

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-01-19

Men want [w=hotpant]hotpants[/w], [w=miniskirt]miniskirts[/w] and low cut tops banned from the office because they are too [w]distracting[/w], new research shows.最新研究表明,男士不想在办公室里看到热裤、迷你裙和低胸衣,因为这些会让他们分心。

A study found that at least a third of men want women stopped from wearing revealing outfits at work, with [w]skimpy[/w] shorts the first to go.一项研究发现,至少有三分之一的男人希望女人不要再穿暴露的衣服上班,首当其冲的要数轻薄短裤。

Hotpants were named by 32 per cent as unacceptable, with 30 per cent adding that anything with a [w]leopard[/w] print should be banned. See-through, or 'sheer' tops were deemed beyond the pale by 27 per cent of men, while 24 per cent named miniskirts and 22 per cent low cut tops. Meanwhile, 67 per cent of women say colleagues should be stopped from wearing tiny shorts and 52 per cent believe miniskirts are unprofessional.有32%的人认为热裤是不能接受的,另外有30%的人认为任何带有豹纹的都应该被禁止。统计结果指出,在不合时宜的女性办公室穿着中,27%的男性认为是透视装,24%的人认为是迷你裙,22%的人认为是低胸衣。与此同时,67%的女性说同事们不应该穿小短裤,52%的人认为穿迷你裙会显得不专业。

Other items of clothing to get the thumbs down, included slogan T-shirts (deemed inappropriate by 32 per cent of Brits) and novelty ties. UGG boots should be banned from the office too, according to 26 per cent, and 23 per cent want leggings shown the door.其它不被看好的服饰包括带有标语的T恤(32%的英国人认为这样的穿着不合适)和新奇的领带。26%的男性认为UGG靴子也应该在办公室里消失。23%的人认为紧身裤不应出现在办公室里。


The report also revealed that wearing different colours has an impact on how we feel.该报告还显示,不同颜色的服装会影响到我们的感受。

One in ten women (13 per cent) reveal they would reach for their best red item in order to impress in the office. And 48 per cent named a red dress as the sexiest thing they could wear. Meanwhile, a quarter (26 per cent) say a touch of red lipstick boosts their confidence.十分之一的女性(13%)透露,为了能在办公室里给人留下好印象,她们会选择优质的红色单品。48%的女性认为她们最性感的穿着是一件红色连衣裙。与此同时,四分之一(26%)的人说抹上红色唇膏会增加她们的自信。

Dr Gayle Brewer, Senior Lecturer at the UCLan School of Psychology, said: 'The clothes and colours we wear have a real impact on the way we feel and the image we project. The colour red is associated with confidence and power. It seems women are [w=don]donning[/w] their best red dresses and suits in order to make their mark at work.'中央兰开夏大学心理学院高级讲师盖尔布-鲁尔博士说:“我们穿的衣服和颜色直接影响到我们自己的感受和我们留给别人的印象。红色是和信心与力量联系在一起的。为了让工作业绩出色,女性正在尽力穿着红色连衣裙和套装。”

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