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Dreamintention photo maker.
盗梦使者。What if you could enter a world within your own mind which is completely realistic or Imagine a Life of Comple Control to Be and Do Whatever You Want.To do anything you could possible ever imagine?where you can do anything your heart desires, no limits, no consequences.
Dream walking, simply put, is the ability to enter the dreams of others.Except that instead of changing channels on you television, you are actually hopping from dream to dream visiting the thoughts of other people as they sleep.This is a very tricky thing to do because it can be difficult to tell whether you actually...
What is Remote viewing.A remote viewer does not astrally project to the target, although some remote viewers occasionally report a feeling of bilocating to the site of the target.One theory is that trained remote viewers are able to tap into the "Universal Mind" - a kind of comprehensive storehouse of inform...
Enter another Person’s Dream.
如果你有羞花闭月般的美貌,请问你能让它长开不败么?如果当花容凋谢的那一天到来,你又如何让你的男人对你的一往情深呢? 如果你才华横益,琴、棋、书、画样样精通,可是爱人穿的像个乞丐,孩子像个孤儿,家里是一片狼籍,你如何让你的男人爱你一生? 如果你在单位在家庭都独挡一面,认为自己精明能干,在家里对你的男人也咄咄逼...
梦中有你 时间长了日子久了,有些事有些人变得模糊。梦是无意中的一个,让你常常会在梦里见到一些已经忘记和那些快要忘记的人。梦里的那些人和事,是那么的清晰可见似乎就像你回到我身边感觉那么的美好。可就是在昨天晚上,你出现在我梦里............我不想多说了。我只想给你一个拥抱,可惜是在梦里。祝福我曾经爱过的人,我不会忘记你...
About Remote viewing http://dreamintention.wix.com/dreams Remote viewing is the controlled use of ESP (extrasensory perception) through a specific method.A remote viewer does not astrally project to the target, although some remote viewers occasionally report a feeling of bilocating to the site of the target.But lear...
Would You Like to Become a Master Dreamer Have you ever awakened in the morning with the thought of a dream you just had?A lucid dream is a dream in which you know you are dreaming.With the intent to dream of something inspirational and good dream recall, a lucid dreamer can put an end to creative dry spells and arti...
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