

 cntic 2012-12-24

简介∶从骑马大叔PSY 到Super Junior、少女时代等团体组合 的MV高点阅率、演唱会票房佳绩与各界相争模仿其热门歌曲来看, K-Pop 不仅走红韩国、日本与亚洲各地,连欧美也为之疯狂。本文带你探究这股席卷全球的K-Pop现象。

K-POP Goes Global

If you're unaware of Korean pop star PSY、s hit “Gangnam Style,” perhaps you've been living under a rock. Released in July in PSY's native South Korea, the song went insanely viral. The infectious beat and goofy dance moves have made it the most viewed YouTube video of 2012 and, incredibly, the most liked of all time. “Gangnam Style” has topped the U.K. charts and reached number two in the U.S.

The portly, comical PSY is hardly indicative of the K-pop trend, which features multi-member boy and girl bands with impeccably-choreographed dance routines, cutesy tunes, and shiny outfits. What they have in common is their method of penetrating non-Asian markets.

Part of the S.M. Entertainment label, groups like Super Junior, Girls' Generation and SHINee have scored hit after hit in Asian countries, but have struggled to scrape the charts elsewhere. Yet, they are managing to sell out venues from Germany to Chile thanks to their prominence across social media. YouTube launched a dedicated K-pop channel late last year, and S.M.'s Facebook page has the second-highest number of hits of any music label.


如果你不晓得韩国流行歌星 PSY 的热门歌曲〈江南 Style〉,或许是你一直与世隔绝。七月在 PSY 家乡南韩发表的这首歌疯狂爆红。极具感染力的节奏与逗趣的舞步使这首歌成为 YouTube 二○一二年观赏次数最多的影片,且更惊人地名列史上最受喜爱的影片。〈江南 Style〉已登上英国榜冠军以及美国榜的第二名。

胖胖且带有喜感的 PSY 不能算是 K-Pop 风潮的代表。K-Pop 以无懈可击的编舞、讨喜旋律和衣著光鲜的多人男女团员组合为特色。他们的共通之处在於打入非亚洲市场的方法。

S.M. 娱乐旗下的 Super Junior、少女时代和 SHINee 等团体在亚洲国家缔造一首接一首的畅销歌曲,在其他地区却踢到铁板。然而,由於在社群媒体的声望,他们达成从德国到智利的表演完售的成绩。YouTube 在去年底成立一个专门的韩国流行乐频道,S.M. 的脸书专页则在音乐厂牌中拥有第二高的点阅率。

2012/12/17(一) If there's anything else you need, please let me know.
2012/12/18 (二) The monthly reports are put in a binder and filed by year.
2012/12/19 (三) Please make a photocopy of your license and give it to HR.
2012/12/20(四) Please take a minute and replace the Scotch tape in the tape dispenser.
2012/12/21 (五) You may borrow the stapler after I refill it.

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