

 粉红色的美洲豹 2013-07-17


冠词练习题(2010-12-15 12:22:44)转载▼标签: 杂谈 

(  ) 1.______recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S .would be higher than the number of English speaker by_____ year 2090.

A. A, the  B. A, /  C. The ,/  D. The, a

(  ) 2.If you go by ______train ,you can have quite a comfortable  journey ,but make sure you get _____fast one.

    A. /, /   B./, a  C. the, a  D./,/

(  ) 3. It is often said that ____teachers have _______very easy life.

    A /,/     B. /,a     C. the,/   D. the, a

(  ) 4.I cant remember when exactly the Robinsons left _____city ,I only remember it was ______ Monday.

A. the , the  B. a ,the C. a, a D. the, a

(   ) 5.If you grow up in ______large family ,you are more likely to develop _____ability to get on well with ______others .

A. /,an the B. a, the ,/ C. the ,an ,the D. a, the ,the

(   ) 6.Mrs ,Taylor has ___8-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting –she  has won two national prizes.

A. a,  a  B. an ,the  C. an ,a  D. th

(  )7.Afetr dinner he gave Mr. Richardson ________ride to ________Capital Airport.

     A .the, a  B. a  the C. /, a  D. /, the

(  )8.On May 5,2005,at ___World Table Tennis Championship ,Kong Ling hui and WangHao

     won the gold medal in men’s with ____score of 4:1.

   A. a ,a  B. / the C. a ,/  D. the ,a

(  )9.I knew  ______John Lennon ,but not ____famous one.

    A. /,a  B. a ,the C. /,the  D. the, a

(  )10.The book tells ____life story of John Smith ,who left _______school and worked for a  newspaper at the age of 16.

  A. the, the B. a , the  C. the./ D. a,/

(  )11.When you come here for your holiday next time, don’t go to _____hotel ; I can find you ______bed in my flat.

A.  the ,a  B. the,/ C. a ,the D. a,/

(  )12.If you buy more than ten, they will knock20pence off________.

A. a price B. price   C. the price D. prices

(  )13.____on-going division between English –speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is _______major concern of the country.

A. The ,/  B. The ,a  C. An ,the  D. An,/

(  )14.When he left _____college ,he got a job as ______reporter in a newspaper office .

A. /, a   B /, the  C .a the D .the, the

(  )15The most important thing about cotton in history is ___part that it played in ____Industrial Revolution.

A. /,/  B. the,/ C. the , the D. a ,the

(  )16.While he was investigating ways t improve the telescope Newton made _______discovery which completely changed ____ man’s understanding of color.

A. a ,/  B. a ,the  C. /, the D. the ,a

(  )17.It is ___world of wonders, _____world where anything can happen.

      A. a. the B. a, a C. the, a D. /,/

(  )18.The Wilsons live in ______A-shaped house near the coast . It is _______17th century cottage.

A. the, /  B. an, the  C. /, the D. an ,a


(  )19.Tom owns ______larger collection of ______books than any other student in our class.

A. the ,/ B. a,/ C. a ,the  D. /, the

(  )20.For a long time they walked without saying ___word .Jim was the first t break _____silence.

  A. the,  a  B. a ,the  C. a ,/ D. the,/

(  )21.There was ____time _____I hated t go to school.

A. a ,that  B. a ,when  C. the ,that D. the ,when

(  )22.When you finish reading the book ,you will have ______better understanding of ______life.,

  A. a,  the  B. the .a  C. /,the  D.a,/

( )23.I earn 10dollars ____hours as ____supermarket cashier on Saturday.

A. a,  an  B. the ,a C. an ,a  D . an ,the

(  )24The sign reads “in ease of___fire ,break the glass and push _____red button”

A. /,a   B. /,the  C. the ,the  D. a ,a

(  )25.I don’t like talking on ______telephone ; I prefer writing ____letter.

A. a,  the  B. the./  C. the ,the  D. A ,/

(  )26.Jumping out of ____airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _____exciting experience.

   A. /, the   B. /, an  C. an. an D. the, the

(  )27.One way to understand thousands of new words in gain _____good knowledge of basic word formation.

A. /  B  the  C. a  D. one

(  )28.The cakes are delicious . He’d like have ______third one because _____second one is rather too small.

A. a, a  B. the .the  C. a ,the D. the ,a

(  )29.A bullet hit the solider and he was wounded in ____leg.

   A. a   B .one   C. the  D. his

(   )30.The warmth of _____sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ___wool  used.

A. the, the  B. the ,/  C. /, the  D. /,/


1A   report 可数名词, a recent report 一份近来的报告  ,是泛指;第二个空填the 表特指示2090年。

2B. by train 乘火车,by 在接交通工具类的同时,一般不接冠词,如by bike , by ship ; 根据句意第二个空应该是泛指。

3B teachers 此处用名词复数表泛指,指一切老师;have a …… life 相当于live /lead a……life 过一种、、、、、、样的生活

4D. leave the city  离开这座城市。a Monday 一个星期一,表泛指。

5.B. a large family 一个大家庭; the ability此处表泛指“与别人相处好的能力”; others其他人表泛指。

6C. have a gift for …有做、、、的天赋,相当于have a talent for.

7.B. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车,此处ride 是可数名词,表示“搭车”。

8.D. the World Table Tennis Championship是专有名词,由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般前面要加thewith  a score of ……比分是……

9.B. a John Lennon 一个叫做John Lennon的人,表泛指。

10. C  leave school 毕业

11A. go to the hotel 去旅店 ;a bed 此处表泛指,“一个地方”

12C. the price 此处表特指,“原价”。

13B.此句的意思是:在讲英语的加拿大人和讲法语的加拿大人之间的那种逐渐增长的分歧是这个国家一个主要担心的问题。第一个空用the 表特指;第二个空用a表泛指,泛指主要是担心问题中的一个。

14.A. leave college 大学毕业

15.C.the part 特指在工业革命避所起的作用;the Industrial Revolution工业革命

16.A,make a discovery 有了一个发现;mans understanding of color人类对于颜色的理解,在物主代词,名词所有格前,一般不用加冠词,man 用单数形式,前面不加冠词,可以表示“人类”。

17B. a world of wonders 一个充满奇迹的世界;第二个空a world 是前面的同位语,因此还依然用a表泛指

18.D.第一个空填an 表泛指类别。“一个A字型的小屋里”根据句意第二个句子应是对上文an shaped house 起同位语的用,进一步解释说明,所以还用a 表泛指类别。

19.B. a large collection of … 一个较大的收集……books 用复数  此处表泛指。

20.B.saying a word ,此处a word 指“一个字”;the silence 表特指此时此刻的“沉默”

21.B. a time 表示一段时间,when 引导定语从句修饰a time.

22.D.have a better understanding of ……对、、、、、有一种更好的理解。

23.D. an hour 表示“每小时”;后一空中的a表示“一个”

24.B.句中fire为不可数名词,前面不用冠词,表示类别;而the red button用于特指,区别于其他的按纽。

25.B. on the telephone 为固定用法,而第二个空中的letters 表示类别;

26.C. airplane 为可数名词,an airplane 表示泛指,而此处的experience表示“经历”,为可数名词,an exciting experience意为“一次刺激的经历”

27. C.当某些不可数抽象名词含义具体化,而被某些修饰词修饰时,前面要加不定冠词。如a betty understanding of the passage , a good knowledge of  English.


29.C本题考查习惯用法, 结构为动词+sb+介词+the +身体的某个部位。

30.B.句意为“一种毛衣的保暖性取决于所用的羊毛的种类”,此处的the sweater 不是表示特指,而是表示种类;而第二个空中的the sort of wool =the wool ,表示特指的某种。


英语定冠词练习(2010-12-15 12:24:24)转载▼标签: 杂谈 

1.—Does Jim have _______ ruler

   Yeshe has _______

   Aansome   Baone   Ca;/   Danyone

2There is _______  old bike _______ old bike is Mr Zhao's

  Aan The   BtheAn  CaThe   DtheThe

3 _______ apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay

  AThe    BA    CAn    DTwo

4.—How many books do you have

   I have _______  bookThat's _______  English book

  Aaan  Baone Conean   Doneone

5At that time Tom was _______ one-year-old baby

  Aa      Ban      Cthe      D./

6 _______ tiger is _______  China

  AThea    BAthe    CThefrom    DThethe

7We can't see _______  sun at _______  night

  Athethe  Bthe;/   Ca;/      D./;/

8 _______ useful book it is

  AWhat an    BHow a     CWhat a    DWhat

9One afternoon he found _______ handbagThere was _______ son the corner of _______  handbag

  Aaanthe     Baathe    Cananan   Dtheaa

10 _______ old lady with white hair spoke _______  English well at _______ meeting

  AAnana   BThe;/;an  CThe;/;a   DThe;/;the

11 _______ Great Wall is _______  longest wall in the world

  AAa    BThethe    CAthe    DThea

12 _______ new bridge has been built over Huangpu River

  AThea  BA;/       CAthe    DAnthe

13 _______ woman over there is _______  popular teacher in our school

  AAan   BThea      CThethe  DAthe

14He used to be _______  teacher but later he turned _______  writer

  Aaa    Bathe      C./;a     Da;/

15They made him _______  king

  Aa      Bthe      Can     D./

16His father is _______  English teacherHe works in our school

  Aa      Ban       Cthe    D./

17Is he _______  American boy

  Aan     Ba        Cone    D./

18Does Tom often play _______  football after _______  school

  A./;/  B./;the   Cthe;/   Da;/

19They passed our school _______  day before yesterday

  Aan      Bone       Ca       Dthe

20Australia is _______  English-speaking country

  Aa       Ban        Cthe     D./

21She has _______  orange skirt _______ skirt is nice

  AaThe  BanThe   CanA   DtheThe

22This is _______  appleIt's _______  big apple

  Aana   Bathe    Caan    Danthe

23Look at _______  horse over there

  Aa       Ban        Cthe      D./

24Don't play _______  basketball hereIt's dangerous

  Aa       Ban        C./       Dthe

25There is _______  old woman in the car

  A./      Bthe       Ca        Dan

26Beijing is _______  beautiful cityIt's _______  capital of China

  Aaa    Bthethe  C./;the  Dathe

27Shanghai is in _______  east of China

  A./      Ban        Ca        Dthe

28I've been a student there for nearly two and _______ half years

  Aa       Ban        Cthe      D./

29Bill is _______  English teacherHe likes playing _______  football

  Aathe  Banthe   Ca;/    Dan;/

30The museum is quite farIt will take you half _______  hour to get there by _______ bus

  Aan;/  Bana     Ca;/    D./;/





4Thethea。前两个空都是特指,故填the;后一个空中的a相当于everyeachthree times a day意为“一天三次”。

5ago out for a walk意为“出去散步”。





10aa second time意为“再一次”、“另一次”。the second time意为“第二次”。此句填a是表示动作的重复,而不能用the(表顺序)。


12The。“the +姓氏的复数”表示“一家人”或“夫妻二人”。由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加the


14The a;×;×。在球类名称前不加冠词。泛指的三餐名称前不加冠词。







22.×;×。go to school上学。by bike骑自行车。










7B。在“太阳、月亮、地球”的前面一般都加定冠词theat night“在夜晚”,注意该短语中没有冠词。



10D。第一个空填the,是特指那个“白发老太太”;第二个空不填冠词,是因为在语言名称前面一般不加冠词。English后面如有language,就得说the English language。“在会议上”应为at the meeting

11Bthe Great Wall长城。





16B17A 18Aafter school放学以后。

19Dthe day before yesterday前天。







27Din the east of在某地区(内)的东部。

28Atwo and a half years也可说成two years and a half,意思都是“两年半”。


30Ahalf an hour半小时,by bus乘公共汽车。

. Tom owns ________ larger collection of ________ books than any other student in our class.

A. the; 不填                        B. a; 不填

C. a; the                             D. 不填; the

2. For a long time they walked without saying ________ word. Jim was the first to break ________ silence.

A. the; a                              B. a; the

C. a; 不填                           D. the; 不填

3. When he left ________ college, he got a job as ________ reporter in a newspaper office.

A. 不填;a                          B. 不填;the

C. a ; the                              D. the ; the

4. If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off ________ .

A. a price                             B. price

C. the price                           D. prices

5. ________ on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is ________ major concern of the country.

A. The; 不填                         B. The; a

C. An; the                              D. An; 不填

6. The Wilsons live in ________ A-shaped house near the coast. It is --- ________ 17th century cottage.

A. the , /                                B. an, the

C. /, the                                 D. an, a

7. When you come here for your holiday next time, don’t go to ________ hotel; I can find you ________ bed in my flat.

A. the; a                                 B. the; 不填

C. a; the                                 D. a; 不填

8. When you finish reading this book, you will have ________ better understanding of ________ life. 

A. a, the                                  B. the, a

C. /, the                                   D. a, /

9. It is ________ world of wonders ________ world where anything can happen.

A. a, the                                  B. a, a

C. the, a                                  D. 不填, 不填

10. The most important thing about cotton in history is ________ part that it played in ________ Industrial Revolution.

A. 不填;不填                        B. the;不填

C. the; the                               D. a; the

11. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made ________ discover which completely changed ________ man’s understanding of colour.

A. a…不填                              B. a…the

C. 不填…the                            D. the…a

12. —I’d like ________ information about the management of your hotel, please.

—Well, you could have ________ word with the manager. He might be helpful.

A. some, a                                B. an, some

C. some, some                           D. an, a

13. Many people agree that ________ knowledge of English is a must in ________ international trade today.

A. a; /                                        B. the; an

C. the; the                                  D. /the

14. —Have you seen ________ pen? I left it here this morning.

—Is it ________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere(www.).

A. a; the                                      B. the; the

C. the; a                                      D. a; a 

15. Paper money was in ________ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in ________ thirteenth century.

A. the; 不填                                B. the; the

C. 不填; the                                D. 不填; 不填

16. Most animals have little connection with ________ animals of ________ different kind unless they kill them for food.

A. the; a                                      B. 不填; a

C. the; the                                   D. 不填; the

17. Jumping out of ________ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ________ exciting experience.

A. 不填, the                                  B. 不填, an

C. an, an                                       D. the, the

18. The sign reads “In case of ________ fire, break the glass and press ________ red button. ”

A. / ; a                                         B. / ; the

C. the; the                                    D. a; a

19. On ________ news today, there were ________ reports of heavy snow in that area.

A. the; the                                     B. the; 不填

C. 不填;不填                              D. 不填;the


1. B. 因为collection (收藏品,收集物) 是可数名词,此处为单数,又不是特指,所以用不定冠词;books是名词复数表示种类,而非特指,所以不用冠词。又如:a fine collection of paintings精美的绘画收藏品。

2. B. word (话、话语) 是可数名词,without saying a word意为没说一句话;虽然silence (沉默)是不可数名词,但此处是特指前面提到的那种沉默,所以用the

3. A. 因为school, college, university, hospital, prison, church, table, bed名词等指其用途时,不用冠词。leave college意为大学毕业。又因为表示职业或身份的单数名词前通常要用不定冠词,所以选A

4. C. price前加定冠词表特指。句意为如果你买10个以上,他们会从那个价钱中减掉20便士

5. B. 因为division后有介词短语between…and…的限制,这是特指的,所以要用the。又因为concern所关切的事解是可数名词,所以前面要用冠词。

6. D. 因为housecottage都是可数名词,且都不是特指,所以都用不定冠词。句意是威尔逊一家住在大海附近的一栋A形房子里,那是一座17世纪建的别墅

7. A. next time可知,对方这次住了旅馆,第一空的hotel就是特指这个旅馆,所以用the;第二空的单数可数名词bed不是特指的,所以用不定冠词。句意是:你下次来这里度假,就不要到这旅馆来住了,我在我的公寓里帮你弄张床。

8. D. 虽然understanding是不可数名词,但作了解、理解解时,却常常要加不定冠词(尤其是当其前有形容词修饰时),排除BC。又因为life生活、人生解,是不可数名词,不是特指,不用冠词。have a better understanding of life对生活有更深刻的理解

9. B. 虽然通常说the world,但world有定语修饰时,表示一个的世界时,要用不定冠词。题中两个world都有定语修饰,后者是前者的同位语,所以两个都用不定冠词。句意是:这是一个奇妙的世界,一个什么事都有可能发生的世界。

10. C. part后面有一定语从句修饰,是特指,用the;又因为工业革命是由普通名词构成的专有名词,所以前面也要用the

11. A. 因为discovery被发现的事物讲是可数名词,前面用不定冠词,又如,make an important discovery scientific discovery (作出重大的科学发现)man人、人类解,是既没有复数形式,也不能在前面加冠词的,understanding前又受名词所有格man’s修饰,也不能用冠词,所以第二空不用冠词。

12. Ainformation 是不可数名词,前面不用冠词,因此排除 B Dhave a word with是固定短语,意为和某人谈一下。句意为我想请你帮我看一下旅馆的管理材料好的,你可以和饭店经理谈,他会帮你的

13. A。此题考查不定冠词和不用冠词的情况。抽象名词knowledge前加不定冠词a使其具体化,a knowledge of English意为懂英语;而international trade是泛指,意为国际贸易,前面不用冠词。句意为很多人认为懂英语是当今国际贸易所必需的

14. D。此题在特定语境中考查不定冠词的用法。第一句句意为你看见一支钢笔吗?是泛指,用不定冠词。第二空是黑色的吗?不是二次提及上文的钢笔,也是泛指,故也用不定冠词。

15. C(be) in use是固定词组,意为在使用中;第二空是序数词前要加定冠词,the thirteenth century 指第13世纪。句意为十三世纪马可波罗访问中国时,中国已用纸币

16. Banimals 是名词复数表示泛指,不用冠词;kind是单数可数名词,of…kind“…种类的。根据句意多数动物与另一类的动物没有关系,除非它们以其为食。可指应用a表示泛指。

17. C。句意为从一万英尺高的飞机里跳出来是一次非常激动人心的经历airplane表泛指,以元音开头用anexperience经历讲时是可数名词,因此表示一次经历要加不定冠词。

18. Bfire泛指火灾,失火,不用冠词;red button 是特指,第二空用 the。句意为那块牌子上写着:万一失火,打碎这块玻璃,按那个红色按钮

19. B。第一空用the表示特指今日的新闻;第二空reports是复数名词表泛指,不加冠词。句意为在今天的新闻中有关于那个地区的大雪的报道

《通途英语》ATS 中考英语语法专题3---冠词练习题


1.There is _______ picture of _______ elephant on _______ wall.

 2.This is _______ useful book.I've read it for _______ hour.

 3. _______ elephant is much heavier than _______ horse.

4. _______ doctor told him to take _______ medicine three times _______ day.

5.Let's go out for _______ walk.

6.It's too hot.Open _______ doorplease.

7.There is _______ woman over there. _______ woman is Meimei's mother.

8. _______ sun rises in _______ east.

9. _______ Changjiang River is _______ longest river in _______ China.

10.Are you going to do it _______ second time?

11.Washington is _______ capital of _______ USA.

12. _______ Turners are living at the end of _______ Turner Street.

13.He joined the army in _______ spring of _______ 1995.

14. _______ old man is _______ teacher.He likes playing _______ basketball after _______ supper.

15.After I had _______ quick breakfastI hurried to school.

16.Are _______ sheep kept by _______ farmers for producing _______ wool and _______ meat? 17.They went to _______ People's Parkbut we both went to _______ People's Cinema yesterday.

18.I often watch _______ TV in _______ evening.

19. _______ day of _______ December 201999 is Monday.

20.Tomorrow is _______ Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _______ Christmas tree today.

21.I think _______ maths is more important than any other subject.

2.He often goes to _______ school by _______ bike.

23.What does this _______ word mean _______ Father?

24.What _______ important news!


1.Does Jim have _______ ruler? Yeshe has _______ . A.an;some B.a;one C.a;/ D.any;one 2.There is _______ old bike. _______ old bike is Mr Zhao's. A.an ;The B.the;An C.a;The D.the;The

3. _______ apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay. A.The B.A C.An D.Two

4.—How many books do you have? —I have _______ book.That's _______ English book. A.a;an B.a;one C.one;an D.one;one

5.At that time Tom was _______ one-year-old baby. A.a B.an C.the D./

6. _______ tiger is _______ China. A.The;a B.A;the C.The;from D.The;the

7.We can't see _______ sun at _______ night. A.the;the B.the;/ C.a;/ D./;/

8. _______ useful book it is! A.What an B.How a C.What a D.What

9.One afternoon he found _______ handbag.There was _______ “s”on the corner of _______ handbag. A.a;an;the B.a;a;the C.an;an;an D.the;a;a

10. _______ old lady with white hair spoke _______ English well at _______ meeting. A.An;an;a B.The;/;an C.The;/;a D.The;/;the

11. _______ Great Wall is _______ longest wall in the world. A.A;a B.The;the C.A;the D.The;a 12. _______ new bridge has been built over Huangpu River. A.The;a B.A;/ C.A;the D.An;the

13. _______ woman over there is _______ popular teacher in our school. A.A;an B.The;a C.The;the D.A;the

14.He used to be _______ teacher but later he turned _______ writer. A.a;a B.a;the C./;a D.a;/ 15.They made him _______ king. A.a B.the C.an D./

16.His father is _______ English teacher.He works in our school. A.a B.an C.the D./

17.Is he _______ American boy ? A.an B.a C.one D./

8.Does Tom often play _______ football after _______ school? A./;/ B./;the C.the;/ D.a;/

19.They passed our school _______ day before yesterday. A.an B.one C.a D.the

20.Australia is _______ English-speaking country. A.a B.an C.the D./

21.She has _______ orange skirt. _______ skirt is nice. A.a;The B.an;The C.an;A D.the;The 22.This is _______ apple.It's _______ big apple. A.an;a B.a;the C.a;an D.an;the

23.Look at _______ horse over there. A.a B.an C.the D./

24.Don't play _______ basketball here.It's dangerous. A.a B.an C./ D.the

25.There is _______ old woman in the car. A./ B.the C.a D.an

26.Beijing is _______ beautiful city.It's _______ capital of China. A.a;a B.the;the C./;the D.a;the 27.Shanghai is in _______ east of China. A./ B.an C.a D.the

28.I've been a student there for nearly two and _______ half years. A.a B.an C.the D./

29.Bill is _______ English teacher.He likes playing _______ football. A.a;the B.an;the C.a;/ D.an;/

 30.The museum is quite far.It will take you half _______ hour to get there by _______ bus. A.an;/ B.an;a C.a;/ D./;/ 





 4.The;the;a。前两个空都是特指故填the;后一个空中的a相当于everyeachthree times a day意为“一天三次”。

5.ago out for a walk意为“出去散步”。





10.aa second time意为“再一次”、“另一次”。the second time意为“第二次”。此句填a是表示动作的重复而不能用the(表顺序)


12.The。“the +姓氏的复数”表示“一家人”或“夫妻二人”。由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加the


 14.The a;×;×。在球类名称前不加冠词。泛指的三餐名称前不加冠词。






20 ×;a


22.×;×。go to school上学。by bike骑自行车。


24 ×。注意news是不可数名词故不能加a

II. 1.B。第一空是泛指;第二空的one是不定代词用以替代前面的ruler






7.B。在“太阳、月亮、地球”的前面一般都加定冠词the;at night“在夜晚”注意该短语中没有冠词。



10.D。第一个空填the是特指那个“白发老太太”;第二个空不填冠词是因为在语言名称前面一般不加冠词。English后面如有language就得说the English language。“在会议上”应为at the meeting

11.Bthe Great Wall长城。







18.Aafter school放学以后。

 19.Dthe day before yesterday前天。




 23.C 24.C 25.D 26.D

27.Din the east of在某地区()的东部。

28.Atwo and a half years也可说成two years and a half意思都是“两年半”。


30Ahalf an hour半小时by bus乘公共汽车。


冠词部分 1. Some people are still in ____ habit of writing silly things in ____ public places. A. the; the                    B. /; / C. the; /                      D. /; the

2. As we know, ____ knowledge is a must in ____ international trade today. A. a; /                        B. the; an C. the; the                     D. /;the

3. She is ____ newcomer to ____ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries. A. the; the                     B. the; / C. a; /                         D. a; the

4. The boy led the blind man by ____ arm to cross ____ street. A. an; the                      B. the; the C. the ; a                       D. an; a

5. Sometimes ____ weak can defeat ____ strong. A. /; /                         B. the; the C. the; a                       D. /; the

6. He is ____ younger of the two brothers.  A. a     B. the      C. /   D. one

7.     Land to ____ east of ____ Urals is call Asia.  A. the; the                      B. /; the  C. /; /                          D. the; /

8.     Take these chairs away; they are standing in ____ way.  A. one  B. a C. the D. this

 9.     Do you know ____ French for “hen”?  A. a    B. anC. the   D. /

10. I like watching ____ TV and listen to ____ radio.  A. the; the   B. /; / C. the; /   D. /; the 11. He has tried twice but is asked to have ____ third try.  A. another     B. a C. one     D. the

12. There is ____ “n” in the word “north”.  A. an   B. a C. the    D. /

13. ____ summer morning, Tom got up early and went fishing.  A. A   B. One C. The D. /

14. ____writer and ____ poet is coming to give us a talk this afternoon.  A. A; a                        B. The; the  C. The; a                      D. The; /

 15. Mr. Brown was elected ____ head of our company.  A. a  B. the C. /  D. one

16. A bookseller is ____ man who sells books.  A. one   B. theC. a    D. /

17. Jack enjoys ____ music while his brother likes to go to ____ cinema.  A. /; /                        B. the; the  C. the; /                      D. /; the

18. I usually have ____ lunch at home but yesterday I had ____ good lunch at that restaurant.

A. /; a                        B. the; /  C. the; a                      D. the; the

19. He sleeps during ____ day and works at ____ night.  A. /; the                     B. the; /  C. /; /                         D. the; /

20. ____ Jacksons have come, We can begin our party now.  A. A   B. One C. The D. /

21. ____ page of the book is missing and ____ cover is torn.  A. the; a   B. A; theC. the; the D. a; a

22. The Changjiang River is one of ____longest rivers in the world.  A. the B. aC. many  D. /

23. Your tie and mine are of ____ color.  A. same  B. /C. the   D. a

24. It’s usually hot in ____ summer here, but in ____summer of 1992 it was quite cool.  A. the; the                       B. /; /  C. the; /                         D. /; the

25. China has many beautiful ____ lakes, including ____ West Lake.  A. /; /                           B. /; the  C. the; the                       D. /; a

 26. Canada is between ____ Atlantic Ocean and ____ Pacific Ocean.  A. the; the                       B. a; a  C. the; a                         D. a; the

27. Father went to his doctor for ____ about his heart trouble.  A. advice                        B. an advice  C. advices                       D. the advice

28. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to ____ office?  A. the teacher’s                   B. the teachers’  C. teacher’s                      D. teachers’

29. Plastics is now used to take ____ of wood.  A. place                         B. a place  C. the place                      D. this place

30. Our teacher entered the classroom,____ book in ____ hand.  A. a; the                         B. the; a  C. a; a                           D. /; / 1-5  CACBB     6-10  BACCD     11-15  BABDC     16-20  CDADC   21-25  BADDB    26-30  AAACD  

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