
paying cash

 BY光影琉璃 2013-05-02

exactly     equals     item      television    price   husband


  When you buy something and pay for it with bills or coins, you are paying cash. If you don’t have a combination of bills and coins that exactly equals the price of the item, you may give the salesperson too much money. He or she will then give some money back to you. The money you get back is called change. Look at this example.你在购物时如果使用钞票和硬币支付,你就是在付现金。如果 你没有恰好与所购物品价格相等的钞票和硬币组合,你可以多给售货员一些钱。他/她会找给你钱的。你得到的这些返还钱就是找头。请看下面的例子。

  Your husband is buying a color television set. The total price is $244.90. he gives the salesman $250.00-two hundred-dollar bills and one fifty-dollar bill. The salesman gives him back a five-dollar bill and a dime. Your husband’s change is $5.10.

    你丈夫在买一台彩色电视机。价格是244.90美元。他给了售货员250美元——两张一百美元钞票和一张五十美元钞票。售货员返还给他一张五美元钞票 和一个一角硬币。你丈夫得到的找头是5.10美元。

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