

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-06-24

You need to make a decision today. You know it. And you probably even know your choice. Yet, it has been put off for some time.你今天需要做决定。你知道的,而且你知道你的选择。然而它已经被推迟了很久。

Not Making a Choice is a Choice不做选择也是一个选择

Recently, I was talking to a friend who passed up an opportunity to switch jobs and careers. He was not looking, but an opportunity found him to join a company he respected in a role that really excited him. Yet, he passed.最近,我与一个刚刚错失了换工作和事业机会的朋友交谈。他没有在找机会,但是一个机会找到了他,希望他加入一个公司,这个公司他很欣赏,而且职位也很诱人。然而他拒绝了。

Well, that’s not entirely accurate. He didn’t pass… he didn’t choose. He didn’t make a decision. He thought about it. He worried, mulled, pondered, and waited. He could not bring himself to an answer. The opportunity passed. The job went to someone else.好吧,这也不完全准确。他没有拒绝……他只是没有选择,他只是没有做决定。他思考了,他担心了,考虑了,衡量了,等待了。他没有给自己一个答案。机会错失了。这个工作给了别人。

“When you don’t make decisions, life will choose for you.” My friend was scared to make a change. He was afraid of making the wrong choice. He wasn’t sure of himself or the opportunity. Now, he will not know what could have happened. (Good or bad…)“如果你不做选择,生活会帮你选择。” 我的朋友害怕改变。他怕做出错误的选择。他不对自己和机会不确定。现在,他也不会知道会发生什么。(好事还是坏事呢……)

Making Decisions Makes All the Difference做决定会让一切改变

The one thing that you truly control in life is your own decisions. Make sure that you exercise your ability to choose. Otherwise, life will make those choices for you.你在生命中真正需要控制的是你自己的决定。确信你有能力来选择。否则,生活就会帮你做出选择。

Here are 10 Reasons You Need to Make a Decision Today:这里是你今天需要作出决定的十个原因:

1. You May Not Get Another Chance – Sometimes opportunity only knocks once. Don’t let an option pass you by because you don’t make a timely decision.你也许没有第二次机会——有的机会只会降临一次。不要由于没有及时作出决定而导致一个选择的错失。

2. You Can Change Your Mind – Don’t let the fear of making a wrong choice paralyze you. There are very, very few decisions in life that are not changeable. Your degree, your job, where you live, even your relationships. You can choose again.你可以改变想法——不要害怕错误的决定让你无能为力。生活中只有很少的决定不能被改变。你的学位、工作、住处,甚至你的人际关系。你可以重新选择。

3. It’s Not That Important – As well, there are very few decisions in life that are truly that important. Don’t let perceived importance scare you from choosing.没那么重要——同样的,只有很少的决定确实很重要。所以不要让想象中的重要性阻止你去做决定。

4. Not Making A Choice is a Choice – When you don’t choose for yourself, life will choose for you. Ironically, too many people make their decisions by not choosing.不做决定也是决定——当你不做决定,生活将帮你做决定。讽刺的是,太多的人由于不去选择而做出了决定。

5. A Good Decision Beats a Perfect One – A good decision now always beats a perfect one later. Don’t wait to make a choice that may pass you by.好的决定可以打败完美的决定——好的决定可以打败之后完美的决定,不要等到错失了才做决定。

6. Choosing is a Privilege – It is the one thing that you control in your life. Make sure you choose your own path.选择是一个特权——这是你生命中可以控制的一件事情,确信你选择了自己的道路。

7. Other People’s Decisions Are Not Your Own – Make your own choices. Live your own life. Otherwise, you will look back and realize that you are living someone else’s life and priorities.其他人的决定不是你自己的——做你自己的选择。过你自己的生活。否则当你回头看,你会发现自己过了别人的生活,优先考虑了别人的事情。

8. Inaction Leads to a Boring Life – Some people choose not to make decisions because they think it is easier. They tell themselves that it is less stressful if they don’t choose. This may be true, but it is also boring. It is uneventful and lazy. Be bold in your decisions and live with the good and the bad.不作为会导致无聊的生活——有的人选择不去做决定,因为他们觉得这样比较容易。他们告诉自己,如果不选择,压力就会小些。这也许是正确的,但是这样很无聊,这是平庸和懒惰的表现。对决定大胆些,并在生活中承担好的和坏的结果。

9. There is Never a Perfect Time – Don’t wait for the right time. There isn’t one. There is never a perfect time… just time.永远没有最完美的时机——不要等最好的时间。没有的。从来没有最完美的时机——只有时间。

10. Today Always Beats Tomorrow – Today is the only day you have. Tomorrow is only a promise and may never come. Dream for tomorrow, but live for today. Make your choice and do it now.今天永远会打败明天——今天是你拥有的唯一一天。明天只是一个永不会到来的承诺。活在现在,展望未来。做出选择,现在就做。

It's your choice这是你的选择

Making decisions can be the difference between a life well-lived and being driftwood on the river of life.作出决定会区分出美好的人生和浮木般的人生。

If you don’t make your own choices, then life or someone else will make them for you. Make today the day you decide.如果你不做出自己的选择,生活或者其他人会帮你选择。今天就要做出选择。

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