
23 and 69 happiness 7.26

 学海过程 2013-07-26
If you are middle-aged and miserable, don't despair. Give it a decade or two and you will be feeling like a carefree young person again.
Researchers have revealed that life satisfactio peaks at 23 and 69. People in their early twenties ovverestimate their future life satisfaction by an average of around 10 percent, before the disappointments  of life kick in.
The face decades of declining expectation before hitting their lowest point in their mid-fifties, when regrets over unrealised dreams are at their greatest.此后几十年中,人们对生活的期望会越来越低,直至五十五岁左右时满意度降到最低点。Satisfaction levels finally start to rise again after 55 and peak once more at 69, according to a study by the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics.
Those ages 68 underestimate their future happiness by 4.5 percent,meaning they no longer face disappiontment, the researchers found. The findings suggest that acttress Emma ,23, should relish this year.

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