
Life of Pi 少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流

 cntic 2012-11-07
Life of Pi少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流

How can 3.14159 have a life? However, the mathematical ratio that is pi is not the focus of Life of Pi, Ang Lee's new movie. Pi, which is short for Piscine, is a teenage boy from Pondicherry, India who survives a life-changing experience. As the son of a zoo owner, Pi is quite familiar with animals since he has spent time observing and taking care of them firsthand.
Due to the political situation in the country, Pi's father decides to sell the animals and move the family to Canada. They travel on a cargo ship along with several of the sold animals. A few days out of port, the ship sinks and Pi ends up in a lifeboat drifting aimlessly in the Pacific Ocean. He is not alone, though. Sharing the same small space are a female orangutan, an injured zebra, a hungry hyena, and a 200-kilogram Bengal tiger whose name is Richard Parker. Pi must find a way to survive with very little food and water and avoid being eaten by the animals. Life of Pi is truly a magical adventure, so don't miss it in theaters this month.


  1. be short for...是……的简称
    Our son Alex, which is short for Alexander, just got accepted into Oxford.
    我们的儿子 Alex,也就是 Alexander 的小名,刚录取进入牛津大学。
  2. observe vt. 观察
    Jack prefers to observe people who are walking by while his wife shops at the mall.
  3. firsthandadv. 直接地,第一手地
    The journalist has experienced living in a battle zone firsthand.
  4. politicala. 政治(上)的
    The political leader of that African country was accused of being involved in a scandal.
  5. sinkvi. 下沉,沉没(三态为∶sink, sank [ sAGk ], sunk [ sVGk ]。)
    Lily watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the wishing well.
  6. driftvi.(在水上或空中)漂流;飘
    The boat began to drift out to sea when the rope which held it to the dock became lose.
  7. aimlesslyadv. 漫无目的地,无目标地
    Luke wandered the streets aimlessly after his friend stood him up.
  8. injureda. 受伤的
    Bob took the injured dog to the nearest animal clinic for treatment.

  1. mathematical a. 数学的
  2. ratio n. 比例
  3. pi n. 圆周率
  4. cargo shipn. 货船
    cargo n. 货物
  5. orangutan n. 红毛猩猩
  6. hyena n. 土狼

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