
Enter another Person’s Dream

 dreamintention 2012-10-15

Ever have a dream where nothing is familiar to you? Almost as if it’s another persons’ dream?  The term is commonly referred to as DreamWalking. It is a form of lucid dreaming, but to a greater extent, you unwillingly (or sometimes willingly) enter anothers dream and manipulate the dream to whatever you want. It is also possible for you to enter another persons dream without you even being asleep, but rather in a deep meditative state. So, before you proceed choose someone you know very well, as is very close to you in your life. You cannot choose an unwilling participate, it simply will not work, this is due to the freewill of the person. So make sure the person is willing to allow you to enter their dream before you proceed.
You are going to want to time this just right for the sake of experimentation. You are going to want to make sure the person is asleep before proceeding.  Calculate the time it takes for them to be in deep sleep (during the REM stage of sleep will give you the best results).
Enter a deep state of meditation; relax every part of your body from your head down to your toes.  Once you completely lose touch with the physical world around you (noises especially) and you feel as if you are floating in the void of space then proceed to the next step.
While floating in the void of space, feel your body as it just completely relaxed and floating comfortably. Slowly visualize the persons face in the blackness of space, and allow yourself to travel deep inside their imaginary world. Feel the emotions and feelings of being in that persons presence as if you are not in a false reality but rather in an awaken state of consciousness.
As you float into their dream consciousness, you might witness weird or even bizarre images, but do not worry or feel anxious. Look around this imagined world until you find the person whose dream it is. Most likely they are within a passive acting role within the dream. You can either proceed to call to their attention that they are in fact dreaming (hopefully, causing them to gain control over the situation). OR you can simply take their hand and have them follow you into your 'imagined world’. Mentally create a reality consisting of whatever you wish it to be. Experience whatever you wish them to experience, and have fun!
If you are able to lucid dream rather well, you can also attempt mastery over this technique by simply making a conscious effort to enter the other persons dream. There are boundless methods and formulas for obtaining the same outcome. I can personally say I’ve had a lot of successful experiences with this. Trial and error might be the best way to figure out what works best for you, and always use your best judgment when undergoing this technique.


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