

 钟家台 2012-11-06




[(1) to get again something that was lost, stolen or taken away; (2) to return to normal health or normal conditions]

The police recovered the stolen money. (1)

She is expected to recover from the operation. (2)



[having the color like that of blood]

Those red flowers are roses.



[(1) to make less or smaller in number, size or amount; (2) to cut]

She reduced her picture so it would fit in her passport. (1)

Congress voted to reduce taxes. (2)



[(1) to make better by changing; (2) to improve; (3) a change to a better condition]

The Congress reformed the way candidates pay for political campaigns. (1)

He reformed his life by ending all use of tobacco and alcohol. (2)

The voters approved reforms that will reduce air and water pollution. (3)



[a person who has been forced to flee because of unjust treatment, danger or war]

His family came to the United States as refugees.



[(1) to reject; (2) to not accept, give or do something]

She refused his apology. (1)

He refused to fight in the Vietnam War. (2)



[a feeling of sadness or sorrow about something that is done or that happens]

The President expressed regret that so many lives were lost.



[to refuse to accept, use or believe]

Colonel Travis rejected the General's demand.



[(1) understandings or ties between nations; (2) members of the same family; (3) people connected by marriage or family ties]

The United States does not have diplomatic relations with Cuba. (1)

Most of his relations live in California. (2)

He sees his wife's relations almost every week. (3)



[(1) to free; (2) to permit to go; (3) to permit to be known or made public]

The terrorists released their hostages. (1)

The child released his balloon. (2)

The spokesman released details of the President's trip. (3)



[a belief in, or the honoring of, a god or gods]

The Constitution says the United States cannot establish an official religion.



[(1) to stay in a place after others leave; (2) to stay the same]

She remained in the town after most of her friends left. (1)

He has remained my friend for almost 50 years. (2)



[a dead body]

The soldier's remains were buried in the National Cemetery.



[(1) to think about the past; (2) opposite forget]

I still remember stories that my grandfather told me. (1)

She told him to remember to call when he got home. (2)



[(1) to take away or take off; (2) to put an end to; (3) to take out of a position or office]

She removed her shoes as soon as she sat down. (1)

Doctors removed his gall bladder. (2)

The dishonest judge was removed from office. (3)



[work done to fix something]

His car is being repaired.



[to say or do again]

Please repeat what you said.



[(1) to tell about; (2) to give the results of a study or investigation; (3) the story about an event; (4) the results of a study or investigation; (5) a statement in which the facts may not be confirmed]

She reported about her holiday in Europe. (1)

The scientist reported the results of his experiment. (2)

Did you read the newspaper report about the accident (3)

The director said he was pleased with our budget report. (4)

A report said 260 people were killed. (5)



[(1) to act in the place of someone else; (2) to substitute for; (3) to serve as an example]

She represents the people who could not be here. (1)

On this map, X represents where the treasure is buried. (2)

This statue represents the skills of the ancient artists. (3)



[to control or to restrict freedoms by force]

He repressed his people.



[(1) to ask for; (2) the act of asking for]

She requested a glass of water. (1)

No one heard her request for help. (2)



[to need or demand as necessary]

This job requires computer skills.



[to free from danger or evil]

He rescued a little boy floating in the sea.



[a careful study to discover correct information]

He made the discovery after many years of research.



[to leave a position, job or office]

The President has resigned.



[(1) to oppose; (2) to fight to prevent]

He resists all demands for new elections. (1)

The baby resisted sleep for several hours. (2)



[an official statement of agreement by a group of people, usually reached by voting]

The United Nations Security Council approved a joint cease-fire resolution.



[anything of value that can be used or sold]

Our coal supplies are a great energy resource.



[(1) having a duty or job to do; (2) being the cause of]

He is responsible for preparing the report. (1)

They were responsible for the accident. (2)

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