

 笑熬浆糊糊 2012-12-27

My dear [w]remaining[/w] fellow Australians, the end of the world is coming.我亲爱的仍然还活着的澳大利亚同胞们,世界末日就要来了。

It wasn’t Y2K. It wasn’t even the carbon price. It turns out that the [w]Mayan[/w] calendar was true, While Australia’s best and brightest at the CSIRO [Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation] have not been able to confirm this, I’m confident in Triple-J’s prediction that the world is about to end.这次不是千禧年危机,也不是有关碳税,看来玛雅人的年历是真的。澳大利亚最权威的联邦科学与工业研究组织还不能确认世界将要灭亡,但我相信“三J晨间秀”的预测,世界将要灭亡。

Whether the final blow comes from flesh-eating zombies, [w]demonic[/w] hell-beasts, or from the total [w]triumph[/w] of K-Pop, if you know one thing about me, it is this: I will always fight for you to the very end.不论最后的袭击是来僵尸或怪兽,还是被韩国流行音乐全面冲击,你们应该了解我的一点就是,我一定会为你们战斗到底。

And at least this means I won’t have to do Q and A again.还有,至少这意味着我将不用再去参加议会质询了。

Good luck to you all.祝你们好运!

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