

 七紫 2013-04-27


Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye  sculpture resin paint fish animals

新加坡的艺术家景碱液创建栩栩如生的雕塑,动物依靠油漆,树脂产生不同寻常的透视感。碱液慢慢填满碗,桶,箱交替层丙烯酸油漆和树脂,创造水生动物生活,看起来如此真实,它几乎可以通过照片。 艺术家深堀日本画家的Riusuke的特色多一点,一年前在这个博客上的技术非常相似,虽然的碱液似乎采取更进了一步,他的油漆创作从表面突出,增加了另一层维一个了不起的介质。 见得多了这一系列名为“ 活着没有呼吸 deviantART的 。 (通过伊恩·布鲁克斯 )

更新:我有艺术家,我想在这里补充一些额外的细节,这篇文章似乎得到了很多的关注。 通过电子邮件与我碱液股:

我开始了我的第一个系列,在2012年,所有的插图是“平”的深度和使用的分层树脂和丙烯酸的不同部分插图创建。 这一年,我开始对章鱼,它是纯粹的实验,我只是想看看我是否能这项技术推到一个更高的水平。 申请后直接到树脂丙烯酸涂料,我成立了一个3-D的元素在这种情况下,它是一个小卵石兰寿和章鱼。 对于乌龟,我用一个鸡蛋壳鳖甲其余的整理和丙烯酸涂料。 这里的整个想法3D效果更是给艺术作品,因此从任何角度,你可以有一个更好的视野。 我觉得还是有很多其他技术来探索。


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