
王学圻确认加盟《钢铁侠3》 本周北京取景拍摄

 笑熬浆糊糊 2012-12-11

Even with the movie hitting theaters in just a few months, it's never too late to add some new actors to the "Iron Man 3" cast, is it?即使这部电影离登陆电影院只有几个月的时间了,但是对于钢铁侠3来说再增加一些新角色也不会太迟,对吧?

The latest actor to join up with Tony Stark is Chinese star Wang Xuequi. Deadline reports that Xuequi will play the part of Doctor Wu, a new character introduced in Shane Black's third "Iron Man" film. His casting comes as Marvel Studios and DMG Entertainment team up to shoot [w=portions]portions[/w] of "Iron Man 3" in Beijing this week.这位将和托尼斯塔克一起合作的角色是由中国明星王学圻扮演,Deadline报道了王学圻将在肖恩布莱克的第三部钢铁侠中出演新角色“吴博士。”本周王学圻将和漫威影业,DMG娱乐传媒集团团队一起完成钢铁侠3在北京的拍摄部分。

It was previously reported that Xuequi would be joining the "Iron Man" cast as Chen Lu, a scientist who [w=ultimately]ultimately[/w] becomes the [w=villainous]villainous[/w] Radioactive Man. Those reports are untrue, according to what Deadline was told; Xuequi's character "is not a huge part."早前曾有报道说王学圻在钢铁侠3中将扮演大反派陈路,原本是科学家但最终变成了大反派“辐射人。”很明显这个信息是错误的。根据Deadline的报道,学圻的戏份并不是很重。

"Iron Man 3" hits theaters on May 3, 2013.钢铁侠3将于2013年5月3日公映。

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