
Red River Valley 歌词 作词:,作曲:

 埂溪书楼 2013-04-04

Red River Valley
From this valley they say you are going
I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile
For I know you are taking the sunshine
That has lighted my pathway awhile
Come and sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
But remember the Red River Valley
And the one that has loved you so true
Just remember the Red River Valley
And the one who has loved you so true

Red River Valley

From this valley
They say you are leaving.
We shall miss your bright eyes
And sweet smile,
For you take with you
All of the sunshine
That has brightened our pathway a while.

*Then come it by my side if you love me.
Do not hasten to bid me adieu.
Just remember the Red River Valley
And the cowboy that loved you so true.*

For a long time, my darling , I've waited
For the sweet words you never would say.
Now alas, all my fond hopes have vanished,
For they say that you are going away.








1.From this valley they say you are leaving.

   =They say you are leaving from this valley.
  =People say you are leaving this valley.

2.For you take with you all of the sunshine that has brightened our path way a while.

  =Because you take, when you leave, all of the sunshine
that has made our pathway bright for a period of time , take with sb. & sth: 随身带走
  例:When he left, he took with him almost everything in his office.
    brighten:使明亮、照亮。这个词的构成是形容词+en, 类似词还有darken, weaken, shorten等。

3.Do not hasten to bid me adieu..

  =Do not hurry to say farewell(goodbye) to me.
  例:He hastened to the hospital to see her.
  bid sb. adieu: bid adieu to sb.向某人道别
  make one's adieu(s):告别;辞行

4.Now alas, all my fond hopes have vanished, for theysay that you are going away.

  fond hope: 美梦;想入非非的希望
  fond: 慈爱的;深情的;溺爱的;(指愿望或抱负)不大可能实现的,想入非非的
  例:a fond look 深情的目光;
    fond parents溺爱孩子的父母;
    fond hopes of international marriage对于国际婚姻的美梦
  fond of doing sth: 喜欢做某事
  例:She is very fond of dancing.


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