
The Link 科技的族谱

 cntic 2012-11-13

The Link科技的族谱 

The finger bone is connected to the hand bone, which are then connected to the shoulder bone by way of the arm bone. Continuing on up the body, the shoulder, back, and neck bones are connected to the head bone. If all these bones weren't linked together in their proper order, the human body would fall apart and fail to work. This is also true for the world in which we live.
There are people that grow up, graduate from high school, and then get married right away. This in turn leads to them having children, buying homes, and preparing for their kids' education. Before long, their children are all grown and starting on their individual paths, while it is too late for them to pursue their own dreams. What if one of the links in their lives didn't happen or happened differently? The outcomes are likely to be different.
The same also happens with the technology we depend on every day. Who could have imagined that swords would lead to spy planes or gunpowder to forensics? The Link on National Geographic Channel traces these connections to reveal how some modern inventions came about, so don't miss it.


  1. by way of...透过 经由……
    The team of explorers reached the cave by way of a long passage.
  2. linkvt. 连接 & n. 环节;关联
    The detective was hoping to find a link between the recent murder and past cases in the area.
  3. fall apart瓦解,散开
    The book was so fragile that it fell apart as soon as Maggie picked it up.
  4. in turn因而,因此
    Tracy started working out, which in turn helped her get in shape and increase her energy level.
  5. before long不久,很快
    Your father will be home before long, so you'd better clean up this mess.
  6. individuala. 个人的;各别的
    The personal trainer designs special workouts to meet his clients' individual needs.
  7. outcomen. 结果,结局
    The patient's family was anxiously waiting for the outcome of the surgery.
  8. depend on...依靠 仰赖……
    Terry depends on his scooter to get him to and from school every day.
  9. tracevt. 追溯,追查
    trace + 所有格 + roots(某人)寻根
    After being told he was adopted, Seth set out to trace his roots.

  1. swordn. 刀;剑
  2. spy planen. 侦察机
  3. gunpowdern. 火药
  4. forensicsn. 犯罪鉴识科学

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