
雨的随想 翻译

 yuanyimm 2012-11-15











Free Thoughts about Rain

Sometimes it rains outside, but we feel fine inside. Sometimes it is fine outside, but we feel rainy inside. Many things should be tasted in comparison. When you feel happy, raining will be like fine weather. When you feel sad, fine weather will be like raining.

However, any kind of story must be unforgettable on a rainy day. The rain has the magic to conjure a kind of sentiment, a kind of atmosphere and a kind of memory, when it drizzles. Of course, sometimes it can also turn into a disaster, when it pours.

The wind and sand in spring, the mugginess in summer and the dryness in autumn all make people pray for the rain. A rainfall can also fresh the air and brighten the street. As the old saying goes, “Rain in spring is as precious as oil”. Not only do farmers hope for rain.

When there is rain, both the sun and the moon cannot be seen. Most people don’t mind that, maybe because the rainy season isn’t so cold that we don’t need the sun. The rainy night has another kind of charm.

Sometimes it recalls Li Shangyin’s famous verse, “When shall we, side by side, trim a kindle at the west window.”

Strolling in the light rain can make you feel agreeable. The rustling sound of rain tapping the poplar and Chinese parasol leaves is so dulcet that even Richard Marx’s piano music The Whisper of the Autumn cannot compare with. That’s the nature’s extraordinary power.

The scene that a pair of lover walks in an ally is very ordinary. However, a blue umbrella and a cream-colored windproof coat can make the effect totally different on a rainy day. At your first sight, it can be a thought-provoking picture.

In the north, it doesn’t often rain all over the year. So if it rains one day, the rain will be like the poem or the poem will be like the rain, which makes people feel pretty good.


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