

 dreamintention 2012-10-15

Have you ever had a dream that didn't feel like it was your own? A dream that was full of strange elements that didn't make sense to you or in which you found yourself doing things that were out of character? Or what about a dream that was full of people and places that you didn't recognize? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may have been dream walking.

Dream walking, simply put, is the ability to enter the dreams of others. It is not as strange or weird as it may sound. To think of it another way it is like channel surfing in your sleep. Except that instead of changing channels on you television, you are actually hopping from dream to dream visiting the thoughts of other people as they sleep. You may be saying to yourself that if this is possible, then other people could enter my dreams. Yes that is absolutely true. They can and they do. It happens to us all of the time. It is a perfectly natural phenomenon. It is because of the simple fact that we fail to remember the majority of our dreams that most people don't realize it is happening.

Have you ever had a dream that felt like someone was intruding into it? That felt like someone didn't belong or that you were being threatened or attacked? If so then you may have been experiencing someone walking through your dream. This is a common form of telepathy. It is similar to the subconscious telepathy that we experience on a daily basis while we are awake.

Whether we realize it or not, all of our minds are constantly communicating on a subconscious level. Jung called this the collective unconscious. It is like an interlacing network of ideas and thought forms. Sometimes, when we are asleep and dreaming, we simply bump into one another's thoughts and this can be experienced as dream walking.

It is possible to do this on a conscious level. Though it is somewhat rude to do this without the other person's permission. If you meditate before going to sleep at night and summon enough will power while concentrating on the image of the person whose dreams you are wanting to enter, it is possible to visit their dreams. You can also visualize yourself entering their dreams. This is a very tricky thing to do because it can be difficult to tell whether you actually dream walked or just dreamt about dream walking. It has to be something that you strongly desire to do and it really helps to have the other person's permission. Some people are very good at guarding their thoughts even on a subconscious level and will block you at every attempt.

Because this is such a difficult thing to do with any accuracy or even a way of verifying success, it can take years of practice to master this ability. The amount of effort and will it requires also makes it difficult. As with anything else, the ability to dream walk comes more easily to some than it does for others. It helps to have a partner who is willing to practice with you. If you both keep an accurate dream journal, this can supply you with the feedback that you need to actually hone your dream walking ability.


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