
Shoes Article Sports Chapter--Roller Skates

 LOFT生活 2013-03-12

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【 iyashi 】

Rollerblading (Roller skating), commonly known as Roller skates, also known as ice skates

Is a use of special rollerblading tools for the match competition project, also is a kind of daily leisure.

Today most skaters are mainly used roller, also known as the brush. (in-line skating enthusiasts of the sport's nickname, is derived from the skating wheels and ground friction in sounds, when colleagues also called skates "brush", according to skate on the road to "brush street"). So the inline skating has almost become the pronoun of roller skating movement.

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 【 type Term 】

1. Is the tray lined with rivet in the bottom of the ice skates, wheels with nut screw on the tray of the bearing, the complete set to sell shoelaces round;

2. Buy shoes and wheels sold separately or only rollerblading treads and stents, bought after can be installed by the athletes themselves.

In addition, from the point of the arrangement of the wheel has a single row and double row wheel roller is different, in what is now the speed skating competition, more and more using a single wheel roller skates with shoes mounted on.

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【 classification terms 1 】

Roller skating is a recreational sport, but also competitive projects, with the constant improvement of it, at present has formed a number of roller skating competitions, the Olympics have appeared the figure of roller skating.

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1. [speed roller skating]

With single row, double row rollerblading tools for the match competition project, specific project are: ChangDeSai and road race.

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2. [roller skating ball]

Appears to be a combination of ice hockey and lacrosse, and each person in the 44 m * 5 22 meters of carry on the competition site, the rules like hockey, but do not allow the body collision or block, a game for 2 ~ 3 section, each section 15 ~ 20 minutes, scoring more persons for the winner.

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3. [figure skating]

Divided into single and double roller skating dance and circular roller skating (set). According to the ease of movement, dance beautiful scale to determine the winner.

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4.] [extreme sports and skill

By using U do all kinds of thrilling action, complex tricks, it is also the most attractive in the roller skating competitions


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【 classification term 2 -- single rollerblading 】

Single row rollerblading, also known as inline rollerblading, just as its name implies, it on each shoe wheels is on a straight line, the main categories are:

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1, [leisure rollerblading]

Brake wheel size is consistent with heel and emphasizes comfort, shoes shell cannot too soft, or likely to cause an ankle sprain.

This kind of shoes of dao and shoes as a whole, the wheel should choose polyester materials, to guarantee enough flexibility and grip effect, the stand or fall of the wheel directly affect the effect and safety of movement.

Rollerblading children for such, adjustable size, there are three or four (mainstream) per shoe.

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2, [racing rollerblading]

In order to reduce the load power, and give full play to the ankle uppers are short (not card pot), shoe body adopts the whole skin.

Good racing more than rollerblading no brake head, some like water ice skates dao.

Its characteristic is the center of mass is lower, so that stability in the slide, the racing wheel lateral friction is bigger, in order to speed up. Racing rollerblading general is given priority to with 4 ~ 5 rounds of shoes.

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3, rollerblading] [skills

Also called limit rollerblading

Use lace-up add button, more so when doing stunts is not easy because the buckles to loosen and dangerous.

Less than leisure rollerblading, base to maintain a lower center of gravity, shoes shell is hard, can provide safety protection, prevent severe impact. General front distance closer, to weaken the grip, because too much grip even some complete difficult stunts. Dao central has card slot, persons possessing rod.

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4, [disciplin rollerblading]

Also known as flat shoes, it is mainly used for fancy around pile, fancy brake, FSK, etc., can also be used to brush street.

Main components with shoes, dao, wheels.

Shoes mainly consists of shoes shell, bladder, pot, shoes have a hard shell, soft soft, hard shell wearing shoes, but there is no plastic, more suitable for introduction to brake, FSK peace, semi soft shoes, soft shell has certain plasticity, with their feet better fit for a long time, most of the semi soft, soft shoes thermoplastic function (shell heating with a heat gun to shoes, make its produce deformation, carefully)

Sole plastic, fiberglass, carbon fiber are the main types of seat, the material is different, of course, price difference is very big also.

Card pot shape difference, some high-end shoes USES triangle card maker, improves the flexibility of the ankle, but there is no general card with good stability, the material is plastic, commonly triangle pot is all kinds of high strength fiber. Now shoes and all hard shell and parts of semi soft shoes has a removable liner, and the other shoes in order to lose weight, will the tank shell with shoes, not changing.

Dao is removable, adjustable, material is metal, no brakes.

Slalom shoes feature is mainly manifested on its wheels, it's a shoe on four wheels is not as big, but the middle two slightly large (generally bigger than front and diameter of 4 mm), make to with all sorts of fancy moves more flexible.

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5, [roller skating shoes]

Shoes shell to shell, dao directly bases in shell on the base of the shoe, the wheels also not the same size, but after the two wheels, before the two wheels is small, convenient and sudden acceleration.

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【 The difference between term - professional and non-professional 】

In order to limit the single rollerblading, for example:

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1, the sole of wheel.

Non-professional pulley wheel is hollow, axis holes visible rules, round bottom often are round. Professional level, on the other hand, solid wheel, wheel bottom is flat, so can bear bigger impact, do a lot of difficult jumps.

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2, whether there is a groove in central soles

The slider with a die-hard chimeric groove is used for, the professional level of pulley must be groove.

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3, the sole "beam"

Thick thick beam is professional rollerblading, "beam" of weak professional rollerblading, wear this kind of shoes should pay attention to not do jumping impact action, otherwise the shoes will fracture, produce risk.

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4, the weight of the shoes

Professional rollerblading because many parts are solid, with strong material, so the weight is heavy.

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【 Term structure】

Rollerblading is good or bad has a decisive influence to the roller skating level of play, the higher the level of the player to rollerblading request is higher.

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1, the [son] shoes

In general use way of lacing skates will better than retaining ring way;

Organic whole skating shoes than with shell covers skates to good, because a shoe-tying way and organic whole skates more will closely fit your feet and shoes, and a retaining ring way and shell with shoes and shoe covers skate shoes is not fit your feet are uncomfortable.

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2, [the dao (base)]

Aluminum alloy base is better, because aluminum alloy base is strong is not easy to deformation.

Another point worthy of note is to ask the boss of the chassis of this pair of shoes how much mm can be biggest wheels, generally is 76 mm, 80 mm can best hold the wheels, if the future can have more when you want to change the wheels.

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3, [round]

Wheels must be highly elastic wheel, can in no way is plastic (PVC material).

Generally high elastic wheel is more soft, better elastic, plastic round is hard feeling, you can try to knock on the ground to hear voice to feel, you will find that the plastic wheel is strident voice.

Wheel size can be choose according to own actual situation, some people have the misunderstanding that the bigger wheels is more good, this statement is not correct. Big wheels advantage is speed, disadvantage is the center of mass is high, quality is big, so choose the size of the wheel depends on their actual situation.

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4, [palin (bearing)]

Inline skates are now commonly used so-called 608 bearing, and of the skates with palin ABEC1 to 7 levels, the higher the level the more representative precision.

Palin is good or bad can not only according to the index of ABEC to decide, label is often greater than the difference index, general recreational skating shoes are mostly used in the common perlin ABEC3-7.

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【 maintenance term 】

Rollerblading wants to remain durable, glide smoothly and routine maintenance is the key. Maintenance mainly for the following parts:

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1, [Mr Lin (Bearing)]

Namely according to bearing, bearing after sliding over a period of time, there is easy to dirty things, influence, and bearing damage easily, want to note the following:

(1). Don't be to have a water slide, if accidentally splashed into the water, the bearing should be removed, with a dry towel to wipe clean, in case of rust.

(2). Not to slide a gravel road surface, once has the tiny grains of sand into the internal would quickly be ball bearing and eroded, leading to bearing can't normal use.

Slide (3). Every day, all the bearing will be removed, to wipe, stay dry clean on the surface of the bearing.

(4). The bearing in the use of a month later, if have sound, please professional maintenance. To a specified store, maintenance shall be conducted by professionals. Professionals must first open the bearing cover, bearing and bearing cover cook in boiling water, dirt after cooking, the bearing and the bearing cover, rinse off with clear water, then dry, add the special bearing oil, treated oil evenly between bearing grain, and then closed. Bearing such as often, in accordance with the maintenance method can greatly prolong the service life of bearing.

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2, [wheel (wheel)]

Slide because everyone in different ways, the wastage of the wheels is different, but it doesn't matter if you're playing with the slalom, speed skating stunt or wheels, the basic method of prolonging life the same.

(1). Don't slide to a sandstone or uneven places.

(2) rollerblading single foot in round 1, 3 and 2, 4 or 1, 3, 5 and 4, 2 wheel slide in a period of time after the exchange, left and right sides of the wheel was found to have worn the case, a change of each other.

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3, [screw wire]

Dry loose screws should regularly check whether, to prevent rust or fall off.

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4, [vamp]

Shoe materials used for maintenance.

(1) speed skating shoes: speed skating shoes and shoe covers, often change shoe covers can extend the life of the shoes below. Most of speed skating shoes vamp leather, leather shoes maintenance method. Often wipe or leather oil maintenance.

(2). Other footwear: shoes surface material is varied, but generally with a small brush to brush, do not wash with water.

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Roller skates don't wear, all parts should be clean, in a cool, dry, sun point-blank, avoid screw or bearing rust, cracked wheel change color and leather.

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【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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