

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-04-11

A new report from Deadline suggests that something unprecedented may be cooking over at The CW. Could the network renew all of its current shows?Deadline网站报道,预计CW有可能做出一个史无前例的决定——续订其在播的所有美剧。

"The Vampire Diaries," "Supernatural," and "Arrow" have already been renewed for the 2012-2013 season. With "Gossip Girl" over and "90210" ending its run this spring, The CW currently has 5 shows up for possible renewal or cancellation: "The Carrie Diaries," "Hart of Dixie," "Cult," "Beauty and the Beast," and "Nikita."现在《吸血鬼日记》《邪恶力量》《绿箭侠》已经被续订2012-2013秋季档,而《绯闻女孩》和《跨越比弗利》已经在今年春天大结局。《凯莉日记》《南国医恋》《邪恶崇拜》《美女与野兽》和《尼基塔》这5部目前还没有续订消息的美剧命运会如何?

Thanks to extremely lucrative deals with Hulu and Netflix -- not to mention impressive profits from streaming on CWTV.com and The CW app -- the network could opt to keep all of its shows going. 多亏了和视频网站Hulu和Netflix的合作带来的盈利——未提及CWTV.com和CW的APP的盈利——CW有可能会决定续订其在播的所有秋季档美剧。

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