
(月运)贝拉 2013年2月心灵占星运势 (完成)【!...

 昵称华明房产 2013-02-26



这个月的开局丰沛,然后缓缓泄劲,因为两颗重要的行星开始逆行。惯常的通告:如果可以避得开,本月最后一周不要签署合约,结婚,或是走一趟重要的旅行,但不管怎样,那甚至不在你的选择之内,因为旅行有可能是一次商务,也许最终未果 - 为了种种错误的理由!销售,商业信誉以及各项进展嘎然而止,或者至少是速度放缓,这不是进行重要面谈的时机(等一等,起码要到3月半)。




人们曾经另你失望,不过话说回来,你也曾像一节逃亡的列车,下个月将给予你一次极好的机会,与往事划清界线再度出发 - 以清新的精神面貌,充满了行动与愿望的累积(也许是与此不同的表现)。




此刻是时候重新部署,寻找“新鲜人”(在事业以及你的个人生活中),摘录下某些人的电话号码- 更精确地说,取代许多已经被注销的人物。




★★★金牛座——译者: AS











★★★双子座——译者: euphoria*









★★★巨蟹座——译者: 兔子









★★★狮子座——译者: 找到组织了

















★★★天枰座——译者: L在云间

“我总会想起年少时光……”Bee Gees一开口我们便深深被打动。那么你怎么才能去修补一颗破碎的心灵呢,你可以回忆那些过去年少的日子,----- 或者这个日子,其实就发生在几个月之前而已。


对你来说,感情总是那么的重要,你所有的思绪都围绕着它们在转。你很忧虑你没有男、女朋友,或者是担心你的那个并不是命中注定的ta,----- 除非你真的认定了就是心中的白马,否则你永远不会开心快乐。不过对你们中的大多数来说,感情可真的令人受尽折磨,你宁愿选择单身去养一只猫陪伴终身。







★★★天蝎座——译者: 周芝彤







★★★射手座——译者: 扭森森






★★★摩羯座——译者: 王小亚






★★★水瓶座——译者: clover
















It’s a month that starts off well and slowly peters out because two key planets go retrograde. The usual blurb: do not sign contracts, get married, or go on an important trip if you can avoid it in the last week, but at any rate that may not even be an option because if the latter is a business trip, that might not eventuate - and for all the wrong reasons! Sales, goodwill and progress come to a grinding halt or at the very least slow down and it’s not a time to go for that crucial interview (wait until after mid March for that).

Still you may not mind too much because the month will have “compensations”. What the Cosmos takes with one hand he gives with another and romantically and socially it should be quite palatable.

But you’ve actually got to venture outdoors for that, be sociable and put yourself “in the mix” and there’s the rub. Because before your birthday you have a lot of houses in the 12th house, the house of the subconscious and it’s often a dark, gloomy place and a period you can “lose” it.

It’s not the fiery “swing from the chandeliers” Mars-type energy, but the depressive; “open the veins” gloom and doom. Life seems confusing and it will seem harder to cope than usual (although frankly you’ve gotten pretty used to that feeling with Uranus pushing your buttons from time to time during the past couple of years!).

People have been disappointing but then again, you have been a bit of a runaway train and next month will provide you with a great opportunity to draw a line in the sand and start again - with a fresh mindset and a new arsenal of activities and aspirations (and perhaps different conduct).

So this is your “dress rehearsal” month, when you can plot and plan and germinate.

Your world IS changing and will be for the next few years and certainly has in the past two, and you can look back in wonder at your restructured life. But if it resembles more of a train wreck and carnage, than a new infrastructure, you’ve got even more thinking and strategizing to do.

Saturn has left your relationship house but during his reign he may have scattered your friends and intimates like tenpins and long standing associations have drifted away or been torn asunder. Many of you have headed down dead-end relationship alleys or relentlessly pursued pet projects that were shown to be unrealistic (not to mention horrific business dealings).

Now is the time to regroup and search for “fresh flesh” (in business and in your personal life) and fill up your little black book again - or rather replace the many crossed-out names.

It will be a lot easier and more comfortable from now on to connect with others again, and in a healthier fashion (just like in the good ol’ days).

You’re still attracting dominators and dominatrix’s and power/control situations and that won’t change. But you ability to handle it will!

It’s only one month to your birthday and that is the start of a new chapter. Courage!

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Friends (and even loved ones) have the potential to disappoint you thanks to Neptune and will run hot and cold and play with your head. The phone rings off the hook and they can’t get enough of you and then next time they cut you dead. Or it you and them against “X” and then suddenly it’s them and “X” against you! With all those planets in Pisces (including Neptune) don’t be at all surprised if someone tells you what they really think of you – in vino veritas – or some other similar tongue/heart/mind “loosener”.

At any rate the sea of faces around you (or the handful of remaining supporters) will most likely drop off or drift away. It’s not you, it’s the Cosmos and it allows for the opportunity of some very interesting and very different folk to enter into your social sphere.

Perhaps it’s jealousy (because you ARE becoming more powerful and capable) and Mars in your career and public prestige house delivered a red letter month in January. Jupiter moving forward again ensures ongoing economic success and tangible recognition of your standing. You’ve either recently made some significant achievements and if not, then you can expect some wonderful clues in your career in the first half of the month that you are now very much “on track” (and the new moon on the 9th in your career zone lights the way!). The first half of February is a “taster” and then come mid-March you’re really on your way and heading towards great things.

The past decade was probably one of the most testing career-wise of your life, but not anymore! You had the Cosmic “double whammy”, Saturn the planet of fear and caution in your house of work and Neptune the plant of deception and illusion in your house of career and you’ve had to fight hard for every penny.

It’s a wonder you’ve still got clothes on your back!

Evolved or otherwise, Taurus loves money and possession and “I have” is your moniker. Well you’re going to have a LOT - not just in February (actually it will slow down at the end of this month with the retrograde) - but at least until November you’re “in the money”.

And it’s not just about money, the things you want - that which is “precious” and important to you - are attainable. Wishes will be granted and will go a long way to extinguishing the frustrations and testing times of the past few months.

People either individually or en masse are key to your success this year but February is probably going to be your most fortuitous month in this regard, one way or another.

In fact it’s a great month across the board because Mars is driving your social and love life so at least you’ll have the money to pay for all the entertainment that you will be enjoying – giving and receiving.

If you’re single February is huge (not just because of Valentines day) but the moon in your house of love at month’s end is the stuff of Mills and Boon.

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You’ve certainly had your ups and down in your finances, your career and/or your public image and unfortunately Mercury that is your ruling planet always hits you the most when it goes retrograde (as it does in the last week). Before then, you can hold court if you want to (of course you do!) and your ability to talk your way out of a paper bag will come in handy on at least on one occasion.

Just as you think you’re out of the woods, a situation does a 360 loop and is back again on the agenda and the previous uncertainty and confusion is par for the course. Still you’re getting rather used to the climate of indecision and the “unknown” and you’re not even 100% convinced that the earth is round anymore! Hell it could be flat for all you know, because a lot of other absolutes and promises that you’ve received lately have been rescinded.

You’re still in recovery mode until mid March and then life gets back on even keel but it may be time to change your survival tools in the interim. No matter how hard you’ve pushed to achieve a certain outcome or direct the flow of events you haven’t succeeded. The regime has changed and so you need to get with the new program.

It’s “survival of the fittest” Darwinian theory in action, adapt or become obsolete.

Your star may have waned or been dinted or bruised. You may have made a mistake or behaved badly and a restoration and/or rebuild of your authority and standing may be required and so February will be a welcome era of career and image breakthroughs.

At any rate the Cosmos is ensuring that your mind is opening in new ways and that may be via a different perspective, a journey or the birth of a radical new plan (and it could be one where you simply run away). That could be literal or metaphorical but many Gems will be heading off into the sunset and tasting the fruits of freedom and exotic places that will do wonders for your self-esteem and revive your image.

The new moon will kick start this process by making your more reflective - and dare I say philosophical - but it will put you in the right headspace to ponder the state of the union and deliver insights and epiphanies.

As February ends you are literally only a couple of weeks away from closure on the past but just make sure you’re 100% comfortable as to who or what you’re signing off from.

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February is making your obsessed with money, and not just yours (but of course it’s about yours) but yours tied up with someone else’s. Maybe it’s the bank or the employer, mortgage broker, the tax office or a business partner. You could owe them or vice versa (I hope for your sake it’s the latter) but there will be talks, agreements and/or conflict (different manifestations for different circumstances, but same themes for all).

Speaking of agreements, “don’t” with Mercury retrograde – do it before or after - irrespective of how much pressure there may be brought to bear. But one proviso is that if this is an ongoing issue that harks back from yesterday and it’s broke and needs fixing, you can use the Mercury period to go back over old ground and get it right this time.

But let’s face it; you’ve been waiting for years for your finances to get on some sort of even keel so you’ve become one very patient and stoic puppy!

At any rate March is your fun month so being a tad patient in February won’t kill you (and it’s a short month to boot) so if February is ho hum or underwhelming, March certainly won’t be.

You’ll get a taster of this at months end with a romantic planetary link that is very gratifying so both money and fun are heading back your way – and about *&@# time!

For many your liberation has come at a great cost but you are freer in many ways – yes you are – and now you can start a new chapter on getting your financial foundations bedded down and secured.

Don’t overlook the fact that in many ways this is YOUR YEAR with Jupiter soon to be in your sign. so the fruits will taste especially sweet after the bitter pills you’ve had to swallow. You’re a Crab so you don’t move forward quickly and thus the rewards may not flow thick and fast, but they will flow and they will be consistent. The trickle begins now.

You’re a Cancer and should have regular periods of regeneration and re-growith so get ready to offload or re-grow your shell and start a new life chapter.

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Well I hope there are still folk to talk to as you’ve been more a fighter than a lover of late (thanks to feisty Mars) and with a bit of luck you were able to channel that aggression into the right directions, such as towards boorish folk who press your buttons (for example).

All that angst and competitiveness is exhausting and leaves little time nor energy for all the fun sports that you enjoy, such as horizontal jogging. But especially in longer-term connections, you are at loggerheads and at the very least tetchy and in disagreement over just about everything, but especially your financial and domestic infrastructure.

Your love life has been the stuff of epic tomes along the lines of Tolkien - fantasy mixed with the bizarre. Star struck lovers would be almost normal, you’ve encountered schitzo’s, had 3-month marriages, threesomes…and just about every “mix” you can possibly imagine and most likely became the butt of jokes from your peers.

Thankfully you’re on firmer ground in your love life and want the real deal now, true love (not just sex) and happily ever after. If the schizo s still around they are soon to depart but a crazy situation IS highly possible in the first couple of weeks. Folk behaving badly, being non-committal or even turncoats – so much for repaying your loyalty and support.

Yes you are dealing with people who are not quite “all there” or being unreasonable – or living in the clouds. You can “talk-the-talk” as well as the next person, (probably better) but at least you have substance to your boasts, not the pie-in-the-sky schemes that someone seems intent on pushing down your throat.

Keep the faith, stay calm and stay the course, because the very folk who are driving you around the twister now, will morph into some of your biggest supporters when the time is right – which is only a few months away.

What you are learning and observing now, whether it’s within a corporate world or at the kitchen sink, will serve you very well in a surprisingly different way by years end. Enigmatic I know, but wait and see.

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You are not in control of your own destiny this month and that’s going to drive you off your rocker or around the bend (or whatever [idiom you wish to use). For a sign that likes to micro manage their life (and the lives of others) you’re not at the steering wheel.

You’re not at the beck and call either, but somewhere uncomfortably in between.

This could be business partners, your organization, your lover, family or your spouse. It could be an “authority” that you’re dealing with from past misdeeds, but with Neptune in the picture in the relationship sector it’s most likely someone with whom you have a key relationship with. A spouse or lover may be telling you how they really feel – and that can be positive news or disastrous.

Whatever occurs you do need to become Teflon coated because there’s a bit hit coming your way, and the planetary lineup ensures that there will be more than one deep and meaningful or cruel and combative encounter going on.

If it’s someone you care about (i.e. a spouse or other intimate) don’t tune out but listen and the same actually applies in all critical conversations because something IS coming to a head and whilst you can’t predict or determine outcomes you can steer it as best you can.

But the good news is that it IS coming to a head, in other words an ending. Then life as you know it will start to resemble some normalcy that you used to enjoy only a year or two back and yes you are emerging from a very unstable and unpredictable passage.

Starting from February life will start to move forward in a positive and productive vein and it’s quite likely on an entirely different course (which of course means a return to some sense of order).

But like Gemini you are hit with Mercury retrogrades quite badly so the end of February and half of March you can just about wipe out. Little will go according to plan and then the fallback plan won’t work out and…see where I’m going with this?

Watch your back because someone IS after you, those individuals that I referred about earlier. Hopefully you’ve done nothing wrong that they can’t pin anything on you, but they do seem to want their pound of flesh! I repeat, be careful of the people around you for the next few weeks.

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“I can think of younger days”..were the first words of a great Bee Gees hit, How Do You Mend a Broken Heart and you can think of younger days when living life was “all there was” - even if they were in the past few months.

But Saturn has now left your sign and as I write these scopes (yes, late again) you will already have started seeing signs of “living life’ again” and if you’re really lucky you’ll be enjoying some of that rare commodity “fun”.

Relationships mean so much to you and much of your thought processes revolve around them. You fret that you don’t have a partner, or the right partner – that is unless you do have the right one – only then are you truly at peace and happy. But for most of you, relationships have proven such turmoil that you’ve opted for the single life with a cat.

So yippee a couple of key (and very nice planets) have joined forces to give you a bit of a romantic boost and if you’re single, chances are you won’t be at months end. Those married folk who have been having a host of domestic issues compounded by the “close” proximity of the festive season, will find that you’re enjoying each other’s company again.

Then there is that idea/project or venture that many of your sign have been trying to get “lift off” (and just about given up on), well you’ll still be tenaciously plugging away but it does seem to be more on the back burner than the front one.

It’s highly likely that it is the book you are writing, (communications figures prominently) or some publishing-related idea, education and/or travel related. And yet what you decide to keep or let go off will be the driver for what happens for the rest of the year. In fact February for all it’s retrograde “blah” at months end is really a decisive month for you and could (and will) change the course of your destiny.

What avenue you settle on, the person you link up with, and even the news you hear will set you on a different tangent. [Remember I wrote this when you look back in wonder..].

You’ll still do your usual agonizing “will I or won’t I” but it will be more a case of the other folk in your life that you’ll be wondering on for a change - and whose changes of heart and indecision will surprise and perhaps even hurt you.

Still in spite of my own mixed messages as far as February goes, you are going to see better days and although none of us can really see tomorrow, I can tell you there will be less sorrow.

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Does it feel any different having Saturn in your sign? If you’re under 30 it’s the first time, and if you’re 60 you probably don’t really care having been inured to life’s challenges. At any rate the “Saturn effect” is getting entrenched so that slightly somber or more serious mood of late is actually here to stay for a while.

This is a time when you have to step up to the plate and accept 100% responsibility for “moi” (that is you by the way, not me). Stop beating yourself up about anything that went pear shaped and instead make a real commitment to achieving something wonderful over the next couple of years.

Your career is obviously one path - the usual “business and money” route, but also family and in order to do that you have to do some fine-tuning on your self esteem that has been hammered by the 12th house transit, and offload any lingering sense of inadequacy. Project that personality and steamroller anything that gets in your way (obstacles not people!).

You can do this, by taking February OFF and leave that big task ahead of you and simply enjoy the sexual frissons and frolics that will be more plentiful (and on offer) this month.

For the committed Scorpios you will be concentrating on more banal things like your home and domestic scene and this will require a big decision (or a big change will develop here). Home does feature strongly all month, so depending on your personal circumstances you may want to make your home a lovers lair or be putting on a new room for the in-laws . Ah, the yin and the yang of life…

Still there’s enough “love energy” going around that you should all be pretty contented this month. And even if you’re still reeling from a situation from January there are enough fuzzy planets around to warm even the hardest hearts. There can be no love without forgiveness and no forgiveness without love (so if you still really can’t move on and forgive someone.. then you know what THAT means….).

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The road ahead is not exactly straightforward (or clear) at the present time and there could be a sharp angled turn at any moment or a blind spot around the corner. Who knows, you certainly don’t.

You don’t know what’s real, what’s a “maybe” and what is a sure thing. But you’re done with fretting about how much money you have in the bank or what is owed to you or whether or not you’re going to pull off that deal. No it’s more home and hearth now because it’s highly likely that your focus has been outward and literally the home fires need stoking. Or you need to address the matter of a sale or an issue with a family member – or something as mundane as repairs.

But I think it’s all about your lifestyle and living conditions and you’ll be thinking more macro such as where and in what form. Which town, country, suburb and what style of dwelling and these topics will permeate your thought process for the next couple of months!

But there is an ancillary issue here so it’s not like you can race ahead and make concrete plans, au contraire you’ve certainly got to think them out, but you’ll only be able to implement any steps one at a time. Home and career are on the same 4th/10th axis so one appears to be predicated on the other and vice versa. Neptune is not going to allow anything to be to be clear cut in this regard and of course there’s the retrograde that affects everybody…but for you there may be a second chance (and I’m thinking along the lines of the “one that got away”) or simply to revive the relationship. Or if you’ve broken up a few times and keep trying, then February is a month when it gets binned in the “too hard” basket.

Thankfully Mars will drive the “forward charge” progress at home so try and get as much done with this extra boost before he departs this sector of your chart. Whether you are trying to sell, renovate or refinance, the more you accomplish this month the easier it will be for you when the road ahead clears (and that will be known around month’s end).

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You’ve been making some really big inroads of late because that huge personal transformation that has been ongoing for a while is really starting to take hold. It was gradual but you have the confidence and a new kind of power to take on the world (or whatever it is that needs to be addressed) - and a new lifestyle, purpose or setup is very close.

This reshaped personality of yours is probably starting to grate against some of the more enduring folk in your life and how you (or they) handle that will determine outcomes. But you are determined to get your life in order (the way YOU want it to look).

This is a very positive (and affirming) month for you financially, and it’s more as a reward or as a result of your hard work that you get the extra money – and there does appear to be more. It could even be a gift but it’s validation and reward (in other words it is earned and as a result of your efforts.

For some time you’ve been tied up with someone with an underlying financial component. Perhaps a spouse has status that you’ve shared or you’re doing a job you hate that pays brilliantly or you are sacrificing your home and family life for a job. You have to ask yourself if the cost too high - and even if money and love should be as entwined to this extent – especially if you have to make sacrifices or get the short end of the stick.

At any rate you do seem to kiss and make up at the end of the month and in spite of it not being a holiday period you could be off on some trip (and during the mercury retrograde to boot!)

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Happy Birthday Aquarius and I really do mean that because you’ve had a few ups and downs lately. But as I write, I probably find you as excited as a kid in a candy store because you’ve got a zillion ideas for what you’re going to do next and how the future will look.

In fact you can hardly wait to get started!

You’ve just had Mars in your sign that gave you the impetus to get up (and out) and now you’ve got your Sun and Venus making life a whole lot sweeter and more enjoyable than it has in yonks. Now you’ve got Mars (and a host of other planets) in your money and possessions house and this seems to be directed to your lifestyle but also your home and assets.

So whilst you’ll be spending more you’ll also be restructuring and freeing up money and perhaps selling. But there is an overhanging question mark (an unknown) here to do with either your house or your business – but that will be answered or made clear shortly.

You make plans accordingly but then comes the Mercury retrograde so do not be surprised if that all changes again and in a month or so you’ve done a 360 and ended up in exactly the same position!

But as I said I do think something will be finalized or an agreement reached or an ongoing negotiation will cease – and it’s to do with money. It’s a relief, a big one, but then February is a huge respite and one that will return optimism, and the promise of a great tomorrow.

But don’t be in such a hurry, because today (and all of February in fact) is pretty spectacular - and at the very least will feel like a sabbatical from the rigors of life.

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Happy Birthday Pisces because it your birthday month also and now that all those pesky planets are out of your 12th house it will feel as if the world has been lifted from of your back (or more aptly that you have risen from the bottom of the well).

You will in fact have to wait until next month (after the Mercury retrograde) before it really gets good, I mean great, when you have a full deck on board. At the moment you only have a miserly three but this will be growing exponentially as the month progresses so you can see where all this is headed!

So you can either sit and wait for the equivalent of the lottery man to ring your doorbell OR you can figure out ways you’re going to spend it (or in your case you can figure out now what your life plans are and what you plan to achieve) ready to implement next month.

It will be a smorgasbord and in many ways a whole new year (well it IS your solar return) so figure out how the upcoming year is going to be very different than the last one.

That romance or business idea/proposal that appears to be in the picture now can certainly wait a few more weeks. You’ve got Mars on hand so you will be confident, assertive and self directing and he will give you the energy and drive to resolve any difficult issues.

The end of the month however is when you can really start to cut loose and open the champagne if you feel so inclined. I think new surroundings are not far away at all; it’s either in an entirely different locale or a new and/or improved environment (which of course could include additions!).

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