
City warns of road closures in the Seaport District during Romney election night event on

 wps0321 2012-11-07

City warns of road closures in the Seaport District during Romney election night event on

11/05/2012 7:20 PM

Streets will be closed on the South Boston waterfront on Tuesday beginning at 6 p.m. while former Governor Mitt Romney holds his election night event at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, said the city of Boston and the South Boston Seaport Transportation Management Association.

Summer and D streets will be closed throughout the event, with Summer Street shut down until about midnight and D Street until 9 p.m., the statement said.

The city said that Summer will be closed on both sides, from Melcher Street to D Street, and D Street will be closed on both sides from Summer Street to the end of the property line for #400 D Street.

“We’re not recommending people to drive into the South Boston waterfront area,” said Mac Daniel, a spokesman for the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. If people are interested in coming to the area, they are encouraged to use public transportation or walk, he said.

“The evening rush hour will be impacted by this,” said Daniel. “The morning commute could be affected as well.”

The road closures are expected to be fluid on Tuesday, and could extend beyond the listed streets as the night progresses, he added.

The US Secret Service started to secure the convention center on Monday, according to the Seaport TMA.

“The Boston Transportation Department is strongly cautioning South Shore commuters to stay on the highway system and to avoid trying to cut through this area on Tuesday evening. Those with a destination in the Seaport District are encouraged to take the MBTA silver line, which has three stops in the immediate vicinity,” said the city of Boston.

The temporary parking restrictions will also be in effect all day on Tuesday at numerous locations in the Seaport District.

Tow zones parking restrictions from 6 p.m. to midnight will be in effect on both sides of Stuart Street, from Dartmouth Street to Clarendon Street, both sides of Trinity Place from Stuart Street to St. James Avenue, and the north side of Columbus Avenue from Park Plaza westerly for about 100 feet, the city said.

Tow zone parking restrictions for all day Tuesday will be in effect on the island side of Church Street from Columbus Avenue to Stuart Street, the island side of Stuart Street from Columbus Avenue to Church Street, and the south side of Columbus Avenue from Church Street to Stuart Street.

Derek J. Anderson can be reached at derek.anderson@globe.com.

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