
The Key to Productivity: Its All in the Approach 高效人生的关键在于处事方法

 bjvita 2013-01-28

The Key to Productivity: Its All in the Approach

If you’ve ever watched—or played—golf, you’ll have likely noticed that golfers spend a lot more time preparing to hit the ball than they do actually hitting it. They check for environmental factors (such as wind), they swing through a few times away from the ball just so that they can work out their swing before actually hitting it, and they talk to their caddy—or to themselves—to figure out their approach. And they do all of this before stepping up to the tee to hit the ball.


Because they want to get the best results from the onset; they want to be as efficient and effective as they can from the very first shot, and they want to go as far as possible toward their goal, all in one swing. Here’s the thing: before they swing, they weigh all the factors that go into it. Some factors are within their control, such as their swing technique, and some aren’t such as natural elements like wind. All of that plays into the approach they take.

Technique can often be affected by number of factors, the first of which is continuously trying out new things. Unless you are really familiar with what you’re using, you’re going to have a tougher time getting the results that you want. Look at it this way: a golfer has a sense of what club they should use at what point in time when on the course. You should have a similar strategy when you are attacking a task, project, or goal—if you don’t, then you won’t be nearly as efficient or effective. Ideally you should use familiar tools and tricks for the greater challenges. When you want to experiment with other (or newer) tools, try them out on things that are going to be less daunting.

What about those elements that are out of our control?

You can have the best technique in the world, but when something unexpected comes along and takes you out of your rhythm, it could take that much longer for you to reach your desired outcome. If you’ve put things in place that you can rely on—such as a trusted system—then it won’t be nearly as disruptive when the unexpected strikes. You’ll be able to simply dust yourself off, pick up where you are, and move forward from there. Golfers don’t just throw in the towel when Mother Nature plays havoc with their game, and neither should you.

You need to figure out your approach when starting towards a project or goal. You can’t just go in swinging; you need to weigh all of the factors. When you do that, you’ll find you’ll get much better results out of every swing—not just your first one.
  • tee [ti:]
    n. 球座;字母T;T形物; adj. T字形的...
  • continuously [k?n'tinju?sli]
    adv. 连续不断地
  • unexpected [,?nik'spektid]
    adj. 意外的,想不到的
  • onset ['?nset, '?:n-]
    n. 开始,着手;发作;攻击,进攻
  • environmental [in,vai?r?n'ment?l]
    adj. 环境的,周围的;有关环境的
  • rhythm ['rie?m, 'riθ?m]
    n. 节奏;韵律
  • rely [ri'lai]
    vi. 依靠;信赖

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