

 紫曦唯幂1 2012-10-26





全国中学生英语能力竞赛组委会办公室 提供




1.The news _________ for my brother. B

A.are B.is C.were D.be

2.“Handed”in“He handed the coat to his wife.”means _________ . C

A.dressed B.found C.passed D.threw

3.—Would you like some more coffee? C

—I'm full._________


C.Thanks all the same.

D.Don't trouble me.

4.We can't see _________ moon in _________ daytime.C

A.the;a B.the;the

C.the;/ D.a;the

5.Most English people's family name comes_________ .D

A.first B.middle

C.together D.last

6.It will be bad for your health to eat _________ food and take _________ exercise. B

A.fewer;more B.more;less

C.little;much D.less;more

7.—Who's the woman in the blue car?

—She is _________ mother. B

A.Tom's and Lily's B.Tom and Lily's

C.Tom and Lily D.of Tom and Lily

8.—_________ I go out to play now,Mum?

—No,you _________ finish your homework first. D

A.Must;needn't B.Can;may

C.May;must D.May;mustn't

9.There are shops on _________ sides of the street._________ of them do not close until 1 o'clock at night. A

A.both;All B.every;None

C.each;Some D.other;Many

10.Look!Here are your shoes.You must _________ .B

A.put it away B.put them away

C.put away them D.put away it

11.—What's this in English?

—Sorry.I don't know how to _________ it. A

A.say B.tell C.talk D.speak

12.Here is a letter _________ Linda _________ her friend in America. C

A.to;to B.on;for

C.to;from D.for;at

13.Did the teacher say _________ in the last lesson?B

A.something interesting

B.anything interesting

C.interesting something

D.interesting anything

14.—Your watch is very nice. A

—_________ .

A.Thanks B.Don't say so

C.That's good D.No,it's not nice

15.Jo often goes bananas.Don't stay with her.Here“go bananas”means _________ . A

A.发疯 B.去摘香蕉

C.碰钉子 D.品头论足

16.We'd better _________ so early. B

A.not to go out B.to go out

C.not go out D.go out not

17.It is _________ useful book. A

A.quite B.a quite

C.quite an D.an quite

18.—I'll be away on a business trip.Do you mind(介意)looking after my cat? D

—Not at all._________

A.I've no time.B.I'd rather not.

C.I'd like it.D.I'd be happy to.

19.—_________ does your brother go back home? D

—Four times a month.

A.How long B.How much

C.How soon D.How often

20.—I don't like chicken _________ fish.I like beef.

—I don't like chicken,_________ I like fish very much.B

A.and;and B.and;but

C.or;and D.or;but


II.阅读理解(Reading comprehension):(共30小题,计30分)



There was once a man who kept ten monkeys as pets as he was very fond of them.Every morning the monkeys would climb up and down the trees or swing from one branch(树枝)to another in his backyard.After that,he would feed them bananas.

One morning the man said to the monkeys,“We have very few bananas left today.For breakfast I shall give each of you two bananas and four for dinner.”

When the monkeys heard this,they looked very unhappy.They refused(拒绝)to take the bananas that the man was handing out to them.

“Very well,then.You shall have four bananas in the morning and two for dinner,”the man said.

The monkeys looked at one another.Then they jumped up and down happily,nodding their heads.They took the big,yellow bananas from the man and started eating.

Choose the best answer.

21.The man kept the monkeys because he _________ .A

A.liked them B.sold monkeys as pets

C.wanted them to work for him

D.had many banana trees in his backyard

22.The man fed the monkeys _________ . A

A.twice a day B.in the afternoon

C.only when they were hungry

D.before they climbed up and down the trees

23.At first the man wanted to give the monkeys _________ bananas for dinner.D

A.one B.two C.three D.four

24.The monkeys were unhappy and they _________ .

A.ran away B.nodded their heads

C.jumped up and down

D.didn't take the bananas from the man

25.Finally,the monkeys ate _________ bananas for the whole day. D

A.less B.more

C.five D.the same number of


Please answer the questions about the prices(价格)of the two hotels(酒店).


26.The Sheraton Hotel is _________ than the Gateway Hotel.B

A.cheaper B.dearer

C.bigger D.cleaner

27.I want to stay in the Sheraton for two weeks in August.I need about _________ .C

A.£750 B.£515

C.£695 D.£573

28.The two hotels are open for _________ months of the year.C

A.nine B.ten

C.eleven D.twelve

29.It is cheaper to stay in the Gateway in May than it is in _________ .D

A.November B.March

C.October D.July

30.From October to December it is dearer to stay in the Sheraton than from _________ to _________ . B

A.June;August B.January;March

C.May;July D.July;September


Read where the following people are.Name them on the map.

eg.●Yen is on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Collins Street.

●Ivan is in Elizabeth Street next to the General Post Office.

●Reina is at Flinders Street Station.

●Franco is in Collins Street between the City Square and the Town Hall.

●Ella is in Elizabeth Street opposite the General Post Office.

●Mike is on the corner of Bourke Street Mall and Swanston Street Walk.

31._Franco________ 32.__ Mike_______

33._Ivan________ 34.__Ella _______



Do you know there are two kinds of football games?One is American football,the other is soccer.In China many young men like playing soccer.It's very popular in China,but the Chinese don't call it soccer.They call it football.There are eleven players in a team.And the ball is round.Only the goal-keeper can touch the ball with their hands.The other players must kick the ball with feet.

In America soccer is not popular.They like playing American football more than playing soccer.There are eleven players in a team.The ball isn't round.All the players can touch the ball with hands and feet.The goal is also bigger than in soccer.American football is different from soccer.

Complete the sentences according to the passage.

36.The Chinese call soccer __football_______ .

37.There are __eleven_______ players in a soccer team and also in a team of American football.

38.In the USA American football is _more________ popular than soccer.

39.All the players can play __American_______ football using their hands and feet.

40.The goal of soccer is _bigger________ than the goal of American football.


Read the advertisement(广告)below.


This large flat is on the top floor of a five-storey modern block of flats in a quiet part of the country.There are two schools,a restaurant,and several shops nearby.Wetton Station is only a few hundred metres away.The flat has got a large living-room,a dining-room,a modern kitchen,one large bedroom and two smaller bedrooms.There is a bathroom with a shower,sink(洗涤槽)and toilet.The flat has also got a smaller storeroom,and there is a large verandah(走廊).The price is £44,590,including carpets(包括地毯).

Answer the questions.

41.Is it on the first floor?

____No,it isn’t._________________________________

42.Are there two schools near the flat?


43.Is it easy to catch a train from nearby the flat?


44.How many bedrooms are there in the flat?

____Only one.______________________________________

45.How much is it?



I go on a camping(露营)trip in the mountains with my classmates.After hiking all day,we find a place to camp for the night.We make a campfire so that we can cook our dinner.We roast(烤)some hot dogs and potatoes and drink lemonade(柠檬汽水).Then,when it gets dark,we tell ghost(鬼)stories around the campfire.

Later when we lie down to go to sleep,we listen to the sounds of crickets(蟋蟀)and small animals moving around in the grass.We think there are some ghosts nearby.“What's that?”my friend Kathy asks.“What?”we ask.“I think I hear someone walking in the woods.”Kathy says.Soon we all hear footsteps and we are all so scared that we can't get to sleep.

Of course,there is no one there,but we have very active imaginations(丰富的想象力).

Answer the questions.

46.What does“scared”mean in Chinese?


47.Which word in the passage means“the sound of someone walking”?


48.What do the students in the story do on their camping trip?

_Hike,cook our dinner,tell ghost stories and sleep。__

49.Why do they make a campfire?

__ So that they can cook our dinner。______________

50.Why are they scared?

____ They all hear footsteps 。_________________






Mrs Chan was preparing lunch when the telephone rang.The caller was her son's teacher,telling her(51)_________ he was not(52)________ .

Mrs Chan quickly(53)_______ home for her son's school.As she was in a hurry,she(54)_________ to turn(55)_________ the electric stove(电子炉).She had put a big pot of soup(56)_________ it to boil.Mrs Chan took her son(57)_________ see a doctor after fetching him from school.She returned home about two hours(58)_________ .

The minute she stepped into the house,she(59)_________ smell something burning.She rushed into the kitchen.There was no(60)_________ soup left in the pot and the pot had turned completely black.Mrs Chan was relieved that besides the burnt pot,nothing else was damaged(被损坏).


Polly and Molly are twins.They(61)_________ the same.Sometimes their mother can't tell(62)_________ apart(区分开).Yesterday morning,their mother said to(63)_________ ,“Go and buy some cakes,(64)_________ .”After a few minutes,the mother saw Molly and she thought it was Polly.She asked,“Why(65)_________ you go to buy the cakes?”

IV.句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation):(共10小题,计10分)


66.The child can read and write.(改为否定句)

The child _________ read _________ write.

67.—_________ _________ fish is there on the table?

—Only a little.(根据答语完成问句)

68.They are working on a farm.(用in a factory改为选择问句)

_________ they working on a farm _________ in a factory?

69.Listen!The woman teacher is singing in the next room.(变为复数句)

Listen!The _________ _________ are singing in the next room.

70.Judy is going to help me with my English this evening.(对划线部分提问)

_________ is Judy going to _________ this evening?


71.The apples on that tree are not difficult to reach.

_________ easy _________ reach the apples on that tree.

72.Ji Wei sings best in our class.

Ji Wei sings _________ than any of the _________ in our class.

73.He isn't busy,I think.

I _________ _________ he is busy.

74.What do you want me to do?

What _________ you _________ me to do?

75.The boys had a good time at the party.

The boys _________ _________ at the party.

V.动词填空(Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms):(共10小题,计10分)


Last night the first episode(一段情节)of the series(连续剧)Back to the Past(76)_________(be)on Channel 5.It's an interesting science fiction(科幻小说)series about a scientist,Professor Sparks,and his fantastic(奇异的)time machine.He(77)_________(want)to travel to the future,but something(78)_________(happen),and he(79)_________(go)back to the age of the dinosaurs(恐龙).At first,the professor(80)_________(be)very excited.It was an opportunity(良机)for him to study the Jurassic Period(侏罗纪).Then Sparks(81)_________ (see)that he(82)_________ (not have)any food.He(83)_________ (not know)how to hunt,how to fish,or how to make a fire.But he(84)_________ (have)his Swiss knife,a box of matches,and... his brains(头脑;智力).What do you think he(85)_________ (do)?





87.昨天我们把时间订得稍早了一点。(make it)






90.下周六有一场中国队与日本队的足球赛。(there be)



Shopping in Singapore

(91)Singapore is a shopping paradise(天堂).There are shops everywhere on the island and big shopping centres in the city.Lots of tourists(旅游者)come to Singapore to shop for bargains(便宜货).

(92)Window-shopping is also a favourite pastime for people who live in Singapore.Along Orchard Road there are many shopping centres to visit and tourists can pick up a bargain here,there and everywhere.Tourists often only visit Orchard Road,but there are even more interesting shopping centres in the suburbs(郊区).(93)Travelling by taxi,train or bus,tourists can get there very quickly and easily.

The shopping centre is a great place to meet your friends.It is always an extremely busy and exciting place.There is plenty to see and do there.(94)Some centres have excellent cinemas and because the centres stay open until quite late,shoppers can look around after they have seen a movie.

(95)It is easy to see why Singapore is called the shopping paradise of the Southeast Asia.


96.Fit seven words into the letter snake.The LAST letter of one word is the FIRST letter of the next word.Some letters are filled in to help you.

These are the words you will need:doll,egg,flower,lemon,nest,road,tree

97.The little boy ran until he was blue in the face.

What does“blue in the face”here mean?


98.What part of London is in France?






What number is missing from the bracket?

A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 E.9



Write a composition according to the information below.(not less than 70 words)





B)Look at the following map.You are telling someone how he can get to the gate of College Park from St.Stephen's Green West.Write it down in about 50 words.








I.1—5BCCBD 6—10BBCAB 11—15ACBAA 16—20CBDDD

II.21—25AADDD 26—30BCCDB 31.Franco 32.Mike 33.Ivan 34.Ella 35.Reina 36.football 37.eleven(11)38.more 39.American 40.smaller 41.No,it isn't.42.Yes,there are.43.Yes,it is.44.Three.45.£44,590.46.害怕的.47.Footsteps.48.They go hiking and sleep outside.49.Because they want to cook their food.50.Because they tell ghost stories before going to sleep.

III.51.that 52.well 53.left 54.forgot 55.off 56.on 57.to 58.later 59.could 60.more 61.look 62.them 63.Polly 64.please 65.didn't

IV.66.can't,or 67.How much 68.Are,or 69.women teachers 70.What,do 71.It's,to 72.better,others 73.don't think 74.would,like 75.enjoyed themselves

V.76.was 77.wanted 78.happened 79.went 80.was 81.saw 82.didn't have 83.didn't know 84.had 85.is going to do

VI.86.They didn't tell me how to feed the animals last weekend.87.We made it a little earlier yesterday.88.Please take the fourth turning on the left.89.Don't swim here.It's dangerous.90.There is going to be a football match between Chinese and Japanese.91.新加坡是一个购物的天堂。92.浏览橱窗也是新加坡人最喜爱的一种消遣。93.游客乘出租车、火车或者公共汽车能很快捷地到达那里。94.一些购物中心有极好的影院,由于这些地方营业到很晚,所以购物者可以在看完电影后再逛。95.很容易就能看出为什么新加坡被称为东南亚的购物天堂。


97.It means“精疲力竭”.

98.The letter“N”.


100.C.9×7=63 3×3=9 63÷9=7

VIII.(A)Today is Sunday.Zhao Wei doesn't have any classes on Sunday.He goes to the zoo with his father.He sees many kinds of animals in the zoo.There are tigers,monkeys,pandas,lions and bears.Most of the animals are unhappy in the zoo because they have to stay in cages or small rooms.They are not free.They like living in the forest.There they can run,jump,play with their children and catch small animals for food.Their life in the zoo is different from that in the forest.

(B)You're going to the College Park from St.Stephen's Green West.Go along this street,turn right at the first crossing.Then turn left at the second crossing,you're in Kildare Street.Turn right at the next crossing.You're in Clare Street.Turn left at the next turning.Soon after,you'll see the gate of the College Park.

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