

 emeisnow 2013-07-15
我国香港特别行政区的(Hong Kong)的区花/市花——红花羊蹄甲(Bauhinia blakeana)
豆科/云实科 <wbr>红花羊蹄甲(Bauhinia <wbr>blakeana) 
豆科/云实科 <wbr>红花羊蹄甲(Bauhinia <wbr>blakeana)

英文名:Hong Kong Orchid Tree
拉丁名:Bauhinia blakeana Dunn
科  属:豆科/云实科  羊蹄甲属

【原产地】:原产我国香港。为Bauhinia variegata(洋紫荆、宫粉羊蹄甲) 与 Bauhinia purpurea(羊蹄甲、紫花羊蹄甲)的自然杂交种。
This tree was discovered in around 1880 near the ruins of a house on above the shore-line of western Hong Kong island near Pok Fu Lam and propagated to the formal botanical gardens in Victoria/Central. It was later named for Sir Henry Blake, British Governor of Hong Kong, from 1898 to 1903 who was a keen amateur botanist, by the man who made the first thorough scientific description of the 'Hong Kong orchid tree' S. T. Dunn, Superintendent of the Botanical and Forestry Department, who assigned it to the genus Bauhinia and named it after Blake in his paper of 1908.
【园林用途】:洋紫荆树冠雅致花大而艳丽,叶形如牛、羊之蹄甲,极为奇特,是热带、亚热带观赏树种之佳品。宜作行道树、庭荫风景树。该花单朵花4~5天,整株花期长达近半年,洋紫荆花以行道树在香港地区广为栽培,该花具有花期长,花朵大,花形美,花色鲜花香浓五大特点。现在紫荆花已成为香港市花 。

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