow filter to suffice.
If you encounter fog, with a red filter will achieve better results.
If you encounter the impenetrable fog, how should I do? Sorry to tell you that any filter to no avail.
If you do not come from the light of distant objects, filter Xin can not "see" the target. Therefore, only the fog is not too large, that is, we believe that the "normal" when the filter in order to play its due role.
6 [black and white photography]
Black-and-white photography of the most important uses of the filter is to highlight some kind of gray tones to distinguish those other gray tones represent colors.
In all the colors on the black-and-white photographs are reproduced as light and dark is not the gray tone. Appreciate a systemic black and white photographs of the Duchess, no one can tell the dress she wore red, blue, or purple? Because we only see the gray tones.
Sometimes, people are not particularly pay attention to the color is real, and very happy to accept not reflect the colors of black and white photographs. However, the black-and-white photographs also must strive to natural and real. Occasionally, we also want to highlight a particular color in a black-and-white photos, making photo showing contrast.
For example, prominent red roses in the backdrop of the green leaves, the green dress of the Duchess would like to highlight in blue velvet cloth background, and would like to re-emerged in a variety of color patterns in textiles, and makes each color looks The difference, and how to do it?
In fact, as long as we choose the right filter, all of this can be accomplished.
    So, what kind of filter is the "right" it?
    To clarify this point, we must understand one basic principle: The filter allows only its color the same color light through, while blocking other colored light through.
Yellow filter only let yellow through, while blocking other shade;
Green filter so that only green through, while blocking other shade;
Red filter only let the red by prevent other shade.
This principle has played a big role in the black-and-white photography, a red filter below illustrate how this principle.
Only so that the red light passes through the red filter, in the shooting red roses, red roses reflected red light will be unimpeded through the filter and projected onto the film. Black and white film, this is what results it will produce?
Red roses reflecting the large number of river red line (red roses reflected light mostly) black and white film projected onto will have an impact on the large number of silver halide crystals in the film area. Developing, all these crystals will be converted to black metallic silver on the backsheet. Therefore, the film left a black red roses scene this film would be like in the photo?
We can imagine, the original negatives deeper place in the photo but will become lighter gray image.
We know that the red filter will block other shade outside the red, red roses around the green Shun photo look like it?
Red filter blocking green light, so only a small amount of green light can be projected onto the film. Projected onto the film, the less light, the less affected silver halide crystals. This means that after developing the backsheet corresponding region will be relatively thin, and there are fewer black metallic silver. Therefore, the negative image of the green leaves on the relatively shallow.
Well, pretty "green" in the photo look like?
We can also imagine that the shallow part of the film in the photo on the contrary, will significantly deeper. Therefore, the photo on the green leaves will show a darker gray image.
Now, the "saffron" and "Green Leaf" collectively in a take a look at the overall effect. Using a red filter to capture photos, red roses presented relatively shallow gray tones, green leaves showing the deep gray tone than safflower. Results: prominent red roses with green leaves in stark contrast.
7 [fluorescent lighting]
Fluorescent lighting for us a problem.
Now we have a variety of different fluorescent, warm white, cool white "to" daylight ", they have a cold green light, but the lack of warm red, orange and yellow light. This means you can use daylight film, but still bring us some trouble.
Use daylight film under fluorescent light will produce a greenish hue, the person's skin tone looks especially terrible. If the lighting type film would be even worse.
Two things first:
First of all, if you are using black and white film is above all the problems immediately;
Secondly, if you must use color film, the best solution is to turn off the fluorescent lights, change the other light sources.
If, however, we have no other choice, at the same time also perfectly correct abnormal, then the following method is the answer.
The solution is to use daylight film and CC filter ("CC" is the meaning of the color compensation).
We can try this combination as a starting point:
5M filter (magenta) and 20B filter (light blue) combination, the two filters stacked together mounted on the front of the lens. The filter combination to weaken the green light, and tried to deal with Slide at.
If the photo still appear more green, you can try a darker filters, such as 10M and 30B.
If the screen is too red, you can try more combinations such as 5M and 10B.
In addition, in the shooting also can refer to the film's instructions, the manufacturer has recommended some kind of filter combinations.
5M 20B filter combination photo or satisfactory.
Repeat one, the easiest way to solve this problem is to switch off the fluorescent lamp, the use of other light sources.
[Several Introduction]
[Reflective filter]
Absorption-type filter, is the use of the lens on the absorption of certain wavelengths of light, to reduce injected into the eye of the light intensity, but the lenses absorb some of the light, emitted into heat, particularly infrared and some other long-wave light, heat accumulation, so that the eyes feel uncomfortable.
Reflection filter can be a good solution to this problem.
Was introduced in front of coated glasses, will increase the reflection of light at the lens surface is coated with a layer refractive index than the lens itself, the high refractive index material layer, to reduce the light through the light intensity, so that you can protect eyes against the glare and harmful rays of the injury. In real life, in many cases the absorption and reflection unite, then coated with a layer of highly reflective film that colored lenses, filter stronger, such as welding, chlorine, arc welding, plasma cutting and other operations personnel with wearing glasses, you can use this method to solve.
[Demister filter]
Shooting in the fog, in addition to encounter "bluish", there is another problem. That is far from the image "fuzzy".
Similarly, the filter can also help us to solve this problem.
Defogging mirror and can not help us to penetrate the fog, and even fog or mist. As shown, it can only be helpful in mild conditions mist.
Polarizing filter
Our photographic activities (including the black-and-white photography and color photography), the most valuable filter to the number of polarizing filters.
No matter on what type of film, polarizing filter will deepen the hue of blue sky, so white clouds appear more prominent
Polarizing filter, there are many useful features. For example, when shooting through glass or water, polarizing filter can help us eliminate glare and reflected light.
Regardless of color photography or black-and-white photography, polarizing filters are very useful. For this reason, we suggest that you will polarizing filter as a standing equipment library, regardless of what type of film we use.
[Conversion filter]
Conversion filter is also very common kind of filters used in color photography. It allows us to use daylight film under tungsten light, or daylighting lighting type film.
Its advantage is even in the light of the different types of shooting, there is no filming of the film also unnecessary replacement.
In addition, we also do not have to carry two types of film, just carry a can; usually carry are daylight film, as well as a shooting under tungsten light conversion filter. Here we look at conversion filter is how it works, and compare the results of the shooting.
Daylight film under tungsten light shooting will be what the results of it?
Results in daylight shooting with daylight film, the colors of nature are very accurately reproduced.
Shooting with daylight film under tungsten light, we can see that to which golden reddish part not accurately reproduce the original color.
What kind of filter it better?
About this point, you can refer to the instructions provided by the film manufacturer.
, 3400K lights should 80B filter in 80A filter the 3200K lights will have to use.
Lighting type film shot in a tungsten light, using a B-type color reversal films. The photo is completely accurate reproduction of a true natural colors. Using the same film, but in daylight as the light source shooting to Figure 5, but apparently showing a bluish tint. If you want to use daylight light source (or strobes) lighting type film, we can take advantage of the conversion filters, typical 85B filter.
As mentioned earlier, if we use the color negative, then further adjustment of colors can also create photo; color reversal film can not.

【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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