

 笑熬浆糊糊 2012-10-10

It looks like the 26-year old's cool demeanour has finally cracked after showcasing some rather odd behaviour at a New York bar by drilling a hole into a table on Monday night.26岁的罗伯特帕丁森周一晚上在纽约的一个酒吧用钻孔机在桌面上钻了个洞,这一古怪行为似乎表明他有些崩溃。

Robert is legally required to appear with Kristen at the upcoming LA screening of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2.罗伯特被要求在即将到来的暮光之城系列-破晓2的洛杉矶首映礼上和克里斯汀一起出现。

But the stress of the looming premiere looks like it has been taking its toll on Rob who looked tired and withdrawn as he made his way through Manhattan.但是即将到来的首映礼给他带来的压力似乎已经隐隐显现,被拍到经过曼哈顿大街时,他看上去很孤单很憔悴。

Robert and Kristen have not been pictured together since news broke of her relationship with Rupert Sanders in July, when photos of the pair locked in an intimate embrace were published by Us Weekly.自从小K在七月被媒体爆出和桑德斯的一组亲密拥抱的照片后,罗伯特和小K就没有在公开场合一起露面了。

The Twilight co-stars reportedly moved out of their shared LA home after the incident.据报道这对暮光爱侣随后都搬离了他们在洛杉矶的爱巢。

A source tells RadarOnline: 'Rob and Kristen are legally required to promote Breaking Dawn Part 2 together along with the rest of the cast.有消息称:罗伯和克里斯汀必须和暮光的其他演员一起为破晓2做宣传。

'Their individual contracts have very specific language about what is legally required of Rob and Kristen to do on the publicity tour.'他们的个人合同里面明确提到罗伯和克里斯汀在宣传之旅中需要怎么做。

The insider added: 'The studio execs at Summit weren't happy when Rob and Kristen broke up, but this is why there are clauses about what is required of the stars to do.'知情人补充:公司高层对他俩分手很不高兴,这也是为什么他们要开出条款规定他们要怎么做。

The November 15 date is not the only promotional event the pair will have to [w=endure]endure[/w]. 11月15日并不是唯一的一场宣传活动,两人必须忍受更多“煎熬”。

Robert, Kristen and the Twilight cast are scheduled to embark on a worldwide media tour to promote the final film in The Twilight Saga.罗伯特,克里斯汀和暮光的演员们要按照预期安排开始着手暮光之城最后系列的宣传工作。

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